
Beach Body Ready

Everyone wants to be beach body ready, but unfortunately that’s not always the case. The good news is that it’s never too late to get started. You could be seeing a huge difference in just 30 days and have the body you want in a few months when you have the help of one of our many personal trainers. At NLF, we choose only the best personal trainers in the area to insure our clients get the result they want. We assess each person and identify their fitness needs, while listening to their goals and any special needs or limitations. That way, trainers can create a safe program that gets results fast!

If you’re like many people, trying on swimsuits can be a painful experience.

There are a lot of comedy routines about women trying on swimsuits and the disastrous results, but it’s not funny when you’re doing it in real life. It can be a horrible experience filled with embarrassment and hurtful remarks from insensitive sales people and friends. We know you want to look great and we can help. It will be hard work, but if you’re willing to give it your all, we’ll do everything to help make a beach ready body possible this summer.

What you eat makes a difference.

At NLF, we don’t give you a diet, but help you learn how to eat healthier and make lifestyle changes. Dieting doesn’t work. That’s because diets always end and then you go back to old eating habits, regaining the weight you lost and sometimes more. We show you how to make changes to your eating habits, substituting one food for another or making smarter selections. While we might give you an eating plan, it’s just to aid you until you learn all the foods that create healthy eating and lower your calorie intake. Most people find they eat more and love the change..

You need to do more than just lose weight to look great.

Some of the clients at NLF only need to lose a few pounds, but desperately need to tone their muscles to get the beach body ready look they want. Sometimes, you may not need to shed any weight at all, or even gain weight, to get the look you want to feel confident in beach wear. We help everyone. Whether you’re the guy that gets sand kicked in his face by the beach bully or the woman hiding under layers of clothing to hide the excess weight, you won’t have to face the embarrassment of being out of shape after working with us for a while.

You’ll notice a difference in how you feel. Not only does exercise and healthy eating improve your overall health, it also stimulates the production of hormones that boost your mood.

You’ll see a huge improvement in your posture after a few weeks. That not only helps make you look thinner and fitter, it also adds confidence and gives you presence.

You’ll find you love the new way of eating and never feel hungry. You can eat anywhere and still eat healthy when you know the right types of food to choose.

Not only do you deserve to look and feel great, your family deserves it too. When you’re healthy, you have more energy to enjoy time with them creating memories that last a lifetime.

Want A Flat Stomach

We work on all aspects of your fitness and a flat stomach is one of those. Exercise is one of the tools to get you there, but when combined with other tools, you’ll reach your goals faster. There are many myths about super foods that help you reach the illusive flat stomach, but weight loss and exercise are the two best methods. Here are some other ways to help shed that belly fat.

Make sure you have smaller meals more frequently.

Keeping your blood sugar level is important. It prevents your body from producing too much insulin, which occurs when your blood sugar is high. Insulin is the tool that helps your body store fat and if you’re one of the unlucky people, it’s stored around your abdomen. Eating small meals every three to four hours could be just what you need. If you’re not in a position to eat small meals, make sure you have healthy mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks.


You knew this was one of the ways to get that belly flat. Core and abdominal exercises are part of the picture, but not the complete answer. The key is not necessarily building stomach muscles, but burning the fat. Exercising also improves your posture and that can be a culprit of abdominal fat. Targeting back muscles to make them stronger helps with that. While crunches help, walking and aerobic, strength building and flexibility exercises also aid in burning the fat.

Eat healthier.

Eating healthy is the key to permanent weight loss. When you learn to make substitutions and how to choose the healthiest options at the buffet and never have to diet again. It doesn’t mean you’ll give up “forbidden” foods, but eat them far less frequently and use portion control. What you eat and when you eat plays a big role in the amount of fat you add to your body.

Not only does exercising burn calories and build muscle tissue, which uses more calories than fat tissue, it burns off the hormones of stress, including cortisol, which is linked to belly fat.

Stop smoking. One study showed smokers who quit actually had less belly fat than before they quit. Not only will you shed fat from quitting, you’ll find you’ll be more apt to exercise when you don’t become winded as quickly.

Eat plenty of fiber. Fiber helps keep everything moving right and can help prevent bloating and bulging. Drinking loads of water also helps by filling you up and acting as a diuretic.

Laugh and enjoy life. The more you laugh, the more you work your abdominal muscles. I had a client that once said she looked forward to a cold and the coughing because it tightened her stomach muscles. Trust me, laughter is better.

Spring Forward Into Fitness

You’re probably considering shedding a few extra pounds before the revealing summer clothing season begins. When you take the steps to spring forward into fitness, you’ll not only reap weight loss, you’ll have a more shapely body and get considerable health benefits in the process. Being fit doesn’t just mean exercising. It includes other things, too.

Start with a qualified assessment of your fitness level.

A personal trainer can identify not only your level of fitness, but also areas and muscle groups that require more attention. The trainer needs to know your goals and any special needs, such as physical limitations, to create a program specifically for you. Trainers also can help you with nutritional information if you need help losing/gaining weight or just want to eat healthier.

Set specific goals.

Identifying a goal is important. You can’t take a trip unless you know the starting and ending location. That’s what a goal is. It’s identifying the ultimate end of your trip. Of course, you have to know where you’re beginning. After all, doesn’t every Mapquest request for directions ask you for that? You can then create a map to help you reach your destination and know specifically if you’re heading in the right direction. As a personal trainer, I want to chart all the information on clients so I can see the amount of progress they’re making and whether we need to modify the plan to their goal.

Learn to eat healthier.

We supply great information, not diets. Information on how to make the best choices when it comes to food is always better than a diet. Diets are restrictive and require you to eat specific foods. Eating healthier gives you choices. Diets always end, whether you’ve reached your goal or you simply reached the end of your resolve. Then you go back to old eating habits that put the weight on in the first place. With information and practice of healthier eating habits, you’ll never have to diet again.

Fitness is all about feeling good. If you have back trouble or other physical limitations, often exercising can help. When it can’t, we have wellness specialists to help you.

Not only will getting fitter help you look great, it helps you live longer and healthier. One study showed that for every minute you worked out, it gave seven more minutes of a healthier longer life.

You’ll boost your brain power. Exercise helps create new neural pathways and improves cognitive thinking.

You’ll improve your emotional health too. Not only does exercise help burn off the hormones created by stress, it stimulates the brain to create ones that make you feel good.

Beach Time

If you’re dreading beach time because you don’t want to wear your swimsuit in public and simply don’t have the ambition to be active, there’s still time to change all that. We can help you get back into shape and into the fun that beach time can bring. Before you know it, you’ll be comfortable in your skimpiest swimwear and enjoying every active minute that summer brings, whether it’s going to the beach or on a long nature hike.

We’ll develop a personalized program for you.

No two people are alike and we know that. That’s one reason we assess everyone’s fitness level and make sure we know their goals and special needs. While you might not be able to do anything more than a modified push-up on bent knees, someone else who can do fingertip push-ups would find that way too easy. The plan we develop will work you hard, but still be within your abilities. As you improve, we’ll adjust that plan to get you to your beachwear goal faster.

Don’t forget to eat healthier!

Summer and healthy eating go hand in hand. Not only are most people changing to lighter weight and more revealing clothing, there’s a whole new group of fruits and vegetables from which to choose. We don’t recommend dieting. They just don’t work. It’s like trying to fake enjoyment. Sure you can do it for a while, but it’s not the way you want to live forever. Instead, we show you some great tips of what foods you should eat, substitutions you can make to lower calorie counts and foods you should avoid. You’ll not only be eating healthier, you’ll shed pounds and never have to diet again.

You attack fat two ways.

Exercising not only makes you feel good and builds energy galore, it also helps you shed pounds. It builds muscle tissue as it burns calories, too. You’ll lose weight faster once you have more muscle tissue. That’s because muscle tissue requires more calories, so effectively, you’ll be boosting your metabolism and burning more 24/7. Healthy eating also lowers your caloric intake, giving fat tissue a double whammy.

We help keep you from plateauing. That occurs when you do the same routine at each session. The body becomes more efficient and burns fewer calories. We vary the routines.

Not all exercise programs are alike. Some are more effective than others are. Our training helps us create programs that get results fast.

You’ll burn off the hormones of stress, such as cortisol, which is linked to abdominal fat. Not only will you feel better, you’re less likely to need comfort food or go through bouts of stress eating.

Your complexion will improve. Exercising sends oxygen and nutrient rich blood to all parts of your body by increasing circulation. It eliminates toxins and can help clear your complexion and/or make it look years younger.

No More Average Workouts

If you’re hoping to have the best possible results, don’t mess with average workouts or adequate trainers. You want the fastest possible results and the best possible workout available. You’ll achieve those goals when you work with our dedicated superior personal trainers. We have a strict quality assurance program to filter out and hire only the top trainers in the field. There are 30 available, each with impeccable credentials to insure you get the top workout available. Because there are 30, you’re sure to find one that suits your personality, too.

Not all exercises are equal.

Trainers know so many different exercises and workouts. They know the right exercise to use for every level of fitness and every part of the body. They also realize which ones are more effective and our trainers share only those most effective with clients. While any type of exercise will help you get fit, some help you get there faster. It’s like comparing two different flights to the same area, you’ll want to take the one that gets you there fastest if all other things are equal.

Get with a program that also helps you learn how to eat healthier.

Eating healthier isn’t the same as dieting. Diets don’t work because they always end and you go back to old habits. Instead, learning to make smarter choices when it comes to food is what our trainers teach you. It means you’ll never feel deprived, feel hungry or ever diet again. Some of the changes will be simple, such as eating brown rice instead of white rice or having healthy snacks available so you won’t reach for junk food.

The combination of a healthy diet and the best possible exercise program will change your body quickly.

We get faster results, but still within safe parameters. Our trainers know your present level of fitness and any special needs you have before he or she creates your personalized program. It will be tough, but still safely within your capabilities. You’ll be burning calories with the exercise program, while lowering your intake with healthy eating. As you build muscle tissue, you’ll burn more calories 24/7, since muscle tissue uses more calories than fat tissue does.

Don’t forget to drink loads of water. It’s an important part of your fitness program that will insure you stay healthy while you’re getting fit. Our trainers will make sure you don’t forget.

Expect to work hard. It’s not your average workout, so expect to work harder.

As your level of fitness improves, our trainer’s adjust the workout to match that improvement, so you’ll always be working your hardest.

You’ll love the difference just a few weeks makes and be motivated to continue. Our methods provide that motivation.

Love The Burn

After a few weeks of exercise, you’ll learn to love the burn. The burn means you’ve worked your muscles hard, so hard that it creates an acidic condition that creates a stinging or burning experience. It’s a gauge to judge how much energy you’ve burned and lets you know that you’ve achieved the intensity of work to get the results you want. The burn is different from pain. It can be a discomfort, but after you workout for a while, you’ll learn to find it a satisfying sign when it occurs.

When you feel the burn, you know you’ve reached your capacity.

Every time you workout, you want it to be your hardest. Working toward maximum is what you always should strive to achieve. It’s the way to maximize the benefit of every workout and the reason personal trainers constantly adjust your workout to reflect your newly achieved level of fitness. It’s a reassurance when you feel it and you’ll start to appreciate it every time you do.

Don’t mistake the burn for real pain.

It’s doubtful you’ll feel real pain if you’re doing an exercise correctly, but you might. Pain is warning sign to quit. It’s more than a burn, but a sign of injury. Once you recognize the burn, you’ll realize just how different it is from pain. If you feel pain during any exercise session, tell your trainer immediately. It can be a sign of injury and to continue the workout only exacerbates that injury.

The burn signals you’ve reached your endurance.

The burn is a sign you’re building your endurance, but not necessarily building your strength. Failure to complete reps of an increased weight indicates that. That’s why we closely watch you as you do all types of fitness exercises, from endurance and strength to flexibility and balance. We make sure your body has adequate range of motion to prevent injury and you achieve all levels of fitness.

Eating healthy should also be part of your journey to becoming fit. Whether you’re trying to lose weight, gain weight or just feel better, we can help you learn how to make smarter choices when it comes to food.

Having fun while you’re working out is important too. If you’re enjoying your time working out, you won’t focus on every ache and pain. You’ll love the people you workout with at our gym. It’s a small cohesive group that is supportive and makes working out fun.

As you start to see the changes in your body, you’ll be more motivated with each workout and look forward to the burn.

You’ll see and feel amazing results. Your energy will soar as your body gets toned and you’ll look more fabulous each week.

Be Happy-It’s Good For You

As the song says, “Don’t worry, be happy.” Did you know that happiness is good for you and it’s not about what life hands you, but what you think about life in general. If you go through life feeling cheated instead of blessed or look on the negative side, you’re sure to be unhappy. When you look at the bleak side or worry, you’re inviting unhappiness in to stay. To quote the song again, “In every life we have some trouble, When you worry you make it double, Don’t worry, be happy-it’s good for you” Okay, it’s good for you isn’t part of the song, but it should be.

