What Is Your Fitness Goal?
Having goals helps give your life definition. They point you in a direction you want to go and help you avoid pitfalls you might otherwise have. Whether it’s a financial or fitness goal, it defines what you want so you can create directions on how to get there. Keeping a goal in front of you can provide inspiration, motivation, and constantly looking for ways to achieve that goal quicker.
You can break your goal down into smaller goals.
If your fitness goal is challenging, it may take a long time. That can dull your excitement and diminish your motivation. Breaking down a big goal into smaller, easier-to-achieve ones gives you constant feedback and success. Suppose you want to run a marathon but can barely make it up a set of stairs without resting. Getting a marathon-ready body will take months of work. You can break down your goal or build your endurance by walking faster and further every day. The same is true for weight loss. If you want to lose 50 pounds, create smaller goals of losing two pounds weekly for 25 weeks.
Part of creating a goal is tracking your progress.
If you want to lose weight but never weigh yourself, how will you know if you’re successful? The same is true for boosting your endurance or building your strength. There are many ways to track your progress. Your goal will determine which one is best. You can also use several techniques at once. If weight loss is a goal, weighing yourself each week is the easiest. You can also take measurements that may show progress even though the scales don’t indicate it. Tracking progress helps you identify what’s working and what’s not. It also can be motivating to see how much you’ve achieved.
Fitness goals aren’t achieved just by exercising.
It takes more than exercise to be healthier, lose weight, or build endurance. Adequate sleep helps achieve those things. So does a healthy diet. You won’t progress as fast if you’re constantly riding a sugar high and not making healthy choices for meals and snacks. Eating healthy is just as vital for any fitness goal. It’s not dieting. Diets are restrictive and meant to end. It’s about making better choices. Having your goals constantly in front of you helps you make the right ones.
- Achieving your goal is all about consistency. You may attain a small measure of success by changing habits for a few days but won’t achieve the success of a permanent lifestyle change.
- Treat your workout as an appointment to create a habit. That can help you achieve your fitness goal. Doing weekly meal planning is another tip. Make sure you also include healthy snacks.
- Work out with a friend or use a personal trainer. They both provide accountability. One study showed that even a phone call to check progress keeps people motivated on the right track.
- Our trainers can help you define your goals and create an achievable plan. They’ll design a program to reach those goals faster and adjust that program when your fitness level improves.
For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness