
Ever Tried Overnight Oats?

Ever Tried Overnight Oats?

If you’re like many people, you find yourself rushed in the morning, barely able to put toast in the toaster. Making a healthy breakfast may be important to help you lose weight, but when time is at a premium, something has to give. Overnight oats is a healthy breakfast option that doesn’t require cooking. You […]

Health Benefits Of Regular Exercise

Health Benefits Of Regular Exercise

If you’re a regular at Next Level Fitness in Irvine, CA, you may already realize all the health benefits you get from exercise. If you just wanted to shed a few pounds and look better, you’ll also get the benefits that come from losing that extra weight. No matter what type of exercise you do, […]

What Sugar Does To Your Internal System

What Sugar Does To Your Internal System

There are so many diseases that might be avoided by a healthier diet. A healthier diet would contain less processed food, less trans fats and less sugar. Highly processed food is a large category, which normally contains food high in trans fats and sugar. The more sugar you consume, the more potential for disease and […]

Surprising Sources Of Protein

Surprising Sources Of Protein

There are a number of different sources of protein that aren’t animal products, yet most people immediately think beef, pork, poultry and fish. You’ll be amazed at how low cost these alternate sources can be and how healthy. While most people get adequate protein in America, a few groups don’t. Seniors are one of those […]

What Exactly Is Gluten?

What Exactly Is Gluten?

Have you considered going gluten-free or purchased items at the store that were gluten-free, thinking they must be healthier. Many clients at Next Level Fitness in Irvine, CA have told me they’ve done the same, but they aren’t sure what gluten is or why it’s healthier not to eat food that contains it. Gluten is […]

Boost Your Immune System For Fall

Boost Your Immune System For Fall

If you haven’t already started or live a healthy lifestyle, fall is a great time to boost your immune system in Irvine, CA. It’s cool enough to get outside more and be active. There is a lot of fresh produce at the market and it’s a good time to take the kids for bike hikes […]

Exercising Outside Late Fall And Winter

Exercising Outside Late Fall And Winter

This time of year is perfect for exercising outside. It’s cooling down, so even riding a bike or running is comfortable. There are a lot of benefits to enjoying the outdoors as your gym, so I’m always thankful that I live in this climate, where it’s not icy cold and snowy. Getting extra sunshine is […]

Yoga Poses For Stress Reduction

Yoga Poses For Stress Reduction

All types of exercise, particularly those that get your heart pumping, really do relieve stress. Exercise burns off the hormones of stress and replace them with hormones that make you feel good. When you can make it to the gym, that’s great, but it’s not always possible and neither is heart pumping, sweat drenching exercise. […]

Is Rapid Weight Loss Safe?

Is Rapid Weight Loss Safe?

The average person losing weight takes off between a pound and two pounds a week. It might seem slow and you may want to opt for more rapid weight loss, but is that wise? It took a long time to put on the weight and the excess weight often occurs because of the decisions you […]