
Ways To Stay Fit During Quarantine

Ways To Stay Fit During Quarantine

We live in unusual times. Being quarantined might be the opportunity you’ve always wanted. In fact, even if you didn’t want an opportunity to get and stay fit during quarantine, there’s nothing else to do, so why not? Why not experiment with healthy dishes and start on a daily fitness routine. If you want the wild life, why not settle on wildlife viewing instead and go for hikes and walks in the park. Most people say that they’d get fit if they only had the time, now is the time. Even if you’re working from home, your day is cut shorter by lack of commuting and your work clothes are now workout clothes, so there’s no wasted time trying to decide what to wear.

You don’t have to have a gym, you can do bodyweight exercises.

Bodyweight exercises require no equipment, except the one you have with you at all times, your body. The good news is that it only gets stronger the more you use it and instead of wearing out. Push-ups, pull-ups, lunges and squats are just a few of the bodyweight exercises that build muscle and strength. Stretches and other types of calisthenics are great flexibility workouts.

Get your heart pumping with a HIIT—high intensity interval training—workout.

Whether you go for a walk or do calisthenics, how you do it makes a big difference in its effectiveness. HIIT workouts involve going at top intensity for a few minutes and then spending equal time or longer at a slower recovery rate. The high intensity section should boost your heart rate to 70 to 90% of maximum rate with the recovery level lowering it back to 60 to 65%. HIIT workouts get your heart in shape quicker, improves your breathing and lung function and burns tons of calories. It helps stabilize your blood pressure and level your blood sugar.

Start eating healthier and learn to cook healthier.

What a great time to opt for healthier eating. You have time at home to babysit the beef roast as it or hang around while the sprouted bread rises. Eating healthier can become an adventure that turns to an avocation or hobby. You’ll be amazed at how good healthy food tastes, especially when you made it yourself. You may even start a program of meal prep and plan meals and make them for the whole week, with some left to freeze for later, when you’re busy.

  • Just walking can improve your fitness and even your mood. Fresh air and sunshine are necessary to keep you healthy and a walk in the park or other natural setting can bring a sense of calm.
  • You can use common everyday objects to replace exercise equipment. Soup cans and detergent bottles filled with sand or water can replace weights. A broomstick can be used alone or double as a barbell with a weight added to each end, like a backpack. A milk jug can double as a kettlebell.
  • If you want to have more variety and use inexpensive equipment, try resistance bands or a stability ball. Doorway pull-up bars can also be $20 or less. Use the real stair for a stair stepper machine.
  • Create a schedule and stick with it. Not only will you get more done, you’ll be more likely to stick with a program of exercise. If you’re working at home, schedule a five-minute break every hour to get up and move, whether it’s doing jumping jacks or just walking around.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness!

Best Workouts With The Least Amount Of Time

Best Workouts With The Least Amount Of Time

Is your schedule packed? Do you wish you could get more done in the time you have available? People are always looking for ways to get more done in less time and that holds true in the exercise world, too. I often get asked for ideas for effective workouts with the least amount of time invested. At Next Level Fitness, our program is based on providing the most effective workouts that also save you time. If you’re working out on your own, here are a few ideas.

HIIT—high intensity interval training—gets results faster in a shorter session.

Everyone wants to see results and HIIT provides them. It’s all about modifying intensity. No matter what type of workout you’re doing, if you go from top speed or intensity for a few minutes, getting your heart beating hard and then take a few minutes of recovery and alternate back to top speed, you’ll be doing a HIIT workout. This type of interval training works whether you’re lifting weights, running or doing any other type of training. It burns more calorie, getting faster strength and cardio results, too.

Do a full body workout for efficiency.

It only makes sense that the more muscles you work at one time, the quicker you’ll get done. If you’re working specific muscle groups on certain days, such as leg day or arm day, consider switching to a full body workout. Exercises like planks or push-ups involve multiple muscle groups and can be modified to include muscles missed in the traditional style. You’ll burn more calories and work more muscle groups with a full body workout.

Compound exercises and more intensity also work more muscles and burn more calories.

Just like a full body workout, compound exercises doesn’t focus on isolating one muscle group but includes several joints and muscle groups. Squats are a good example of compound exercises. It works core, hamstring, glutes, quadriceps and calves. Compound exercises are normally part of a full body workout, since they work multiple muscle groups at once. When you increase intensity, you also get more benefit in less time.

