
Healthy Eating When You’re Older

Healthy eating when you’re older can help stave off many of the illnesses that plague older people. It can help keep you feeling and looking better, too. Often it’s easier to grab snack food rather than make a healthy meal. Making food ahead and freezing it in portion sizes is one way to ensure you […]

A Teenager’s Nutritional Needs

If you want to create the perfect menu for a teenager’s nutritional needs, you should include both more calories if the teen is active and healthier more nutrient packed foods. It’s a time when teens are starting to break away from the nest and make their own food choices. If you are the parent, you […]

What Would You Say To Your Younger Self

What would you say to your younger self if you could whisper in your own ear when you were in your teens, twenties or later? If you’re old enough to remember when Microsoft was first on the market before all the splits and price increase? Would you study for a different line of work or […]

What Is Your Perfect Day

What is your perfect day? How would you describe a day that’s exactly what you want? Are you working and accomplishing everything on your list? Are you having fun with friends and family? Is your day an active one with plenty of exercise having fun? Do you see the perfect day starting with breakfast in […]

Burning Stubborn Stomach Fat

Abdominal fat is one of the most dangerous types of fat. It crowds the organs and is associated with stress hormones that play havoc with your body. It also makes clothing uncomfortable and no matter how expensive the outfit, look far less attractive. Burning stubborn stomach fat is hard and it requires you lose weight […]

You Are Your Best Project

You are your best project for the holidays, especially when you want more energy or just a boost to feel better about yourself. It’s the perfect time to start working out for a number of reasons. The most important is to feel good. Not only does exercise burn off the holiday stress, it also helps […]

Get Rid Of Stubborn Fat

If you’ve about given up on losing weight and eliminating that roll around your waist, it’s time to find a new strategy. You can get rid of stubborn fat, but it will mean rethinking your previous strategy. Start with healthy eating. Healthy eating isn’t dieting. In fact, dieting may be one of the reasons you’re […]

Best Exercises At Home

While I always advocate working out with your trainer and scheduling an appointment at the gym, sometimes you simply don’t have the window of opportunity to get there and workout, but you do have that extra hour to workout at home. Here are the best exercises at home for those days you simply don’t have […]

Dance To Workout

Too often people think they have to go to the gym and do a specific routine to get the benefit of exercise. While a focused routine specifically to address your deficiencies and needs is important, you can get exercise other ways too. After all, exercise is one means to get you healthy enough to live […]