
Are Teenagers' Nutritional Needs Different From Adults?

Are Teenagers’ Nutritional Needs Different From Adults?

If you have a teenager, you probably already know how difficult it is to ensure they get proper nutrition. They seem to be constantly on the go, often skipping meals and replacing them with snacks and junk food. It’s even harder when you consider that teens have different nutritional requirements than adults and even from those when they were young children. Their bodies are changing, and they require a balanced diet to ensure a healthy adulthood by providing the support necessary for a healthy growing body and cognitive development.

Teens are going through many changes, including puberty.

Teens undergo significant changes affecting both the body and cognitive functioning. Growth is taking place, which takes more energy. That means teens may need a diet higher in protein, vitamins, and minerals, besides the increase in calories to fuel their higher metabolism. Bone development requires calcium, vitamins K and D, and other changes require a diet higher in B12. Muscle development requires more protein.

Make sure your teen gets adequate omega-3 fatty acids.

Most people probably lack adequate omega-3 in their diet. That can lead to heart disease and a host of health issues. Studies show that low levels of omega-3 fatty acids can lead to ADHD, depression, asthma and increase the risk of diabetes for individuals already at high risk. Studies linking omega-3 fatty acids to mental health have shown that increasing omega-3 reduced the incidence of violent behavior, bipolar disorder, and depression. Adding fish to the diet once a week and having walnuts for snacks can boost the omega-3 in the diet.

Focus on whole foods, but make sure there’s adequate energy provided.

While you might need to stick with a lower-calorie diet, your teen might need to eat more. That’s because of metabolism and level of activity. Most teens are far more active than their parents. If they aren’t, find a way to encourage activity. Each child is unique, so what applies to one, doesn’t always apply to all. A teenage girl requires more iron than a teenage boy, for instance. Ensure they have more iron-rich food like spinach, broccoli, and poultry. Teens generally require more B vitamins for good health. These include folic acid, riboflavin, thiamine, and niacin for a functioning brain and nervous system.

  • No matter what the age of your child, they learn what they live. You need to provide a healthy food environment based on whole foods, especially fruits, vegetables, and a lean protein source.
  • Increased riboflavin can help improve energy production, just as niacin does. Niacin also can boost skin health. Thiamin aids in muscle and nerve functions.
  • A lot of brain development takes place during the teen years. A healthy diet should include nutrients like folic acid, zinc, and iron for improved concentration and memory.
  • Don’t forget fiber. The need for fiber is far higher in teenagers than it is in adults. Fiber can come from whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. It can help prevent digestive issues and nurture a healthy gut microbiome.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness

The Best And Worst Low-Carb Foods

The Best And Worst Low-Carb Foods

Whether you’re talking about carbs, protein, or fat, there are good options and bad ones. Some of the best and most nutritious foods can be low carb, but so can some of the worst foods. People across the nation, even in Irvine, CA, are searching for ways to improve their health, while cutting carbs and boosting nutrition. Many have turned to low carb diets but forget that just eating fewer carbs isn’t enough. You need improved nutrition to be your best.

What’s a carb?

Most people understand that a carb is a micronutrient, but that’s about it. They’re the fuel for the body that is the basis for glucose that’s used as immediate energy or stored for later in the form of fat. There are three primary types of carbohydrates, sugar, starch, and fiber. Simple sugars are easy for the body to digest and enter the bloodstream quickly, but complex ones take longer. Starches also take a while to break down and enter the bloodstream. Humans can’t digest fiber at all, but the microbes in the gut can digest some types, and while doing so, create important nutrients for the body.

Stick with healthier options, not highly processed low-carb foods.

A healthy keto diet should contain whole foods devoid of many chemicals and unhealthy fat options. While saturated fat can be a healthy option, too much in your diet can negatively affect your health. Prepackaged foods identified as keto snacks or meals, are often high in saturated fat. Diet sodas are low carb, but it doesn’t mean they’re healthy. Studies show that people consuming more diet soft drinks have a larger waist circumference. That means they have more visceral fat, the unhealthiest type.

There are many healthy low-carb whole foods.

Choose above-ground fruits and vegetables like celery, cucumbers, and peppers for snacks. You can even make a dip from sour cream or cream cheese. These options provide fiber–a carb not digested by the body but necessary for good health, and a host of other nutrients. Nuts are another healthy snack. When choosing protein, opt for products from animals that are organic, free-range, and pastured. Stick with whole foods, especially those with plenty of fiber.

  • Avoid highly refined products even if they say low-carb or keto-friendly on the package. Often the sugar is replaced with sugar alcohol and contains ingredients that cause inflammation.
  • Processed meat, low-carb pasta, or processed flour-based foods often are filled with chemicals, as are low-carb pre-made meals. Switch out pasta for eggplant lasagna, spaghetti squash, or zucchini noodles.
  • Nothing is more delicious than a steak topped with mushrooms sauteed in butter. It’s also a healthy low-carb option. Serve with asparagus or broccoli, a leafy green salad, and berries in whipped cream.
  • When choosing nuts as a snack, remember to choose ones lower in carbs. Brazil nuts, pecans, and macadamia nuts are far lower in carbs than cashews or pistachios.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness

Can Rosacea Be Managed By Diet?

Can Rosacea Be Managed By Diet?

If you have rosacea, you’re not alone. It’s a common skin condition that can vary in severity that ranges from a blush to visibly enlarged blood vessels that distort appearance. It can affect many areas of the body, but most commonly affects the nose, cheeks, and neck. It produces enlarged blood vessels on the face that may look like a blush or be significant enough to create a bulbous nose. Small pus-filled bumps on the skin and burning, inflamed eyelids are two other potential symptoms. Each case is different and so is the treatment. Management includes tracking triggers, like diet, stress, or weather.

How does diet play a role in rosacea?

There are a variety of culprits that scientists believe may cause rosacea. An imbalance in the gut microbiome is one. Boosting the good microbes and limiting the population of unhealthy ones may be one way to cause symptoms to subside. Finding foods that trigger an outbreak starts by keeping a food diary. Food that causes inflammation or that dilates blood vessels may be culprits. For some, it’s spicy food. Studies show that spicy food was a trigger in approximately 75% of the cases in females. Spicy food includes food that contains capsaicin, which causes the skin to warm. It includes certain spices, such as oregano and cilantro, and hot peppers.

Other common trigger foods to avoid.

The bulbous nose often associated with rosacea is also associated with the consumption of alcohol. Alcohol is probably the most significant dietary factor. Consumption doesn’t have to be significant, even small amounts can trigger a reaction. It can occur from hard liquor, wine, or beer. Liquor isn’t the only beverage that causes flare-ups. Hot drinks like coffee, hot chocolate, and tea can also start the blushing and redness. Even foods containing cinnamaldehyde, normally associated with cinnamon, but also found in tomatoes, chocolate, and citrus fruits, can trigger flushing.

Increasing intake of certain foods can help reduce flare-ups.

If rosacea is caused by an imbalanced gut microbiome, rebalancing the microorganisms can help. That starts with consuming fiber-rich foods, like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. These act as prebiotics to aid in increasing beneficial bacteria. Consuming more probiotic foods, like kefir, sauerkraut, and yogurt can also help. Eating food that contains healthy fat, like salmon or other fatty fish, or using zinc sulfate supplements can help.

  • One survey taken in 2005 found that of the 78% of sufferers who made dietary changes, 95% of them reduced the symptoms caused by rosacea.
  • Besides observation using a food diary leading to the belief gut health plays a role in rosacea, one study found that digestive problems, like IBS, SIBO, celiac disease, and IBD were common in people with rosacea.
  • Certain medications may also cause flare-ups. Blood pressure medication, niacin—B3–supplements, and certain topical steroids may trigger them.
  • Other rosacea triggers include exposure to sunlight, stress, weather extremes, and certain skincare products. Limiting sun exposure and adjusting skin care routines to minimize irritations can help.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness