Eat Healthier And Save Money With In-Season Fruits & Vegetables

Do you want to eat healthier, but also want to save money? Consider opting for in-season fruits and vegetables. In fact, you can probably get many of these from local farmers and benefit yourself, but also your local economy. No matter what season you choose, there’s something delicious and healthy being grown in Irvine, CA. Some food, like beets and cabbage, are in season in all months. Beets are especially good for you and some people call them superfood, because of all the nutrients. Both are inexpensive and provide a great start to many tasty dishes.

You always think of fresh fruit and vegetables in the summer.

Summer is the perfect time to start a plan for healthy eating. Not only is there an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, many of the dishes are no cook or require minimal cooking. Fresh tomatoes and leafy greens allow you to get creative. Make a BLT salad or use eggplant to create lasagna noodle slices. Marinate and grill the fresh veggies. Create your own brand of salad dressing that’s rich and creamy by blending in avocado chunks until smooth. The best ever is spaghetti squash that provides a great base for a tomato, green pepper, onion and mushroom sauce. Remove the skins from the tomato and boil it all together. Scoop seeds from the tomato if you choose.

Winter and fall add more choices to your healthy eating list.

Sweet potatoes and late season spaghetti squash start my list, but the fall has so much more to offer. Cabbage, carrots and eggplant are also good choices that are versatile and inexpensive. Eggplants are often overlooked, but they’re high in nutrients, antioxidants and fiber, which make them an excellent selection for weight loss. They also can help prevent cancer and aid in blood sugar control. Eggplant can be grilled, sautéed, baked or roasted with just a bit of olive oil and some seasoning. It can substitute for thick noodles in dishes.

Spring is so renewing and so are the fruits and vegetables.

Asparagus is my favorite and quite abundant in the spring. You’ll find that January through April. These tasty stems add so much to a meal. They’re great when grilled. Create a marinade. Marinade shrimp and asparagus together and then grill. Top a salad with the mixture and you have a meal fit for a king that doesn’t contain a lot of calories.

  • Make using tomatoes last longer and easier to use. If you have an abundance of tomatoes, wash them thoroughly, cut off the stem end, remove the seeds if you choose and freeze on a tray then transfer to a bag. When ready to use, just rinse them under hot water and the skins come off easily.
  • Don’t forget to save money and freeze any extra fruits and vegetables. You can also freeze herbs and have fresh ones ready at your fingertips. Just pack an ice cube tray with herbs, cover with a little water and freeze. Transfer to a plastic bag when frozen, for use later.
  • Salads are always a favorite way to use fresh fruits and vegetables. For added protein, include walnuts. Fruit added to green salads also perk up the taste and create a symphony of flavor.
  • While organic fruits and vegetables are always the best to choose, check out the Dirty Dozen and the Clean Fifteen. You don’t have to use organic when you choose from the clean fifteen, since they’re low in pesticides regardless of how they’re raised.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness

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