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Find A Motivational Book

motivational booksLosing weight and getting into shape can be easier if you find a motivational book to provide words of wisdom to feed your mind. Let’s face it, losing weight is like any other challenge in life. You need a goal, a plan to get their and the motivation to follow those steps daily. Tony Robbins, a motivational speaker and book writer, got into the business because he was obese in high school and decided to turn his life around. His success led him to helping others reach their goals. Good advice for success translates to every area of your life.

Create a motivational list of phrases.

Sticky notes can help you when they contain positive messages. Use a sticky note with phrases like, “Eat less sugar, you’re sweet enough,” or “Good habits are as addictive as bad habits, but so much more rewarding.” Gather your own personal favorites and write them out, then post them in appropriate places. You might put a reminder to eat healthier on the refrigerator, such as “Think skinny jeans” or use whatever motivates you to stay on track of your goals.

Create a motivational song list.

I have a client that exercises to an endless loop of “Easy Street,” a song used to torture Daryl when he was locked in a compound. It’s an extremely happy song, which makes her smile. It also drives her spouse crazy, which she says is just a bonus. She knows that 24 repetitions of the song is a 40 minute workout, so she uses it once a week to dance to 24 repetitions. In the past, she used disco favorites like “I will Survive,” “St. Elmo’s Fire–Man in Motion,” or the theme from any Rocky movie. It provides a beat for the workout and a message at the same time.

Set realistic goals.

You may want and need to lose 100 pounds, but don’t expect to do it the first few months. Setting achievable goals is important. While a huge weight loss goal can seem unattainable, breaking it down to smaller, more achievable goals can help. You’ll appreciate yourself more if you set a 10 percent weight loss goal. In this case, it would be 10 pounds, then set a reasonable time for it to happen, such as a month. As a personal trainer, I try to help clients set goals that are achievable and healthy, so they can celebrate the accomplishment.

Don’t be a perfectionist when it comes to weight loss. People who expect to be perfect often give up when they fall off the wagon and give up completely.

Phone a friend. Get a workout buddy or diet buddy you can phone when you need a boost.

Cheer for your successes, no matter how small. If you’re new to working out, it may be enduring a cardio for five minutes longer or lifting a heavier weight. Be your own cheerleader.

Change your lifestyle. Most people gain weight out of habit. A habit of eating poorly, leading a sedentary lifestyle and grabbing snacks and fast food on the go. Change your habits and change your life.

Favorite Cheat Meal

cheat meal1I have my own personal favorite cheat meal that I allow myself to indulge in periodically. I know it’s not what I recommend others to eat, but it is one I love and look forward to eating when I want a lift or just the taste of this food. For years, high calorie junk food was a treat that you only got on special occasions. Today, it’s become a way of life. For those who switched to a healthier lifestyle, a cheat meal actually can help you lose weight, while giving you a treat. One thing to remember when eating your cheat meal is that portions still count. Don’t overstuff yourself because it’s a cheat, eat normal portions.

Focus on one splurge per week.

A cheat meal isn’t a carte blanche invitation to consume everything at a buffet, but rather a chance to consume extra calories and one favorite dish you love. Take time to plan your cheat, whether it’s a treat at the end of the week of a pasta dish, a martini or two or a delectible dessert, just choose one. Planning ahead will help you resist the temptation of piling on the calories and feeding at the trough of all three of these items. It also makes the treat even more special, savoring every minute during the process of deciding how to cheat and then enjoying the bounty of your decision.

Cheat meals help you boost your metabolism.

You’ll increase your leptin levels with a cheat meal. Leptin is the hormone that tells the body it’s hungry. When it drops, the metabolism slows to prevent a calorie shortage for important functions and to save energy. The cheat meal tricks the system into believing all is well and there’s a bounty of food, so burning some extra fat is a good thing. Increasing your calorie allotment with a cheat meal once a week tricks the body and keeps your metabolism running at full speed.

Don’t eat a cheat meal when you’re starving.

You may think it’s a great idea to skip meals the day of the cheat meal, but it’s counter-productive. It encourages eating far more calories than a cheat meal should contain. Eat normal, healthy meals throughout the day and even healthy snacks so you aren’t famished. It will save you from eating all the rolls and asking the neighboring table for theirs. Cheating a bit is good, cheating a lot can set you back.

Limit your cheat meal to one per week. A little is good, a lot is not and can wipe out progress quickly.

Eat normal meals later in the day before a dinner cheat meal. It will keep you fuller so you won’t be tempted to overeat your cheat. Make sure you have a protein and high fiber veggie earlier to help slow down digestion and keep you feeling fuller for portion control.

Exercise hard the day of the cheat meal to burn glycogen reserves so it won’t store the extra calories as fat.

Sit down and savor every bite. Don’t grab your cheat meal on the run. If you’re eating out, check the menu first online to pick your favorite and don’t be tempted to go to a buffet. It’s too easy to cheat at your cheat meal there.