How To Stay Motivated As A Beginner?

It’s summer and we’re just reopening. There’s a lot of things that can create a diversion in Irvine, CA, to prevent you from sticking with your workout schedule. It’s tough to stay motivated as a beginner, but you can make it easier by taking a few steps and making some changes in your life. As a beginner, you face more obstacles than you do the more seasoned you become and you haven’t yet developed the habit of healthy eating and working out. Here are some tips to help you fake it until you make it.

Start slowly if aching muscles are a deterrent.

When people first start a program of exercise, they’re always surprised at how muscles they didn’t know they had now hurt like crazy. Expect that. You probably haven’t used these muscles in years or worked them on a variety of planes. You can reduce the potential for pain by warming up thoroughly. Stay hydrated and take it slowly, especially if you’ve spent years being sedentary. Don’t try to push beyond your capabilities, at least at first. Focus on form, instead. Having the proper form can help prevent injury. Make sure you also get proper sleep at night and rest between strength training workouts.

Keep you focus on the benefits.

Your mindset makes a huge difference in whether you fail or succeed. If you dread going to the gym, you’re more likely to fail. Find an activity you love, such as dancing, hiking or even hula hooping with the kids and use that as your form of exercise on your alternate days. To improve your attitude toward the gym, focus on what makes you feel good, such as reaching a new plateau of excellence by conquering a workout or the feeling of exhilaration when you’ve successfully finished a workout.

It takes a while to see the difference, so find short term ways to identify success.

Rather than just creating goals that involve weight or clothing sizes, add a few that can be seen or felt more quickly. Notice little things, like getting winded after climbing stairs or tired after walking short distances. For most people, you’ll feel the difference long before you see a difference. Most people note that after just two weeks, they feel fitter and less tired when doing simple tasks. Feeling fitter is a confidence builder that tells you that you’re on the right track.

  • Stay motivated with a workout buddy. Whether it’s a good friend or a spouse, having a workout partner will improve your chances of sticking with a program. Just knowing someone is waiting for you is part of the reason and also why personal trainers help so much.
  • Workout at the same time every day. If you’re an early bird, workout in the morning, for night owls, do it after work. Make it an appointment that’s as important as any doctor’s appointment.
  • Post messages to yourself around the house. These can be to remind you why you want to get fit, encouraging you to succeed or just telling you to go to the gym at your appointed time.
  • There’s a bit of competitiveness in everyone, but when you’re starting out, make sure you’re just competing with yourself. Never compare yourself to others. You’re unique. Be the best YOU that you can be.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness

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