Happiness can help your heart.

There have been many studies about the link between heart health and happiness, but one study published in 2010 showed a direct link to happiness and heart problems. A study of 2,000 Canadians showed that people people rated as being angry and frustrated at work later had the highest incidence of coronary disease with those who were happier having a 22 percent lower risk of having it. Other studies show that happiness also reduces stress, which also lowers the risk of heart disease.

Happiness can boost your immune system and bring other benefits.

Studies show that it can lengthen your life, boost your immune system and even help relieve aches and pains. When you’re involved in life in a positive manner, it even extends your life and will help you stay vital into your senior years. Happiness gives you the incentive to keep going, keep trying and treat yourself better, never quitting or giving up no matter what the odds because you believe in yourself and are optimistic about the outcome.

One way to lift your spirits is to exercise regularly.

Exercising burns off the hormones created by stress that can cause mental fogginess, illness and sometimes depression. It stimulates the brain to replace those hormones with ones that make you feel safe, secure and happier. You’ll feel stress disappear and your spirits lifting every time you workout. Eating healthy is another way to help you on your way to happiness. Sugary foods may provide instant energy, but it also drops just as fast as it rises and to even lower depths. That can agitate you and make you very unhappy. Eating healthy helps to stabilize your blood sugar levels.

While happiness can help relieve pain, pain relief can also help happiness. Not only do we help with pain management without the use of prescription drugs, exercising can help lower pain and even prevent it.

You’ll have more energy than ever before and be able to enjoy all the good things in life when you workout regularly and eat healthy.

Exercise aids in the getting a quality good night’s sleep and that can make your day’s less stressful and happier.

You’ll look good and feel good when you eat healthier, become fitter and exercise on a regular basis. Looking good and especially feeling good add to your happiness.

Enjoy A Healthy Valentine’s Day

The most loving gift you can give yourself or a loved one is to enjoy a healthy Valentine’s Day. You can do that by providing a path to fitness. Whether you use a personal trainer or join a group run by a personal trainer, an exercise program is a must if you want to be at your best. Don’t worry about being left behind if you’re out of shape, trainers design personalized programs. A trainer will find out if you have any special needs, such as bad knees or a back problem that might require a modification to an exercise, learn your goals and then identify your level of fitness. Only then does the trainer design a program that will challenge you, but still be within your capabilities.

If pain is a problem, the gift of good health is available.

Living with pain or existing on pain medication is no way to exist. Not only do we help you live healthier with a program of exercise, we also help people overcome the burden that pain brings into their life. We provide a healthy alternative to pain pills that won’t just mask the problem but cure it. Pain relief is one of the nicest Valentine’s Day gifts you can give to anyone, including yourself.

Eating healthier will change your life and bring a new appreciation for food.

If you’re existing on junk or highly processed foods, you’ll be amazed at how delicious real food is. Whole food, foods closest to its natural state is not only healthy and tasty, it’s also far lower in calories. Too often we consume foods out of habit or are addicted to the sugar in them that give our bodies a boost of energy and then a sudden plunge to exhaustion only to require another sugar hit. Making small changes, such as substituting an apple for a candy bar, having healthy snacks ready between meals and cooking differently can start you on the road to healthier eating.

When you combine healthy eating with a program of exercise, not only will you lose weight and keep it from returning, but also have many other benefits.

When you eat healthy, you’re giving your body all the nutrients it requires, plus also lowering your caloric intake. Regular exercise burns extra calories, while building muscle tissue that burns extra calories, essentially boosting your metabolism in the process. That means you’ll attack fat on two levels. Exercising regularly also reduces the risk of serious diseases, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis and even cancer.

When you exercise, you’ll sleep better at night. A good night’s rest has many benefits and can be a real blessing for anyone with problems sleeping.

You’ll feel fantastic with energy to spare. The body is so amazing. The more energy you use, the more you have available.

You’ll look years younger by exercising more and eating healthy. Your skin will glow, you’ll have a bounce to your step and your body will look fabulous.

Add to the gift with a simple gift of water. Water is one of the most underrated health foods available. It can help you lose weight, help cure migraines and even give you energy.

New Year Goals

At the stroke of midnight, everyone makes New Year goals, but few people carry them out. It’s time for you to be part of the few that do change their life for the better. It’s time to make some lifestyle changes that will keep you fit and healthy for the rest of your life. Lifestyle changes include everything from becoming more active and exercising regularly to quitting smoking. They also include learning to eat healthier and make smarter choices when it comes to food. Most people start with a program of regular exercise and healthier eating to prepare themselves to achieve more difficult goals, like smoking cessation.

I will help you on your quest for a healthier you.

Losing weight is often a key goal most people have. You’ll be amazed that when you combine a healthy diet with regular exercise just quickly you’ll shed weight. However, before we start any program, I have to know where you’re starting, what you want to achieve and the path to take along the way. I assess your overall fitness, including identifying all types of fitness levels, such as flexibility, strength and endurance, while also locating weaker muscle groups. Only then do I create a program that will help you reach your goals.

Nobody said getting fit will be easy.

You’ll work hard, there’s no doubt about that, but in return you’ll see results faster. There will be times you want to quit, but I’ll be there to encourage and before you know it, you’ll see the results of your labors, so you won’t need my encouragement any more. As your level of fitness improves, I’ll adjust your program to reflect that improvement so you’ll always be working your hardest.

Eating healthy isn’t dieting.

Dieting simply doesn’t work. By it’s very nature, it always ends and then you go back to the same eating habits that put on weight in the first place. Eating healthy means making smarter choices to reduce caloric intake and increase nutritional levels. It may be as simple as making food substitutions, such as yogurt dips with fresh veggies rather than sour cream ones with chips. It might mean changing the way you cook or what you order at a fast food place. People often eat the same foods out of habit, not necessarily because they love them. If you do have foods you love, you can still eat it, but in smaller, less frequent amounts.

You’ll burn off the hormones of stress when you workout. That’s a huge side benefit. It can keep you healthier, make you feel better and clear your head in the process.

You’ll sleep sounder at night when you workout. A good night’s sleep is good for both the heart and your weight. It helps keep you from grabbing sugary treats for snacks.

You’ll feel fantastic. Not only will you feel healthier, burn stress hormones, but exercise also stimulates the brain to create hormones that make you feel good.

You’ll have the strength and confidence to make other lifestyle changes. Several studies found that exercise and a healthy diet can even help people conquer addiction.

Be More Adventurous

Be More Adventurous

In order to get the most out of your life you need to be more adventurous. Having a sense of adventure doesn’t necessarily mean you go into jungles in search of the Holy grail or take risks with your health. Quite the contrary. It means you look at alternatives to solve problems, whether it’s fitness or pain, there are a lot of ways to approach the problem. If you’ve always used the same exercises for fitness, it’s time to break out of the rut. If you’re idea of coping with pain is to take pain medication, you might want to rethink that method and opt for ones that truly solve the problem rather than mask it.

Shaking up your workout program can help you shed fat faster.

There’s a reason personal trainers vary fitness programs. It’s because the body becomes efficient. Efficiency may be a good thing if you’re at work, and help you get more done while expending less energy. However, when the body does it, it means you burn fewer calories. That’s counterproductive to goals and actually causes plateauing. Trainers work you hard with a variety of exercises that not only prevent the body from becoming efficient, they take the boredom out of the workout.

If you’re dealing with pain, look beyond prescription or over the counter drugs and attack the problem at the source.

Whether it’s chiropractic care, therapeutic massage or other type of technique that deals directly with the problem. These non-invasive techniques can help you eliminate pain, not just mask it. It means you’ll be free of constant pain pills and the overwhelming exhaustion of pain. It takes a while, but well worth the effort to finally be pain free. It’s worth the effort to step out of the box and take a chance on new methods of pain control.

Eating healthier can be a great adventure.

Too often people are stuck in the same old rut when it comes to the food they eat. In many cases, these are convenience foods that are readily available, so eating them is a habit, not necessarily based on the food’s flavor. You’ll be amazed at how tasty healthy eating can be and how easy it is to eat healthy no matter where you go. It’s all about making smarter choices and becoming a bit more adventurous with your eating habits. Most people find the adventure is well worth the effort, since the food tastes good and helps you shed pounds fast without dieting.

Being adventurous with your workout or even being adventurous enough to start one can help you build energy to enjoy all that life has to offer.

A great workout can be exciting and fun. There are so many ways to approach fitness that you’ll never be bored and will look forward to going to the gym.

Watch your mood improve when you challenge your body. Not only does the workout burn hormones of stress, but also stimulates the creation of hormones that make you feel good.

Whether it’s working out, pain relief, healthy eating or any other facet of life, trying something new can create a sense of adventure that makes life worth living.