
Sneaky Ways To Lose Weight

Sneaky Ways To Lose Weight

People often start a weight loss regimen with trepidation and dread. They think they have to make dramatic changes to their life. Luckily, you can start slowly by making small changes. These sneaky ways to lose weight can make it easier and more fun. They take away the pain people often experience when they first […]

Staying In Shape With A Busy Lifestyle

Staying In Shape With A Busy Lifestyle

Staying in shape isn’t easy when your life is busy. Many people in Irvine, CA find it difficult to have adequate time for everything. They often ignore fitness because they feel they’ll have time later when life isn’t as crowded or other people’s needs are more important than theirs. Neither reason is good. There are […]

The Importance Of Mixing Up Your Workouts

The Importance Of Mixing Up Your Workouts

Trainers help athletes focus on workouts that enhance their bodies and prepare them for particular sports. It often involves mixing in tricks and tips that you might not expect. A healthy diet can make a huge difference, but so can mindset. Trying new ways to exercise and creating new routines is another. Mixing it up […]

How To Improve Stamina

How To Improve Stamina

The way you improve your stamina has a lot to do with your ultimate goal. If you’re running, the most effective tools may differ from someone focusing on weight lifting. Some techniques work for every sport and are a part of any sensible training program. They can help both the athlete and non-athlete. One simple […]

Have You Tried Plyometric Workouts?

Have You Tried Plyometric Workouts?

If you want to condition your muscles for a quick response time or maximum short bursts of strength, include plyometric workouts in your fitness program. It’s all about the muscle SSC—stretch-shortening cycle. It’s the mechanism providing spring-like muscle performance that improves explosive and endurance-type athletic performances. It has three phases: the eccentric phase, the amortization […]

Setting Realistic New Year's Goals

Setting Realistic New Year’s Goals

It’s back. It’s the time when people in Irvine, CA start working on their New Year’s goals they set at the stroke of midnight on December 31st. They may be struggling to keep them in the first few weeks or even decide to give up. Frequently, the reason is that they aren’t realistic and are […]

Why The Buddy System Works

Why The Buddy System Works

One way of improving your chances of consistent workouts is using the buddy system. It offers many benefits. One is accountability. That’s also one reason trainers help so much. You commit to an exercise program with another person at a specific time, so you go, knowing they’ll be there waiting for you. It’s the same […]

How To Stay Fit When Traveling

How To Stay Fit When Traveling

When you’re trying to stay fit, traveling makes it more difficult. It may feel impossible whether you’re flying or driving. It disrupts your schedule. You aren’t close to your gym or have the convenience of controlling what you eat by making it yourself. It’s easy to fall off your diet or skip exercising. It takes […]

How To Make Working Out A Habit

How To Make Working Out A Habit

Why would you want to turn working out into a habit? Habits, whether good or bad, are hard to break. If you’ve ever moved to a different part of town, you may have driven to your old address on the way home. It comes from years of doing it until it became a habit. You […]