Are You Looking For A Mass Gain?

If you come to the gym in Irvine, CA, you know we create individualized programs to meet your needs and goals. While many people just want to be healthier, lose weight or boost their energy level, some want muscle mass gain. Working out to build bigger mass is different from working out to lose weight or getting toned and fit. You have to take in more calories than you burn to do this. While it is possible to lose weight and build muscle mass at the same time, it’s a far slower and more difficult process. Most of the time when losing weight, the goal is to maintain muscle mass.

You need the right type of food eaten to build muscle tissue.

There’s no disagreement that not only how many calories eaten, but also what type of food is important when building muscle mass. For the average person, the body has the potential to build approximately 227 grams of muscle—approximately a half a pound—every week. It takes about 250 to 500 extra calories each day to do that. Anything more than that goes to fat. That should contain one gram of protein for every pound of body weight.

When you eat makes a difference.

You should eat some lean protein approximately 15 to 20 minutes before you do your workout, during your workout or at least an hour afterward to get results. Eating a healthy breakfast, such as eggs, cottage cheese or even protein packed smoothies also helps build mass. Most trainers recommend that you eat approximately every three hours, choosing the normal breakfast, lunch and dinner, but also adding snacks in between the meals. It can help prevent overeating that builds fat, not muscle and prevent overeating or eating unhealthy food.

The way you exercise makes a huge difference.

Strength training is imperative to build muscle mass, so most people focus on weights. Focus on getting stronger by increasing weights, not on more reps. Make your workout more efficient by using compound exercises that work several muscles at once, heavy deadlifts, squats, barbell rows and overhead presses are examples. Barbell workouts trigger more muscle growth. Do strength training three times a week, making certain you give yourself time to recover with a day or two off between workouts.

  • Always start lifting light and learn the proper form before you add more weight. Proper form helps you build more muscle and avoid injury.
  • Consistency is the key. Don’t overdo one week and skip the next. It takes time to build substantial muscle tissue, so make sure your goals are real and achievable.
  • Eat a healthy diet that’s balanced, containing whole foods, including fresh fruits and vegetables and healthy fat. Make sure you drink adequate water to help muscle recovery.
  • Save carbs like whole grains for after a workout. Your personal trainer at Next Level Fitness will help you with a diet and workout routine specific to your needs.

Contact us today at Next Level Fitness

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