Tips For Fitness Newbies

If you’ve managed to fill up the day every time you’ve considered starting a workout program, you have to wonder why you keep procrastinating. Whether you’ve never worked out or it’s been a while, finding ways to avoid starting is a common problem. The first of the tips for fitness newbies is just do it! Don’t overthink it. Put a time in your schedule specifically for working out. Whether you’re going to start by coming to the gym and starting a program or start more slowly with a walking program, do something!

Judging how much you can do and how hard to workout is tough.

Some people will be surprised at how much they can do, while others new to exercise or who haven’t worked out for a while, will be surprised at how quickly they tire or their lack of strength. If you haven’t worked out for a while or ever worked out, get help from someone who can judge your fitness level. I highly recommend using a personal trainer for a while. The trainer will make sure you work your hardest without overdoing.

Be consistent.

Working out sporadically won’t give you the results you want. A consistent effort is what you need, with a workout schedule. If you don’t have a workout scheduled at the same time each day, you’ll be surprised at how hard it is to maintain your workout schedule. Whether you do it the first thing in the morning, over your lunch hour or after work, making exercise a habit is important. It makes you feel like something is missing when you don’t do it.

Don’t forget to eat healthy.

You can’t out-exercise a bad diet. If you workout for an hour and then gorge yourself on junk food, not only will you gain weight, but you won’t have the nutrients to build muscles and remain healthy. You’ll find that not only does the workout make you feel great, but the healthy eating adds to it. If weight loss is a goal, you have to change bad eating habits that put on weight in the first place.

  • Don’t try to push yourself beyond your limit if it means your form suffers. Having the proper form or each exercise provides more benefits and helps prevent injury.
  • Make sure you warm up and cool down every time you workout. Warming up can help prevent injury and cooling down helps prevent blood pooling that can cause dizziness.
  • Make sure part of your workout program includes things you enjoy. Rock climbing, dancing, hiking and swimming are a few examples of ways to exercise that can be fun. It makes it easier to stick with your workout program.
  • Set goals and track your progress. Your goals should include clearly defined objectives, ways to measure success and a time frame. Winners keep score.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness

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