
You Are What You Eat

Knowing the right foods to choose for a healthier life and maximum weight loss may not seem that difficult, but you’ll be amazed at just how bad some seemingly innocent popular foods are for you and how they can prevent you from shedding those extra pounds. What you eat does make a difference in not […]

Fight The Holiday Blues

If you have to fight the holiday blues, you’re not only missing much of the enjoyment, you also probably dread the coming of the season. The holiday blues can occur for a number of reasons. With days getting shorter and chillier, getting out for a day in the sun is often not an option. That […]

Best Thanksgiving

You can make this your best Thanksgiving yet by starting now with a program of healthy eating and regular exercise. It’s not too late to get into better shape for the holidays. Even after two weeks, you’ll notice a huge difference in your energy level and how your clothing fits. You’ll look better and feel […]

Who Inspires You

Everyone has somebody that inspires them. It might be a person who has accomplished a great deal in his or her life or someone that overcame great odds. Inspiration also comes from kind words of encouragement and belief in you. Sometimes mothers come to me and want to lose weight. Their reasons vary but often […]

Get The Body You Want

If the body you want is trimmer, has more endurance and strength and moves with grace, it’s available! You don’t have to settle for less than the best possible you when you have the right type of training to help you achieve your fitness goals. Some people may say, “Hey, that’s not true. I’ve always […]

Custom Workout

No matter where you’re working out, you probably don’t have a custom workout unless you’re working with a personal trainer. Personal trainers don’t just have you work until you feel tired or point you toward a machine and say do it ten times and work up to fifteen by next week. You often find that […]

The Holidays Are Coming

The holidays are coming and not only can they take a toll on your energy level, they also are a time when people want to look their best. Unfortunately, most people wait until the last minute to start a workout program. While starting at any time is good, you won’t get the results you want […]