  • Consider using weights. While you don’t want to do strength training every day, incorporating weights into your workout can cut your time, especially if you do the exercise in HIIT fashion.
  • Planning ahead can help save valuable time. If you have your exercises listed with tracking information, you don’t have to think about what to do next.
  • You can break it down to a few sessions. Getting some exercise in is always better than no exercise. Studies show you get as much benefit from 3 ten minute sessions, as do from a straight 30 minutes.
  • Do supersets. Supersets are a circuit of exercises done consecutively, rather than doing several sets of one and going to the next. You do a set of four to five different exercises in a row for a set, take a break and repeat.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness

How To Stay Healthy This Summer

How To Stay Healthy This Summer

The easiest way to fight any disease is to avoid getting it. That means building up the immune system and helping your body to be at its best. At Next Level Fitness in Irvine, CA, we help clients tone their body and eat healthier to improve their potential to stay healthy this summer. Not only can lifestyle changes boost the immune system, it can improve the body’s functioning to prevent serious conditions and lower the risk of injury. Even a health condition already exists, lifestyle changes can help control it better and even improve the quality of life.

You are what you eat.

That may be an old adage, but it’s still very true. What you eat makes a huge difference in how your body functions, your body composition and weight, plus how healthy you are. There are many processed foods on the market that contain man-made ingredients the body was never created to digest. Other food contain a high calorie count, but don’t provide the nutrients you need to keep your body functioning properly. The leading cause of preventable death is obesity. It can lead to high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, kidney disease and even certain types of cancer.

Get regular exercise.

Getting the right type and amount of exercise is extremely important to your overall health and well being. You need a program designed to work all parts of the body that includes all types of fitness, strength, flexibility, endurance and balance. It is amazing how the body adapts and becomes stronger the more you work out. Exercise helps stimulate changes that protect you right down to the cellular level. For instance, exercise boosts the body’s creation of antioxidants that protects the cells and lengthens telomeres that prevent the chromosomes. Regular exercise lowers the risk of osteoporosis, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and keeps you feeling your best.

Stick to a regular schedule of sleep.

Good sleep hygiene has more benefits than just keeping you alert and focused during the day. It helps improve heart health, prevents some types of cancer, reduces stress and inflammation and can even help you control your weight. Studies show that lack of sleep can stimulate the production of ghrelin, the hormone that makes you feel hungry. It also suppresses the production of the hormone leptin that tells your brain when your body has had enough to eat. When you’re tired, you’re also more apt to go for sugary treats to boost your energy level, as well.

  • Get adequate sunshine. Getting out in the sun can boost your immune system in several ways. It reduces stress, increases the creation of vitamin D, improves sleep and your mood. You can get too much of a good thing, so apply protection to avoid overexposure.
  • Hydrate often. The heat of the summer helps remind you to drink more water, but get into the habit of doing it all year. Lack of hydration can lead to serious conditions. Dehydration can even mimic dementia in seniors.
  • Enjoy Mother Nature, but do it safely. Going to parks and green areas renews the soul. It can help lower blood pressure, reduce stress, improve mental health and even improve memory.
  • You can get too much of a good thing. Getting outside is important, but on extremely hot days, can overwhelm you quickly and cause heat stroke or heat exhaustion. Early morning or evening are the best time to go outside on hot days.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness

How Important Is A Regular Exercise Schedule?

How Important Is A Regular Exercise Schedule?

If you want to be successful and finally stick with your exercise regimen, one technique that can help is a regular exercise schedule. How many times have you had a busy day and decided you’d go workout later, only to end the day without ever making it to the gym? That’s what happens when you decide you’ll find the time later, rather than putting it on your schedule and making your workout a specific time. It makes working out a low priority, when it should be at the top of your list.

You schedule a visit to the doctor.

There’s a lot of reasons for scheduling. Just like any doctor’s visit, you work around that appointment when you’re adding other things to your schedule. Exercising on a regular basis can actually reduce the number of doctor visits later and keep you healthier. It can help regulate your blood pressure, reduce the potential for insulin resistance and ultimately for diabetes, reduce stress and boost your immune system. Those are some pretty impressive health benefits and that’s just a few of the many.

When you schedule your workout, you tend to increase your commitment.

Scheduling your workout and consistently following through makes it a routine part of the day. Imagine how you’d feel if you left the house without brushing your teeth, washing your face or putting on your make-up. It gives you that nagging feeling something is amiss, since it’s ingrained in your daily routine. That provides a routine and most people function better with a routine.

You’ll develop a more balanced routine and include rest days.

When you have a workout scheduled regularly, you’ll be more likely to create a schedule that either includes alternating days for various muscle groups, such as leg day or upper body day, or varying the type of exercise, such as strength building one day, with endurance training another. You’ll also ensure you have a balance of physical activity, taking a day to rest between workouts. You might exercise daily, but alternate between a tough workout at the gym and walking.

  • When you go to the gym at a specific time, you’re more apt to workout with the same people each time. That can give it a social aspect that not only makes it more fun, improves your potential for going.
  • Scheduling your workout leads to tracking your workout. It doesn’t have to be complicated. Just noting the number of reps and sets you did or the amount of weight lifted gives you a better idea of your progress.
  • When you schedule your workouts, you’ll make it even easier to go. If you pack a lunch for work the night before, you’ll pack your gym clothes for the next day. It helps you prepare better for the day.
  • Adding your workout to your schedule makes it important to you. Just the act of scheduling places a certain amount of importance to any act.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness

It Might Be Time To Start Food Journaling

It Might Be Time To Start Food Journaling

Food journaling is nothing more than writing down information about what you eat and when you eat. It can reveal a lot of information that might otherwise be missed. How often do you mindlessly eat something, barely being aware that you put it in your mouth or felt sick or bloated frequently? Food journaling can not only help you count calories, but also tell you when you eat the most and based on how you do it, the stimulus that made you overeat.

Recording as much information as possible will help you learn more about yourself and your eating habits.

Recording the time of day, the circumstances, what you ate and your location will give you insight later into a pattern of eating that you may have. If you have a habit of grabbing a few pieces of candy from the dish, either avoid that dish, find a substitute or replace that habit. Do you find yourself literally eating your emotions? Maybe it’s time to learn a better way to deal with them. Learning healthy habits includes learning more about yourself.

If you feel sick all the time, maybe it’s what you eat.

There are many reasons to keep a food diary, one of them is to help solve digestive problems. Keeping a food journal can help you do it. It should be used in conjunction with an elimination diet to help isolate the offending food. Sometimes, it’s easy, like dairy or gluten. Sometimes, its a little more difficult. Sometimes, this simple step can help you avoid many doctor’s visits and tons of unnecessary medication that also has side effects.

Before you start journaling, learn about portion size.

Portion control is probably one of the most elusive, yet necessary things you have to learn when you’re trying to eat healthier. We now have so many choices of food to consume. While you might think that just a few chips aren’t going to hurt, check the serving size and see if you can stop at the serving size, which varies by the chip, but is between 10 and 18 chips. You might not think you’re overeating, but often you are. One area where serving size often doesn’t count is vegetables. In the case of most vegetables, without added sauces, you can often liberally eat them.

  • Food journaling can be even easier with SmartPhones. You can use a memo screen, take a video or voice recording at each meal and transfer the information later.
  • Food journaling can help you be more mindful of what you eat and even whether you really like the food. It helps if you add a note whether it satisfied you or whether you enjoyed eating it.
  • A study found that those who used journaling for three months, compared to those who didn’t, actually lost weight without dieting.
  • You’ll not only learn the number of calories and servings you eat, but also the type of food you eat most often. Food journaling can also help identify places you need to increase nutritional intake.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness

Eat Healthier And Save Money With In-Season Fruits & Vegetables

Eat Healthier And Save Money With In-Season Fruits & Vegetables

Do you want to eat healthier, but also want to save money? Consider opting for in-season fruits and vegetables. In fact, you can probably get many of these from local farmers and benefit yourself, but also your local economy. No matter what season you choose, there’s something delicious and healthy being grown in Irvine, CA. Some food, like beets and cabbage, are in season in all months. Beets are especially good for you and some people call them superfood, because of all the nutrients. Both are inexpensive and provide a great start to many tasty dishes.

You always think of fresh fruit and vegetables in the summer.

Summer is the perfect time to start a plan for healthy eating. Not only is there an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, many of the dishes are no cook or require minimal cooking. Fresh tomatoes and leafy greens allow you to get creative. Make a BLT salad or use eggplant to create lasagna noodle slices. Marinate and grill the fresh veggies. Create your own brand of salad dressing that’s rich and creamy by blending in avocado chunks until smooth. The best ever is spaghetti squash that provides a great base for a tomato, green pepper, onion and mushroom sauce. Remove the skins from the tomato and boil it all together. Scoop seeds from the tomato if you choose.

Winter and fall add more choices to your healthy eating list.

Sweet potatoes and late season spaghetti squash start my list, but the fall has so much more to offer. Cabbage, carrots and eggplant are also good choices that are versatile and inexpensive. Eggplants are often overlooked, but they’re high in nutrients, antioxidants and fiber, which make them an excellent selection for weight loss. They also can help prevent cancer and aid in blood sugar control. Eggplant can be grilled, sautéed, baked or roasted with just a bit of olive oil and some seasoning. It can substitute for thick noodles in dishes.

Spring is so renewing and so are the fruits and vegetables.

Asparagus is my favorite and quite abundant in the spring. You’ll find that January through April. These tasty stems add so much to a meal. They’re great when grilled. Create a marinade. Marinade shrimp and asparagus together and then grill. Top a salad with the mixture and you have a meal fit for a king that doesn’t contain a lot of calories.

  • Make using tomatoes last longer and easier to use. If you have an abundance of tomatoes, wash them thoroughly, cut off the stem end, remove the seeds if you choose and freeze on a tray then transfer to a bag. When ready to use, just rinse them under hot water and the skins come off easily.
  • Don’t forget to save money and freeze any extra fruits and vegetables. You can also freeze herbs and have fresh ones ready at your fingertips. Just pack an ice cube tray with herbs, cover with a little water and freeze. Transfer to a plastic bag when frozen, for use later.
  • Salads are always a favorite way to use fresh fruits and vegetables. For added protein, include walnuts. Fruit added to green salads also perk up the taste and create a symphony of flavor.
  • While organic fruits and vegetables are always the best to choose, check out the Dirty Dozen and the Clean Fifteen. You don’t have to use organic when you choose from the clean fifteen, since they’re low in pesticides regardless of how they’re raised.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness

Save Money & Eat Healthier By Packing a Lunch

Save Money & Eat Healthier By Packing a Lunch

Do you grab some carryout at noon or rush to the local food vendor? That can get expensive for both your health and your pocketbook. There’s a lot of reasons to eat healthier, but often people think that’s too expensive. They’re wrong, you can save money by packing a lunch and making that food healthy. When you pack a lunch, you have control over the food you take and the ingredients in it. Whether you’re creating a sack lunch for children or taking your lunch to work, there are healthy options.

Include healthy fat as part of your lunch.

Those fries or other deep fried foods aren’t part of the healthy fat group. However, whole eggs, cheese, avocado, salmon or sardines and seeds, such as pumpkin seeds contain healthy fat. Without including healthy fat, you can’t absorb fat soluble vitamins, like A, E, K and D. You’ll feel fuller longer, too. Make a nut butter and apple sandwiches, a bag of raw nuts, which include walnuts, almonds and pecans.

Include a high quality protein in your lunch.

Having a lunch that’s easy to grab in the morning and takes little time or effort is also important. You can do that with salads. Use leftover meat or protein to create the salad. If you have chicken, it’s ideal for an Asian wrap. Use your favorite vegetables and fruits. Chop celery, shred carrots, finely chop cabbage, green onions and sliver almonds. You can add other ingredients, too. For instance, Mandarin oranges in their own juice is a delicious addition. Mix with salt and pepper and Asian salad dressing, which you can make with rice vinegar, soy, sesame seeds, brown sugar, fresh grated ginger, garlic and sesame oil. Use low sodium soy if you want it to be healthier. Put the mix in a jar and when you’re ready to use, put a few Bibb lettuce leaves on a tortilla shell and fill the lettuce with the Asian salad and wrap. Serve with an apple, applesauce, other fresh fruit or vegetable.

You need complex carbohydrates in your lunch.

Whole grains, beans, whole fruits, vegetables and pasta are a few complex carbs that digest more slowly to keep your blood sugar level and you feeling fuller. Make a black bean, corn and salsa salad to serve with berries, bananas, fresh veggies and dip and a hard boiled egg. Stuff an avocado with chicken salad or grind the chicken and ingredients smooth and use the “salad” as a dip for crackers or rolled in a large leaf of lettuce and made into a wrap.

  • Reinvent your leftovers. Chop lean beef, chicken or use shrimp or other seafood to create new salads like the Asian salad. Mix cherry tomatoes, cubed avocados, leftover corn, grated feta, and a mixture of your favorite dressing, such as basil, balsamic vinegar, olive oil, salt, pepper and cumin.
  • Your brown bag lunch should have at least two servings of vegetables. Side salads, such as pea or bean salad, veggies and dip, even homemade vegetable soup in a thermos or readable container can be great additions.
  • Don’t let that rice from the night before go to waste. It’s a great starter for a salad and you can add any type of vegetable and it’s good. Just toss it with dressing.
  • Get creative when it comes to ease and sneaking in a few more vegetables. Consider broccoli nuggets or veggie muffins or mini veggie quiche. Mini veggie muffins are a good addition to all meals and a large batch can be made at once.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness

Staying Healthy During A Crisis

Staying Healthy During A Crisis

Whether you have your own personal crisis in Irvine, CA, or a nationwide crisis like the pandemic, one thing is certain, staying healthy will help you navigate the pitfalls more successfully. Some common effects on stress include chest pain, stomach problems, headache, fatigue and a lowered immune system. It can cause lack of motivation, restlessness, anxiety or depression and lead to heavy alcohol or drug misuse, social isolation or even overeating. You can see why avoiding stress is part of staying healthy.

Exercise will help keep you healthy and deal with stress.

You don’t have to exercise a long time, just work out long, just a half hour a day or two and a half hours a week. It can be as simple as a brisk walk. If you want to be more vigorous, such as a high intensity interval training session, a vigorous workout at the gym, jogging or swimming laps, you can cut that amount of weekly time in half and still get the benefits of the workout. Exercising regularly lowers the risk of heart disease, helps you shed unwanted pounds, reduces the risk of diabetes by aiding in blood sugar management, strengthens bones and muscles, improves your mind and your mood and helps lower the risk of cancer.

During a crisis, keep your immune system in good repair with a healthy diet.

You can start by increasing the amount of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet and eliminating processed food or food with added sugar. You don’t have to spend a lot of money if fresh veggies and fruit aren’t in your budget, frozen ones are just as good and sometimes even have more nutrients because they’re picked at their ripest and immediately frozen. Have a meatless Monday and get plenty of fiber in the process. Rice and beans provide all the protein you need and can help keep the budget in line.

Take time to relax and rest your brain.

One of the hardest things to do is tame your brain during a time of crisis, but it’s also one of the most important things to do at that time. Learn deep breathing techniques, meditation or other relaxation techniques and make time to practice at least once a day. An attitude of gratitude is also important, not just for your mental health, but also for your physical health. Taking an inventory of all the good in your life, will help put the crisis in perspective.

  • Getting adequate sleep can help you function better in a crisis and is good for your health. If you have problems sleeping, consider working out regularly. It’s known to help people with insomnia.
  • Being social may not seem possible, but it is. It doesn’t mean you go out on the town, just keep in touch with dear friends and family. Spend a few minutes a day talking via phone or in person can be just the medicine you need.
  • Stay hydrated. Make it a habit to carry a bottle of water with you and sip on it throughout the day. It’s even more important in the winter, when the air inside is dry. You’ll be amazed at how water can perk you up more than a cup of coffee.
  • Don’t panic. Help keep yourself in line with a schedule that you stick with throughout the crisis. Some routines should stay in place. Get up and go to bed at the same time each day. Eat meals, exercise and practice the same hygiene. Having a sense of order in your life helps you stay calm in a crisis.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness

Easy Breakfast Sandwiches

Easy Breakfast Sandwiches

You may know that a healthy breakfast will get you off to a good start, but taking the time to make it doesn’t quite fit in your schedule. Well here’s a great idea. Make those breakfasts ahead and even eat them on the run. It’s time to bypass that donut and get some healthy meals to start the day, without taking a lot of time for preparation. Here are some easy breakfast sandwiches you can freeze and eat later. Just prep them on the weekend and enjoy them the entire week.

Start with the basics.

You need some type of bread, eggs, vegetables, chicken or turkey and cheese. The bread can be your choice. Top choices include whole grain or sourdough English muffins or their bread counterpart, flax bread, oat bread or sprouted bread. Eggs will be your protein, but you can also add chicken or turkey and cheese if you want. Saute your vegetables first and then add them to the scrambled egg mix. You can increase the veggies to your morning meal by topping with a tomato, greens or onion after you heat it in the microwave and are ready to eat.

Make a basic egg mixture.

Start by preheating your oven to 375 F. Use cooking spray on a 9X13 pan. Mix eight large eggs or if you’re cutting back on fat, six large eggs and four whites of large eggs. In a large pan, put a tablespoon of olive oil, heat and saute a small onion diced, a cup of broccoli, a cup of slice mushrooms, two cups of chopped spinach, a clove of garlic, black pepper and salt to taste. You can substitute other vegetables, such as red bell pepper. When cooked, add to egg mixture and pour in a large square pan, cooking for 20-30 minutes. Cut the eggs in squares to put on the bun or use a glass to cut circles for a more finished appearance.

Finish the sandwich and freeze.

The egg mixture makes six sandwiches. Use any type of bun or bread you want. I prefer sour dough English muffins, but the choice is yours. Put a square or round of the egg mixture on, top with a slice of chicken or turkey or some cheddar cheese if you like. Put the top on the sandwich, wrap it in tinfoil and store in an airtight container. You can freeze the sandwiches or store in the refrigerator in an air tight container for the next morning or later that day. When ready to serve from the freezer, remove the foil, put on a microwave safe plate and cover with a paper towel, heat for 60-90 seconds until the cheese melts.

  • When you reheat the breakfast sandwich, save the tinfoil. Rewrap the sandwich with it to eat on the run.
  • When sautéing vegetables, do the onions first. If you’re adding kale, pepper or spinach, cook it separately to avoid “steaming” the other vegetables with their water contents.
  • Keep your breakfast sandwiches healthy. Avoid processed cheese, use real cheese. Try some chicken sausage that’s organic and low sodium.
  • For variety, you can use whole wheat pita bread or make a breakfast burrito. Add your favorite topping after you warm the sandwich, such as lettuce, raw spinach, tomato, or avocado.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness

Is Your BMI Really A Good Measure Of Your Health

Is Your BMI Really A Good Measure Of Your Health

What is your BMI—body mass index? It’s just one measure of your health. It uses both height and weight to calculate a number that is used with a chart to predict your overall health and whether you’re underweight or overweight. It replaced those charts that used to show the ideal weight and gave a better picture of your overall health that’s expressed with just one number. For example, if you’re a woman who is 5’6″ and you weighed 120 pounds, you’d be on the low end of normal. If you lost six pounds, you’d be underweight. You’d have to gain 35 pounds to inch your way into overweight. There are several online BMI calculators that you can use.

It’s not a perfect measure.

When something is as simple as a BMI calculator, it’s not always the most accurate. It simply indicates that it’s time to take a deeper look to ensure something isn’t wrong. For instance, you might be that 5’6″ person that weighs 160 pounds, putting you in the overweight group, but you have tons of muscle tissue, which weighs more per cubic inch than fat tissue does. Even though the BMI is higher, the reason they’re weight is higher makes them healthier. Not only does a high a mount of muscle mass throw off the charts, so does pregnancy. The charts aren’t very accurate for elderly or children, either.

What tracking your BMI can do for you.

While a higher BMI isn’t the perfect measure, a high BMI can indicate a potential for developing certain conditions like, diabetes, arthritis, colon-breast-or prostate cancer, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, liver disease and sleep apnea, especially when it’s high. A noticeable change in BMI from one doctors visit to the next, whether it’s weight gained or lost, is also something to investigate if it’s not a planned weight loss and there’s no healthy reason for it.

New research shows that BMI isn’t the best indicator or very useful for cardiac health.

The study looked at a group of individuals and found a high BMI didn’t predict good cardiometabolic profile. That means they had normal blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Of those in the group with normal BMI, about a third had unhealthy cardiometabolic measures. While this may seem damning to the use of BMI, it isn’t. No one test or set of numbers is adequate to look at every aspect of health. That has always been a constant.

  • While the latest study identified that the BMI was flawed when it came to measuring cardiometabolic health, it did not consider using the BMI to measure for potential arthritis or liver disease.
  • BMI can be a good guide if you’re obese and trying to shed extra pounds. Combine its use with a tape measure and measure your circumference, too. That’s especially important not only for weight loss, but also exercise.
  • Your frame size also plays an important role in whether you’re underweight, normal, overweight or obese. The larger your frame size, the more you’ll tend to weigh, even if you have no body fat.
  • To see the fallacy of just using BMI, consider NFL quarterback who has a BMI that’s called obese. However, if a sedentary person had the same weight and height as Tom Brady, they would be obese.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness