Throw Away Your Pain Pills

Throw Away Your Pain Pills

If you find yourself constantly reaching for pain pills, it may be time to look for a different solution for your problem. Pain pills were meant for temporary relief, but some discomfort can last for years because pain pills don’t address the underlying cause of the pain, just the pain itself. They often come with a high price to pay for that instant relief,which can include further injury or physical reactions to long term use.

Small muscle tears can cause big problems.

If you’re constantly finding yourself reaching for aspirin or even stronger pain medication, you may have a small problem that grew to a much larger one because it was never addressed properly in the first place. When you over use a muscle, it can cause micro-trauma, multiple small tears, over time that build scar tissue, which can shorten the muscles, pinched nerves and tendon problems. Besides the pain, many people find their muscles aren’t as strong as they were and may even have tingling and numbness. Pain pills can’t address those problems, but ART—active release technique—can.

Consider massage therapy as an alternative.

Massage therapy not only feels good, it can help eliminate pain. A massage can increase circulation that brings oxygen and nutrient laden blood to the area. It can loosen tight muscle tissue and relax the entire body in the process. You’ll see your range of movement improve, while also relieving pain from stiff muscles and injury. There are several different types of massage and the type used depends on the root of the pain.

Pain comes from both misalignment and injury.

Your nerves send a message to the brain that you’re experiencing pain. Sometimes, misalignment can cause those nerves to send messages of pain to the brain because the nerves are pinched and the body isn’t free to maintain it’s natural good health. Realigning the body through exercise and chiropractic manipulation is one way to bring pain relief without the side effects caused by drugs. They locate the problem and correct it, not mask it.

Even the most gentle and commonly used pain medications, aspirin, can cause problems, which include such things as stomach problems, gastritis and bleeding. You may be exchanging one pain for another.

Stronger prescription pain medications run the risk of dizziness, nausea and even addiction. They also make it more difficult to focus on tasks.

Returning the body to it’s natural state allows you to heal. The body was meant to heal itself and will if give the opportunity.

While massage therapy is a good way to relieve pain, it also can help relieve stress. The effects of stress can be just as disabling for the body as an injury.

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