Best Exercises For A Stronger Core
With all the time people spend at the beach in Irvine, CA, looking good in a swimsuit is a top priority for many. You need a stronger core to accomplish that. Using the right exercises can help. Strong core muscles do more than help you look great in a swimsuit. They affect your entire body. They improve posture, prevent back pain, aid digestion, and prevent headaches. Core muscles include the muscles of the pelvis, hips, back, and abs. They’re involved in every movement you make and keep you balanced and steady.
Planks build core strength.
If you’ve never done a plank, think of the up position for a push-up. Instead of lowering your body, you hold it. You can do a plank with your body weight on your toes and hands with your body straight. It’s called a high or straight-arm plank. You can also do it with the weight on your forearms and toes. That’s a low or forearm plank. You’ll work other muscles with a side, reverse, or bear plank. All of them strengthen your core.
Use a stability ball or kettlebells to diversify your core muscle workout.
Since core muscles help stabilize your body, doing exercises that make them work builds their strength. You can do stability ball side planks, push-ups, or a stability ball fallout. Start on your knees with your body upright and forearms on top of the ball to do the fallout. Slowly roll the ball outward, keeping your body straight as it goes further. Using kettlebells can improve core muscles. The center of gravity constantly changes due to the kettlebell’s shape. It forces your body to compensate continuously to remain stable.
A bridge is similar to the plank since it’s a move-and-hold exercise.
Lay on your back with your feet flat on the floor and knees bent. Now, lift your bottom off the floor until your body forms a straight line from your knees to the top of your head. Squeeze your core muscles, especially the abs, and hold them tight for as long as possible. Then, slowly lower your body back to the floor.
- Walking can build core muscles if you focus on your posture. Pull your stomach in and shoulders back. Walking on uneven ground, such as in the woods, works core muscles even more.
- Some old favorites, like V sit-ups, build core strength. To do a V sit-up, lay flat with your arms above your head. Lift your upper body and legs simultaneously to form a V and hold.
- Riding a bike or doing bicycle crunches can build core muscles. You use your core muscles when you pedal. Mimicking the riding action with bicycle crunches does an even better job. Mountain climbers also use similar muscles.
- Our trainers can help you with a personalized program so you reach your goals faster. Always check with your healthcare professional first before starting any exercise program.
For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness