
Should You Worry About Hormones In Food?

Should You Worry About Hormones In Food?

Organically grown food has become more and more popular. One of the reasons is the potential for hormones in food. Farming has changed dramatically in the past 100 years. Farmers now use new techniques to create higher egg or milk production or to grow faster to maturity. Salmon, for instance, has been genetically modified to grow twice as fast as their counterparts. It took 20 years to get the right to sell these fish from the FDA. While the FDA said they were safe in 2012, there’s still debate whether this genetic change that increased the hormones in the fish or the hormones given to other animals are safe.

Farmers feed cows’ hormones to increase their size and boost production using less feed.

Unless you purchase organic meat, the chances are, you’re getting a dose of hormones every time you eat a burger. Eighty percent of cows in the US have had some type of hormone injection, whether it’s for increased milk production or to bulk up their size. The amount may be small, but the exact effect on humans still needs further study. Many foods from the US have been banned in Europe due to the hormones they may contain. Milk from dairy cows treated with BGH or rBST hormones isn’t allowed in the European Union. Meat from cows and pigs that are given ractopamine, which increases growth and lean muscle is also banned by Europe, Russia, and China.

The Food and Drug Administration says most hormones are natural and not a problem.

Animals are often given at least one of three common hormones, estradiol, testosterone, and progesterone. These are considered natural since they’re found in humans. Other hormones given to cattle include Trenbolone, melengestrol, and zeranol, which are chemically created especially for animals. While the FDA says the amount isn’t substantial, so they aren’t harmful, there’s still an ongoing debate as to their safety.

Some studies show reasons for concern.

Recombinant bovine growth hormone—rBGH—increases milk production. While it doesn’t affect people directly, it does indirectly. It can increase IGF-1, a growth factor that’s similar to insulin when people consume rBGH. The IGF-1 mimics human growth factor. Increased amounts in the body also increase the risk of prostate, breast, and other forms of cancer. It also increases the risk of diabetes.

  • Sex hormones found in cattle may take their toll on children. The hormones are primarily estrogen. Some scientists believe that ingesting the increased hormone may account for the earlier onset of puberty in children today.
  • The use of rBGH has dramatically reduced since public demand has changed. People want more meat products that are hormone and antibiotic-free. The demand has grown substantially, which will ultimately change farming practices.
  • Few long-term studies exist, so the effect of hormones in milk and meat products on children is not fully understood. Adverse effects may be delayed until their adult years, including on children whose mothers drank milk containing rBGH while they were pregnant.
  • If you’re concerned about antibiotics or hormones in your food, opt for animal products from pastured animals. Studies show that milk and meat from pastured animals have heart-healthy benefits and eggs from pastured hens are more nutritious.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness

Can Smoking Affect Your Weight Loss?

Can Smoking Affect Your Weight Loss?

Just like most fitness and health issues, the connection between smoking and weight loss varies dramatically from individual to individual. I’ve heard all types of stories from clients at Next Level Fitness in Irvine, CA, which included gaining weight when people quit smoking to people finding it easier to lose weight when they quit. The truth is every person has their own unique experience. Some studies show people who smoke heavily are more likely to be obese. Other studies show that when people quit smoking, they gain weight. What are the reasons for such diverse findings?

Obesity and smoking go hand-in-hand.

While the average smoker may weigh less on average than people who have never smoked, not every smoker is thin. People who smoke more cigarettes daily tend to weigh more than people who aren’t heavy smokers. If smoking made people thin, heavy smokers would weigh far less than others. Studies show obesity and smoking may be genetic predispositions. Smokers may have a bigger waistline. Some believe it’s a gene variant that causes the larger waist circumference and belly fat. Others believe it’s from smoking, which triggers the release of cortisol that may cause an increase in waist circumference.

Does quitting smoking cause weight gain?

If you quit smoking, you may gain weight, at least for a while. Studies show one of every four people who quit smoking never gains a pound, plus they can breathe easier, making it easier to exercise. Other studies compared people who quit to those who continued to smoke. During a five-year study, people who quit gained 5.7 pounds more than those who continued to smoke. It was the average and people who were heavier smokers gained the most. Most of the weight gain occurred in the first three months of quitting.

Does smoking speed up your metabolism?

Most people who smoke feel a little buzz when they first light up, especially if there is a significant time between cigarettes. It’s true that smoking boosts the metabolism, but not enough to make a big difference. What smoking does is keep your hands busy and gives you a boost of dopamine and other chemicals that reduce the desire to eat. Some smokers eat less and smoke instead of eating, which is why they’re thinner.

  • Quitting smoking doesn’t make it harder to lose weight if you make lifestyle changes and stick with them. Whether you’re a smoker, a former smoker, or never a smoker, it’s all about developing healthy habits.
  • The results of several studies showed approximately 16% of the people who quit didn’t gain weight, but lost weight. On the other end of the spectrum, 13% gained more than 22 pounds.
  • Smoking does affect your sense of smell, which then affects your sense of taste. When you quit smoking, food tastes better. It’s much like giving up sugar, which makes naturally sweet food taste sweeter.
  • Following a program of regular exercise and a healthy diet can help prevent any potential weight gain and make quitting smoking easier. Exercise can increase dopamine, which is similar to the boost experienced when smoking.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness

Can Rosacea Be Managed By Diet?

Can Rosacea Be Managed By Diet?

If you have rosacea, you’re not alone. It’s a common skin condition that can vary in severity that ranges from a blush to visibly enlarged blood vessels that distort appearance. It can affect many areas of the body, but most commonly affects the nose, cheeks, and neck. It produces enlarged blood vessels on the face that may look like a blush or be significant enough to create a bulbous nose. Small pus-filled bumps on the skin and burning, inflamed eyelids are two other potential symptoms. Each case is different and so is the treatment. Management includes tracking triggers, like diet, stress, or weather.

How does diet play a role in rosacea?

There are a variety of culprits that scientists believe may cause rosacea. An imbalance in the gut microbiome is one. Boosting the good microbes and limiting the population of unhealthy ones may be one way to cause symptoms to subside. Finding foods that trigger an outbreak starts by keeping a food diary. Food that causes inflammation or that dilates blood vessels may be culprits. For some, it’s spicy food. Studies show that spicy food was a trigger in approximately 75% of the cases in females. Spicy food includes food that contains capsaicin, which causes the skin to warm. It includes certain spices, such as oregano and cilantro, and hot peppers.

Other common trigger foods to avoid.

The bulbous nose often associated with rosacea is also associated with the consumption of alcohol. Alcohol is probably the most significant dietary factor. Consumption doesn’t have to be significant, even small amounts can trigger a reaction. It can occur from hard liquor, wine, or beer. Liquor isn’t the only beverage that causes flare-ups. Hot drinks like coffee, hot chocolate, and tea can also start the blushing and redness. Even foods containing cinnamaldehyde, normally associated with cinnamon, but also found in tomatoes, chocolate, and citrus fruits, can trigger flushing.

Increasing intake of certain foods can help reduce flare-ups.

If rosacea is caused by an imbalanced gut microbiome, rebalancing the microorganisms can help. That starts with consuming fiber-rich foods, like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. These act as prebiotics to aid in increasing beneficial bacteria. Consuming more probiotic foods, like kefir, sauerkraut, and yogurt can also help. Eating food that contains healthy fat, like salmon or other fatty fish, or using zinc sulfate supplements can help.

  • One survey taken in 2005 found that of the 78% of sufferers who made dietary changes, 95% of them reduced the symptoms caused by rosacea.
  • Besides observation using a food diary leading to the belief gut health plays a role in rosacea, one study found that digestive problems, like IBS, SIBO, celiac disease, and IBD were common in people with rosacea.
  • Certain medications may also cause flare-ups. Blood pressure medication, niacin—B3–supplements, and certain topical steroids may trigger them.
  • Other rosacea triggers include exposure to sunlight, stress, weather extremes, and certain skincare products. Limiting sun exposure and adjusting skin care routines to minimize irritations can help.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness

Will Antibiotics Help With Gut Health?

Will Antibiotics Help With Gut Health?

The term gut health has become more popular, but most people don’t know exactly what it means. It’s all about the balance of microbes in the gut—the gut’s microbiome. Most people think of the stomach immediately when talking of gut health, but it’s more about the microbes in the small and large intestines. The microbiome is made up of fungi, yeast, viruses, and bacteria. Its size is estimated to be in the100s of trillions. A lot of things affect gut health. They include your overall health, certain medications, diet, and antibiotics. Not only can an unhealthy combination of microbes cause illness, but it can also affect your mental health.

Antibiotics can kill all types of bacteria, including beneficial types.

Antibiotics can cause an imbalance in the microbiome of the gut, indiscriminately killing all bacteria and leaving yeast to flourish. That can cause Candida and also lead to SIBO. A broad-spectrum antibiotic kills both beneficial and pathogenic bacteria, leaving an imbalance in the intestines. If there’s a void or imbalanced state, it provides the perfect opportunity for harmful bacteria to take over. That can lead to SIBO, an overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestines.

Ironically, what causes the problem may help the problem.

If antibiotics caused SIBO, you might be surprised to find antibiotics are often the recommended cure. Unlike the original offender, these antibiotics specifically target the offending bacteria, allowing the beneficial bacteria to resume its place of power. Some symptoms of SIBO include nausea, gas, abdominal pain, bloating, indigestion, fatigue, unexplained weight loss, diarrhea, and abdominal distension.

If you’re taking an antibiotic, prevent problems by making these changes.

Candidiasis—a yeast overgrowth—can be prevented if you’re taking antibiotics and treated if you already have a problem. One of the most significant ways is to add probiotics to your diet or take a probiotic supplement. Probiotic foods include kefir, yogurt, kimchi, miso, and sauerkraut. Consuming prebiotics—plant fiber—feeds beneficial bacteria and enhances the rebalancing of the microbiome. Cutting sugar from your diet, which encourages the growth of yeast, and highly processed food also helps.

  • Stress can create an imbalance, so learning to manage stress can make a big difference in your microbiome health. Stress can be psychological, but environmental stress can also play a role.
  • Being active and exercising regularly can also aid in maintaining gut health. Studies show that athletes have a wider diversity of gut flora than those who aren’t athletes.
  • Don’t forget to get adequate sleep. Not only does a change in your sleep habits, like going to bed late or sleeping late, cause an imbalance, too little sleep also has an effect on your microbiome. If you’re taking antibiotics, make sure you stick with a sleep schedule.
  • Antibiotics can play both a positive role and negative role in gut health. The best way to avoid damage to your gut microbiome is to carefully monitor antibiotic usage and understand they do nothing for viral infections. Living a healthy lifestyle can reverse the antibiotic effects when it’s necessary to take them.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness

Rise And Shine - Start Your Day With A Workout

Rise And Shine – Start Your Day With A Workout

People who find it difficult to fit their workout in during the day find it’s easier if they do it in the morning before the day starts. They rise and really shine by revving their bodies and getting their system primed and ready for a day of work and enjoyment. Is early morning the best time to workout? There’s always been a debate about the best time to exercise, but for many people early morning is perfect.

Early morning has fewer interruptions.

If you have children, the best time to exercise is before they awaken. Kids require your attention, especially in the morning. Early morning workouts are complete before other distractions get in your way, like unexpected reports or urgent meetings. You don’t even have to have an emergency. Sometimes, you get engrossed in your work and forget all about exercising. Getting up early and exercising at the same time every morning becomes a habit, like brushing your teeth. It makes it easier to stick to a schedule.

Getting up early and working out can help you burn fat more efficiently.

Working out while fasting can burn more fat. When you sleep at night, you’re automatically fasting. One Japanese study found that people who worked out before eating breakfast did just that. A study from Belgium noted that a high-calorie diet caused weight gain in people who ate before exercising, but not in people who exercised first thing in the morning before eating. They got the benefit of being in a fasting state, but without the feeling of deprivation of an actual fast. Seek the advice of your healthcare professional if you have diabetes or hypoglycemia.

The increased circulation can jumpstart your body and brain.

You’ll increase circulation and boost endorphins, improving your cognitive abilities and mood. Exercise also increases your happy hormones, like endorphins. If you’ve been under stress, it can burn off the hormones of stress and get you back to normal. It not only makes you feel better physically but also reduces fuzzy brain syndrome that can occur first thing in the day if you don’t exercise

  • Friendship is important, but a busy life can reduce the time friends get together. Make your workout time a time for friends while saving money by signing up for small group personal training.
  • People who exercise early in the morning, 7 a.m. or earlier, were found to have a deeper sleep at night, according to a study in 2014. Exercising outside also improved the quality of sleep even further.
  • If the weather is hot, working out in the morning is even more important. Morning is the coolest time of the day and you can beat the heat when exercising early.
  • The best time to exercise is when you’ll do it consistently. If you’re not a morning person or family obligations interfere, find a time you can consistently carve out just for yourself and your fitness program.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness

Feel Great Everyday - We Can Help!

Feel Great Everyday – We Can Help!

At Next Level Fitness in Irvine, CA, we can help you feel great with a plan of action, motivation and a scientific plan to help you get the fastest results. If you’ve felt like you aren’t sick, but still don’t feel your best, making a few lifestyle changes can make all the difference. You deserve to feel your best, perform your best and enjoy life to the fullest. It all starts with your attitude. Rather than dreading what it takes to feel better, appreciate the fact you have helped achieving your goal. Enjoy every minute of your journey to fitness and good health as you get stronger and see how much better you look.

It’s all about making smarter decisions.

What you eat determines the nutrients your body receives. Building a strong body is like building a house. You need the appropriate materials and a strong foundation if you want the house to remain sturdy, resist the elements and provide years of service. Substandard materials may create a house that looks okay, but it won’t take long before the effects of weather begin to show. Your body also needs to have the right materials. Unlike a house, your body can immediately start making repairs to become stronger once those materials are available.

You’ll rust out before you wear out.

People were made to be active. Most of our bodily functions were established long before we became civilized. For instance, the fight or flight response helped people escape dangerous animals and hostile people, making changes in the body via hormones to run or fight. Running or fighting burned off the hormones. Today’s stressors aren’t normally wild animals, but traffic jams and unhappy customers. Running or fighting isn’t appropriate, so the hormones aren’t burnt off and the changes don’t go back to normal, causing physical ailments. Without exercise, we don’t build muscles that tug on the bones to make them denser.

At Next Level Fitness, we’ll build a program to help you feel better.

We start by learning more about you, so we can address your issues and help you get fitter faster. Every person requires a different program to focus on their particular issues, such as weight loss, lack of muscle tissue or lack of endurance. A personal trainer will work with you to ensure you’re getting the results you want. You don’t have to search the internet to create a healthy meal plan. We also help educate clients on nutrition and healthy meals.

  • Sometimes the problem comes from aches and pains. Our Wellness Center can provide services that will help, such as massage therapy, chiropractic therapy, or other treatments.
  • Get adequate hydration. Carry a bottle of water with you and sip on it frequently, especially during warm weather or while you’re working out.
  • Are you sleeping enough? Lack of sleep can cause an imbalance between the satiety hormone, leptin, and the hunger hormone, ghrelin. If you don’t get adequate sleep, it suppresses leptin and increases ghrelin.
  • We can help you with all types of issues, including old injuries. At Next Level Wellness, we even offer physical therapy for athletes and injured patients.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness

Healthy Ways To Boost Energy

Healthy Ways To Boost Energy

Whether you workout to become healthy, look better or feel better, one thing is certain, it can boost your energy level. It’s one of the reasons people workout. If you’re out of shape, everything is more difficult. That can tire you out quickly. Exercise also helps you lose weight. Losing extra pounds can also bring relief from premature exhaustion. Think about it. If you’re 20 pounds overweight, it’s like carrying a 20-pound weight around all day. Exercise helps you build muscles, improve endurance and lose weight. It makes a significant difference.

Exercise is also a stress buster.

If you’ve already started a workout program, you probably are screaming at the computer, noting you were exhausted after working out. It probably was especially true during the first few weeks of exercise. Initially, you will feel exhausted but that didn’t last long. You probably also noticed that after a hard workout, you felt at ease and free of the tension that built up during the day. That’s because exercise burns off the hormones of stress that cause changes that make you feel exhausted, draining you of energy and depriving you of sleep.

You can get your energy from the food you eat.

Try some fruit, the juicier the better. Fruit is high in sugar, but has lots of fiber, which slows the amount of glucose that enters the bloodstream. Rather than spiking blood sugar and having that roller coaster type of energy that rises fast and drops faster, you’ll get a boost of energy and if the fruit is juicy, like watermelon, you’ll get the benefits of more hydration and additional nutrients. Have some fun in hot weather by freezing grapes. They’re ready to become a cold, delicious snack. To maintain a longer stream of energy combine fruit with a source of protein, such as apple slices and peanut butter or cheese.

Stay hydrated.

Carry water with you and sip it throughout the day. Even mild dehydration can cause you to feel exhausted. The next time you’re out of energy, get a cold bottle or glass of water. You’ll be amazed at how quickly you’ll feel more awake and energized. The older you, the harder it is to stay hydrated. The sense of thirst and volume of water in the body decreases as you age.

  • Caffeine-containing products can give you a boost. Green tea without sugar is a good choice because it has many beneficial phytochemicals. Black coffee is also another option. Avoid soft drinks. They contain ingredients, such as sugar, that lower your energy level.
  • Get more sleep. Getting more sleep is probably the first thing you should do to boost your energy level. Set up a sleep schedule and stick with it.
  • Exercise also helps boost your energy because it aids in improving your posture. When you’re walking tall, you aren’t fighting gravity every step and forcing muscles to work to keep you upright. Your body is aligned so it takes less effort.
  • Sunshine can improve all areas of your health, including boosting energy. Sunshine increases serotonin levels, that improves your mood, and reduces stress and depression.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness

Healthy Shopping Tips

Healthy Shopping Tips

Probably the first on the list of healthy shopping tips for the grocery is to always eat before you go. While the family-size Doritos or big bags of M&Ms will still look good, you’ll be full enough to resist buying them. If they aren’t in the house, you’ll be far less likely to eat them. With that said, also remember to include on your list some options for healthy snacks. They’re just as important for weight loss as they are for good health.

You don’t always have to have fresh fruits and vegetables to get the most nutrients for your dollar.

While fresh vegetables look delicious and taste that way, too, if you’re cooking a meal, frozen or canned veggies will do. In most cases, they are healthy, as long as the only ingredient is the vegetable. In the case of canned veggies and fruit, water packed without added sugar or salt is okay. Frozen fruits and vegetables may actually be healthier. That’s because they’re processed right from the field. Unlike fresh veggies that often have to travel miles to the grocery, then sit on the shelf until you buy them, they aren’t picked early and are far fresher.

Save money and only get organic fruits or vegetables on the Dirty Dozen list.

The EWG—Environmental Working Group—samples hundreds of conventionally grown fruits and vegetables from around the country, looking for higher levels of 230 different pesticides. The produce is washed thoroughly and sometimes peeled, then tested. If the level of these chemicals. Is high, they’re placed on the Dirty Dozen list, which has grown for some years to the Dirty Dozen plus one. If they show no signs or minimal amounts, they are placed in the Clean 15 group. Fruits and vegetables on the Clean 15 list don’t need to be organic to be low in pesticides or pesticide-free, so you can purchase the cheaper non-organic variety.

Read the label!

Look for added sugar and high sodium levels and avoid those products. For instance, peanut butter should only have one item, peanuts. The fewer the ingredients, the better. Remember, if you can’t pronounce the ingredients or it looks like a chem lab exam, it shouldn’t go in your shopping cart. Read the labels and opt for the ones that are lower in sodium, added sugar and saturated fat.

  • Plan your meals for the week and do meal prep on the weekend. Make a shopping list and stick with what’s on the list. It helps to save money by using leftovers and saves time by cooking everything at once.
  • Always check the use-by date on the label. If it’s close to expiration and you’re using it right away, it’s not a problem. Recently, many people have found items on the shelves past use-by dates, which may have occurred due to shipping problems.
  • If you’re buying canned chicken, meat or fish, make sure it’s packed in water, not in oil. Check the label to make sure it doesn’t contain salt or at least has a lower sodium level.
  • Most tree nuts and seeds are healthy options that add extra protein to your diet. If you find them at a low price, stock up. You can store extras in air-tight containers or freeze them. For example, pecans can be frozen for up to two years.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness

Meal Plan Like A Pro

Meal Plan Like A Pro

People who come to Next Level Fitness in Irvine, CA, know that they’re getting more than a gym. One benefit offered is nutrition education. Eating healthy is just as important, if not more important, than exercise. Knowing the healthiest foods can only help you if you eat them, but too often, life can become too busy and overwhelming. That’s often when people opt for fast foods and unhealthy, but quick, options. If you choose to meal plan you won’t have that problem. You’ll have meals ready to heat and serve during the busy work week in less time than it takes to get drive-through food.

It takes time at first, but it’s worth it.

Using the information provided through nutritional counseling, you’re armed with all you need to start planning your meals. Midweek, plan the meals for the following week using the nutritional guidance we provide. Some apps are available that can help, if you want more help. Make sure you include snacks in your meal plan. If you don’t, you might find yourself grabbing options that are far less healthy at the gas station/convenience store or from the office vending machine.

Try to use meats and vegetables several ways throughout the week.

Are you having roasted chicken for one meal? Use the leftover chicken for chicken salad and the bones for soup on another day. Maybe you have roasted veggies with the chicken. They can top a baby green spring salad or add to a Buddha bowl. Once you plan the meals, make a grocery list, then check the fridge and the cupboards to make sure you don’t already have those ingredients. Some people work it in reverse, checking cans and freezer items for use-by dates and creating a menu around those items close to their use by-date.

Shop on a Friday night, making certain you go after you eat dinner.

That’s an important key to both saving money and staying healthier. If you’re full that snack aisle doesn’t call your name, nor does the pastry aisle beckon you. Spend the weekend cooking. It doesn’t have to take all day. You can cook several meals at once in your oven, chop all the veggies at once and bag some for snacks. Some people have crockpots, stove tops, ovens and microwaves going all at once, so several meals are cooking at one time. That cuts overall kitchen time in half. Once everything is prepared, put the food in individual containers to heat and serve.

  • If you have bones left over, but not enough for bone broth, put them in a labeled freezer bag and save them until you have enough for making broth. Bone broth is filled with nutrients. It’s a healthier option for a soup base or can be consumed by the cupful as a snack.
  • You can double the recipe and make enough to store for later. Always put a date and what you made on your freezer container. You may think you’ll remember, but most people don’t.
  • Having snacks available is important, especially if you have goals to reach. Have fresh fruit, veggies and dip, trail mix, popcorn or other healthy snacks ready for those times. Items like cantaloupe should be cut and ready to eat.
  • Is saving money part of the game plan? Try a meatless Monday and plan meals around seasonal fruits and vegetables. When making the grocery list, check online for sales at stores close to you and look for coupons.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness

Is Cardio Enough For Weight Loss?

Is Cardio Enough For Weight Loss?

You may have heard that cardio burns tons of calories and is great for weight loss. That’s partially true, but not the entire story. Just doing cardio doesn’t improve all types of fitness. You need strength, balance and flexibility training, too. Cardio also isn’t the only type of training that burns lots of calories. Strength training will also torch those calories quickly. Strength-building also has other benefits that make it a great option for your weight loss program.

Cardio builds your endurance, which builds your energy level.

That’s important. If you’re out dancing, you’ll burn more calories the longer you dance and the same is true of running or any activity. Cardio not only increases how long you can work out, but also boosts the intensity level. You need more, though. You need flexibility training to increase your range of motion and prevent injury. You also need balance and strength training to help prevent falls. Some cardio can provide all of that, but running isn’t one of those things.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner.

What’s the best type of workout for weight loss and calorie burning? It’s strength training. Strength training burns a high amount of calories, while also building muscle tissue. In other words, it targets fat! When you do just cardio, it’s indiscriminate about where it gets the calories, burning both fat and lean muscle tissue. That means you’ll have less muscle tissue and muscle tissue requires more calories for maintenance. The less you have, the lower your resting metabolic rate. That makes it harder to lose weight.

Do strength training to look your best.

Why do people want to lose weight? One reason is to look thinner. When you’re doing strength training and toning muscles, you can stay the same weight and still look thinner. That’s right! A cubic inch of fat weighs far less than a cubic inch of muscle, so a pound of fat would need a larger container than a pound of muscle. Your body is that container and the more muscle you have, the smaller it is, even if you don’t shed a pound. You’ll walk more gracefully and move with ease when you add cardio, balance and flexibility training.

  • Some exercises combine strength-building and cardiovascular training. HIIT—high intensity interval training—while doing strength training is one example. Kettlebells provide all types of training in one workout.
  • If you’re doing strength training, don’t do it every day. Strength training makes microtears in the muscles that need to heal. Your muscles need between 48 and 72 hours to recover. Alternate between cardio and strength-building or work different muscle groups each day.
  • If you want to keep your calorie-burning fires running high, vary the type of workout you do. The body becomes efficient the more you do the same exercise and that leads to efficiency and burning fewer calories.
  • Strength training causes EPOC—Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption. That makes your body continue to burn extra calories long after you’ve finished your workout and left the gym.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness