
Custom Workout

No matter where you’re working out, you probably don’t have a custom workout unless you’re working with a personal trainer. Personal trainers don’t just have you work until you feel tired or point you toward a machine and say do it ten times and work up to fifteen by next week. You often find that type of “leadership” at big box gyms where the person helping you actually has no more training than ten minutes on how to use each machine.

Personal trainers first assess your overall fitness.

Trainers may give you an exercise to do and watch as you do it. They may put you through your paces and see where you struggle or how you move your body. Even though you’ll be doing exercises often the first day, those exercises help to begin the continual assessment of fitness. That includes identifying all types of fitness and the level of fitness of each muscle group.

You’ll have a program that’s continuously in a state of flux.

A custom program isn’t created and then used the rest of your life. That’s because your body continuously changes. The more you work out, the more fit it becomes and the higher your level of fitness becomes. If you started with a good customized workout, it won’t be viable after a few weeks when your fitness level improves. That’s why trainers are constantly changing the workout to reflect your improvement, keeping it customized.

Make sure the program considers special needs and goals.

When I work with some people, they want to focus on specific problems, such as endurance and cardio or weight loss. That’s their goal. I create a program to focus on it, but also insure the workout provides all types of fitness. Others may come in with physical problems, such as back injuries, which require me to adjust the workout so it doesn’t exacerbate the problem. If time or travel makes a scheduled workout difficult. I create programs for people that fit their lifestyle, even ones that can be used traveling.

You don’t just get one customized workout but many. As a personal trainer I continuously change the program to avoid plateauing. That comes from the body becoming too efficient at one type of exercise.

A personalized program includes insuring you do all the exercises correctly. Not only do I and other personal trainers show clients how to do each exercise, we watch them to insure they do it right, thus,avoiding injury and getting more benefit..

A customized workout can also include nutritional advice. Nutritional advice isn’t dieting, but learning how to eat healthier so you never have to diet again.

No matter how fit or unfit you are, you’ll benefit from a customized workout.

The Holidays Are Coming

The Holidays Are Coming

The holidays are coming and not only can they take a toll on your energy level, they also are a time when people want to look their best. Unfortunately, most people wait until the last minute to start a workout program. While starting at any time is good, you won’t get the results you want if you have only a few weeks to achieve them.

Holidays are busy times too.

One of the biggest problems with starting a program close to holiday time, besides time to achieve your goals, is that your schedule often bulges with new demands. Whether it’s Christmas shopping, planning family activities, the office party or other holiday activities, it can create challenges finding time to exercise. You’ll also be changing your eating habits and learning to cook healthier. That can take some time too.

Two to three months can help you get into fantastic shape to celebrate the New Year.

If you want to start the new year right, start working out now. Don’t wait and make it your New Year’s resolution. By starting now, you can look fabulous and wear clothing for the holidays that accent your new figure. You’ll have more energy for all the demands of the holiday season too. You’ll be starting the next year healthier and fitter, with plenty of energy to dance the night away until the clock strikes 12:00.

Surprise your family and friends with your new look.

Some people love the idea of keeping their fitness program under wraps and then wearing more form fitting clothes on the holidays. It’s so much fun to see people look in astonishment at the new you. Often you’ll be seeing relatives you haven’t seen since the last holiday, who won’t believe the change you made. You’ll also have plenty of knowledge of how to eat healthier so you can eat all you want at the celebration without worrying about gaining weight.

No matter when you start your workout program, you’ll notice other changes besides weight loss. You’ll look years younger because regular exercise helps all parts of your body, including your skin.

Exercise increases circulation sending oxygen and nutrient rich blood to all areas of your body and stimulates the production of antioxidants. You’ll be healthier than ever.

Exercise can help back problems and reduce pain. If you have a serious condition, our Wellness Center can help you be pain free by the holidays.

You’ll be ready to sit down at the holiday table and know exactly the right types of foods to choose. You’ll even learn to make your favorite dishes healthier and lower in calories.

Get Fit For Fall

Get Fit for Fall

Whether you spent all summer corralling the kids or just had a break in your busy schedule, you still have time to get fit for fall. There’s still plenty to do in Orange County and having the energy to do it is important. Whether you’re entering a race to raise awareness for your favorite charities, participating in the events at a festival on the beach or enjoying an Octoberfest, being in shape can make it that much more fun.

When you start now, you’ll be fabulous for the holidays.

Everyone wants to look their best at the holidays, but unfortunately they wait until a few weeks before to start exercising and eating healthier. You can be ahead of the game and look great for Thanksgiving, besides knowing exactly what to eat to help keep your weight in check. You won’t have to starve on that day of celebration where food is so important. That’s because you won’t be dieting, just eating healthier and there’s even room in that prescription for some pumpkin pie.

Looking fabulous is important, but feeling fantastic is even more important.

Working out is about more than just looking good. It’s about being healthy and feeling good. When you eat healthy and workout on a regular basis, you’ll not only tone up and slim down, you’ll be bursting with energy and good health. Studies show that regular exercise can help prevent serious conditions, such as high blood pressure, diabetes and osteoporosis. It can also help control them if you already have them. Regular exercise also helps build your immune system to keep minor illnesses at bay, like colds and flu.

You’ll be able to spend time with the family enjoying everything this area has to offer.

Whether it’s just hiking the many trails at parks, participating in arm wrestling at Silverado Days or walking on the beach enjoying the sand sculptures, you will be making many memories with your family and they’ll love it. You’ll even be able to wear a sexy Halloween costume! It’s all fun when you feel good and look great.

Regular exercise can help you think clearer, helping to develop new neural pathways in your brain. If you’re learning anything new or are back in school yourself, that can be a huge benefit.

There’s still time for surfing. You’ll be fitter and ready to give it your all.

Get ready for the Turkey Trot and a host of other marathons and races. The fall weather is perfect for running and if you start now, you’ll be ready too.

Hiking at William R Mason Regional Park can be fun, but not if you’re out of shape. Start today and you’ll be ready for plenty of hikes this fall.

ART (Active Release Technique)

ART (Active Release Technique)

If you’re in pain from carpel tunnel, shin splints, back problems, sciatica and other soft tissue related conditions, you may have become frustrated from lack of help, face surgery or just given up and decided to live with the pain. There’s no need to do that. ART (Active Release Technique) can help you. This specialized technique is bringing help to thousands that thought their problem was a lost cause or faced the potential of surgery, a life of pain or limited movement. While it may seem simple, it’s not. There are over 500 treatment protocols, specific movements, which allow the specialist to first identify the tissue problem and then work with it. Each client has their own personalized treatment.

Soft tissue treatment includes working with muscles, nerves, tendons, fascia and ligaments.

These tissue injuries occur in a number of ways, most of which which are overuse injuries. You may have a sudden injury from pulls, accidents caused from striking the area and tears. The damage may come from an accumulation of injuries causing micro-tears that accumulate and cause scar tissue. Finally, the tissue area, for one reason or another, may not be getting enough oxygen.

It doesn’t take long for these injuries to add up to chronic pain.

When the injury or injuries heal, it forms scar tissue in the muscle and soft tissue. Just like scar tissue on the surface of the skin, it’s tough, dense and builds up. That can bind the surrounding healthy tissue in the area and cut the blood flow, bind the muscles and tendons. If nerves are trapped, you notice numbness and weakness. If it’s tendons, tendinitis occurs. It can reduce your range of motion and limit your strength.

Each appointment includes an examination and treatment.

Even though it may sound simple, special training is required to enable the ART-provider to locate the the injured area, evaluate it and use their hands for directed pressure, combined with specific client movements to loosen the scar tissue and eliminate much of the pressure that causes the pain. It releases the scar tissue that sticks to the surrounding tissue and allows your muscles, tendons and etc. to work the way they were supposed and not put all the work onto the healthy unaffected tissue to cause further injury.

Athletes and even occasional athletes who workout for enjoyment will benefit from ART.

Scar tissue can build up around a muscle and cause it to shorten. It can also trap nerves, cause inflammation of the tendons and weakness.

ART is non invasive. It is a method of helping your body get back to normal and operate the way it was meant to operate.

The ART provider has studied the body soft tissue system extensively. He or she understands how each muscle, tendon or other soft tissue should feel both at rest and moving. It’s that knowledge that helps him or her evaluate the injury.