Ever Tried Overnight Oats?
If you’re like many people, you find yourself rushed in the morning, barely able to put toast in the toaster. Making a healthy breakfast may be important to help you lose weight, but when time is at a premium, something has to give. Overnight oats is a healthy breakfast option that doesn’t require cooking. You simply combine the oats, whether it’s rolled, steel cut or quick cook, into a container like a Mason jar, and add any type of milk, such as coconut, almond or regular. Put the lid on, shake and store it in the refrigerator. In the morning, they’ll be soft from absorbing the liquid, as though you cooked them.
Overnight oats are actually healthier than cooked oats.
Cooking oats does remove some nutrients. For instance, raw oats that are processed overnight have 26% of the beta-glucan content during digestion, while cooked oats only release 9%. That’s important, since 3 grams of beta-glucan from oats can cause a 5 to 10% drop in blood cholesterol levels. Just like regular oats, overnight oats can keep you feeling fuller longer, since it’s high in fiber. It also contains potassium, protein, magnesium and omega3 fatty acids. Unlike instant oats that often contain sugar, you control the ingredients in overnight oats.
Raw oats provide resistant starch that can help you lose weight.
Resistant starch travels through the digestive system undigested until it reaches the colon. There it feeds the friendly microbes that are in your digestive system. Improving your microbe balance is important to your health in several ways. It boosts your immune system and also can help you lose weight. The bacteria ferment the resistant starch and change it into digestive acid that helps keep you feeling full, plus increases your metabolism. By simply switching out as little as 5% of your ordinary carbs for resistant starch, you could increase your metabolism by as much as 23%.
You can create a variety of overnight oat combinations.
The beauty of eating overnight oats is that it allows you to modify the recipe and can eat a different variety every day. You can add any type of milk, even Greek yogurt, toss in some chia seeds for texture and add honey, agave or maple sugar if you want more sweetness. Most recipes start with an equal amount of steel cut oats or other oats to whatever liquid you choose, such as almond milk, regular milk or coconut milk. Add pecans, pumpkin spice, other seeds or fresh fruit
- You can eat overnight oats cold or heat them in the microwave. Make sure you use a microwave safe container. It stays fresh in the refrigerator for a up to three days. If you want to heat it, add fruit later.
- Overnight oats not only save time, they save money. You can make several servings at once and can add whatever extras you have. Just grab your jar in the morning and you’re ready for breakfast.
- You can also use overnight oats as a snack or a quick lunch. It transports easily in smaller Mason jars. Adding extras like fruit and nuts can make it more nutritious.
- Diabetics can benefit from eating any type of oats, but overnight oats are easier. The soluble fiber slows the absorption of sugar, and can improve insulin sensitivity.
For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness