Fitness & Wellness

How To Do Intermittent Fasting Successfully

How To Do Intermittent Fasting Successfully

If you haven’t heard of intermittent fasting before and think it’s new, be prepared to be surprised. There have been studies that date back a few centuries. One scientific study conducted on rats in the 1940s showed that intermittent fasting could prolong life. It kept the fasting rat looking younger and free of some of the diseases rats face as they aged. Great religious leaders have fasted for both body and spirit, so it does come with a history. However, intermittent fasting is different from the traditional fasting of the ancients. It’s all about when you eat.

Fasting and intermittent fasting are different, but there are also different types of intermittent fasting.

Fasting is often over longer time periods. It might be a weekend or week-long fast, where only water is consumed. Intermittent fasting occurs over hours. It’s based on eating cycles and fasting cycles of hours, not days. Some people find that if they contain their food consumption to an eight hour period each day and fast for 16 hours, it’s easier to do. Some people find that limiting their food intake to the hours of 8am-4pm or 9am-5pm. Some people approach fasting to restricting caloric intake every other day. Other patterns have the person eating normally for five days, separated by two days of eating an extremely calorie-restricted diet of 200 to 300 calories a day or nothing at all for another version.

Find the type of intermittent fasting that works best for you.

Some people find that scheduling their meals and limiting eating to eight to ten hours of each day is the easiest for them to use. Remember, you still have to eat healthy. Intermittent fasting doesn’t mean that when you eat you fill up on candy, cookies and ice cream. Work schedules can interfere with that, so using the alternatives of either calorie restriction every other day, whether simply lowering them, severely restricting them or cutting out food entirely. It all takes planning and can be tough over the weekend, so make sure you consider social functions you have planned.

Fasting occasionally does offer a great many benefits.

How could fasting make you look younger? When you fast, your body starts a process of cellular repair called autophagy. It uses cells that aren’t functioning right or old as energy. That helps rid your body of these cells and slow the aging process, plus protect against diseases like Alzheimer’s and cancer. Fasting can also boost metabolic health.

  • A healthy diet is always a must, whether using intermittent fasting or not. My favorite is narrowing the time you eat to an eight hour window. I find it easier to remember and easier to do.
  • You can try your own experiment and see how intermittent fasting works for you. Plan your meals so you’re eating the same number of calories each week, start by eating normally for a month, then use one of the intermittent fasting techniques for a month. See if you lose more weight with the fasting.
  • Intermittent fasting can change the longevity and immunity gene expression to extend lifespan, plus improve insulin sensitivity, reduce inflammation and raise the BDNF a brain hormone that protects from mental conditions, including depression.
  • One study showed that IF—intermittent fating—for as little as three weeks to as many as 24 weeks increased loss of abdominal fat by as much as seven percent and increased weight loss to as much as eight percent.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness

Detox Water Recipes For Weight Loss

Detox Water Recipes For Weight Loss

Losing weight takes more than just eating or drinking a magic formula. It takes adjusting your diet so it’s healthier and exercising regularly. However, there’s a new fad in weight loss called detox water. Some of my clients in Irvine, CA even use detox water recipes for weight loss. Does it work? The answer is yes and no. Detox water is water that’s been infused with fresh herbs, fruits and vegetables to add flavor and even a few extra nutrients. If you’re drinking it instead of a soft drink or even fruit juice, you’ll be cutting calories by drinking detox water and cutting sugar. So, yes, in that way it can be exceptional for aiding in weight loss.

Detox or any water can help you lose weight.

There are a number of studies that show that drinking water can indeed help you lose weight. One study showed that drinking cold water can raise your metabolism could rise about % for an hour. Another study shows that if you drink the recommended amount of water, you’d have better results for weight loss than if you didn’t. Drinking any type of water before a meal boosts weight loss, too. It fills you up, so you eat less, but doesn’t contain calories.

Water, including detox water offers other health benefits.

Constipation shouldn’t be a problem when you drink adequate water. Dehydration can cause constipation, so sipping on detox water frequently can help relieve it and cut out that bloating it can cause. You’ll also get a jumpstart on your mood and focus when you drink water. I call water my “quicker picker upper.” As much as I enjoy a cup of coffee, when I’m tired, I grab a bottle of cold water and immediately have more energy. It also can boost my concentration and help relieve some headaches. enough, increasing your water intake could improve your mood and give you more energy.

Here are some flavorful recipes I thoroughly enjoy.

It doesn’t take much to make detox water, which means I thoroughly enjoy making these recipes. You put the fruit, spice, herb or vegetable inside the carafe and then add water. After about an hour, the water will be infused with flavor. For weight loss, some people turn to the old favorite found in finer restaurants, lemon water. While there’s minimal lemon juice, even if you squeeze the lemon into it, it still adds a little more vitamin C to your system, plus all that great thirst quenching water. If you want to get fancy, add some mint to the mix. Apple slices, cinnamon and a touch of apple cider vinegar to a carafe of water can also fill you up while infusing a few extra healthy nutrients without extra calories.

  • Consider how elegant you’ll feel when you pour yourself a tall glass of water that’s been infused with sliced strawberries, blueberries and a few slices of lemon. You’ll be amazed at how it quenches both your thirst and appeases your appetite.
  • While I tend to focus on the fruit-flavored detox water recipes, don’t forget those with vegetables. Cucumber infused water is also good for weight loss. In fact, some people even mix it with lemon.
  • Just because there’s no direct evidence that drinking specially infused water will help you lose weight, it doesn’t mean that it can’t make weight loss easier. That little bit of flavor can help you drink more water and the more often you drink the recommended 8 eight ounce glasses, the better you are.
  • Detox water, water infused with flavor from herbs, fruits, vegetables and spices, isn’t new. Think tea, especially herbal tea.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness

Set Monthly Goals

Set Monthly Goals

Clients who visit us in Irvine, CA, often have big goals. Some that aren’t achievable in less than a few years. For these people who work to help them break down those goals and set monthly goals. That doesn’t negate that “big goal.” It just provides the steps to help them achieve those goals. Why would you want to do that? There’s a number of reasons. One of the biggest reason is motivation.

How can short term goals help you lose weight faster?

The truth is, it doesn’t. What it does do is help you stay motivated to achieve the goals that you initially set. You see a long term goal of getting fit and running a marathon or losing 120 pounds doesn’t happen quickly. It can get pretty discouraging to wait that long to enjoy your accomplishments and everyone needs an atta’ boy to help them stay on the road to fitness. It also helps keep the goal believable and achievable.

That doesn’t mean you can’t have BIG goals.

There’s nothing better than facing a big challenge and also nothing more intimidating. That’s why breaking down the goal to smaller mini goals can be so helpful. In fact, you can set monthly goals and quarterly goals with the ultimate goal your final destination. Your ultimate goal should be truly yours, not something someone else said you should do. However, if the doctor said you have to lose weight, make the goal about losing weight to see your child graduate, prevent the cost and pain of illness or simply to feel better. In that case, it’s not the doctor’s recommendation you’re following but the avoidance of the consequences of not following it.

Short term goals need to be specific, measurable and with a deadline.

Just like long term goals, you need a specific goal. Whether it’s being able to run a certain distance or lose a certain amount of weight, you have to choose something you can measure. If you don’t, you’ll never know when you’ve reached it. Find several ways to measure your goal. Weight loss may include lost inches, too. Blood pressure and health stats can be measures of your goals.

  • Don’t try to do everything at once. If you have several goals, start making changes on one goal until it becomes a habit and then add another.
  • When you break down your goal to monthly goals, go easy on yourself. Don’t try to lose 15 pounds a month, even though it may be possible. Work on losing two pounds a week is more reasonable
  • Get the help of a personal trainer if you’re not sure how to set fitness goals and break them down to monthly goals. They’re used to helping people and can provide aid in knowing what’s possible.
  • Our trainers work with each client to not only create meaningful long and short term goals, but also assess those goals and create a program for clients.

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Follow A Quick Morning Routine

Follow A Quick Morning Routine

You probably notice when you don’t brush your teeth in the morning before you leave for work. In fact, if you forgot, you may even stop at a store to buy a toothbrush and toothpaste to brush when you get there. That’s because it’s become a habit to brush before you leave and if occasionally you forget you simply don’t feel right. You can follow a quick morning routine to help you get into shape, lose weight and stay fit. Don’t try to do everything at once.

Start your day with a big glass of water.

If you want to ensure you drink at least eight glasses of water a day, start early and spread them throughout the day. You’ll get your system percolating when you drink a glass or two every morning. Cold water can actually burn extra calories. One study involving women who were overweight found that when one group increased their water intake by about one liter, they lost over four pounds in a year, without doing anything else. Can you imagine how that could boost your results if you’re eating healthy and working out?

Eat plenty of protein for breakfast.

Eating your Wheaties or some other cereal may be what you’re used to doing, but you won’t get very far on those nutrients. Most are just carbohydrates that you burn quickly. Instead, make protein a big part of your morning. It can actually fill you up longer and keep you feeling satisfied enough to avoid snacking in the morning and afternoon even if you eat a light lunch. Studies show that a high-protein breakfast can help you lose weight and avoid weight gain.

Workout in the morning.

Maybe you don’t have time for a full workout, but just doing a few exercises can help. For those that workout in the morning, they find it’s an easy way to get into the workout habit and the activities, emergencies and business of the day doesn’t get them sidetracked. It can get your blood circulating and boost your energy getting your ready for the stress of the day.

  • Take a minute of gratitude and mindfulness. Take five minutes in the morning and first be thankful for all you have. Next just sit in quiet contemplation getting in touch with your senses. Mindfulness can help you lose weight by being more aware of what you’re eating. It’s one reason yoga helps.
  • Pack a healthy lunch in the morning. If you’re just starting a program of healthy eating, why not make sure you make your lunch healthy, too. It can improve the nutritional value and reduce caloric intake.
  • Go to bed a little earlier than you normally do. Not only can that extra sleep help keep your hunger hormones in line, it gives you more time to do a morning routine.
  • If you’re not sure of the foods you need to prepare a healthy sack lunch, what food to include in your breakfast or just want a place to workout that provides guidance, we welcome you to try out, we welcome you to try our one week free trial.

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Carry A Water Bottle Everywhere

Carry A Water Bottle Everywhere

No matter what the weather, I carry a water bottle everywhere. It’s partially because I like water. Somewhat because I get thirsty frequently, but also because water boosts my energy level without the high and low repercussions of a sugary soft drink. Water is good for you too. In fact, the brain is composed mostly of water, so you can see how staying hydrated can keep you more alert. The heart and brain contains 73 % water, the lungs have 83% and muscles and kidneys contain 79%.

You’ll notice everything is harder to do and your ability to function reduces when you’re dehydrated.

You can face serious consequences if you dehydrate. Your body needs water to do many of the functions of life. It helps keep your temperature regulated and is necessary to build new cells. If you’re feeling out of sorts, maybe it’s slight dehydration. Water helps you get rid of waste material in your body. It also is a great shock absorber for the brain and lubricates your joints.

To help take off weight, carry a bottle of water.

Did you know that sometimes you think you’re hungry but you’re really thirsty. Those are the times When watermelon and juicy fruit sounds really good. Just think before you eat that bowl of ice cream. Drink a glass or bottle of water and wait for a few minutes. Many times, you’ll be surprised that the craving to eat disappears. Another trick is to drink a full glass of cold water right before a meal. The coldness of the water burns extra calories while the water itself fills you up so you eat less.

I call water my quicker picker upper.

When I feel exhausted and need to keep going, I don’t turn to coffee, but instead go for water. Water also can provide relief if you have achy muscles or feel exhausted. One sign of mild dehydration is achy muscles…and excessive tiredness. One problem with coffee is that it contains caffeine. If dehydration is a problem, you don’t need more caffeine in your system. Caffeine can actually cause you to lose more fluid. Drink water throughout the day to stay at your best. Most people suggest 8-eight ounce glasses of water every day. Drink one the first thing in the morning to get your body awake.

  • If you’re bloated and in a battle with water weight, it may sound counterproductive to drink more water, but it works. Water is actually a great diuretic and helps flush out the excess fluid you retained.
  • Your age makes a difference in how fast you dehydrate. Older people often dehydrate faster than younger people do. Sometimes, it’s mistaken for senility or dementia. Frequent UTIs may be a sign that you’re also dehydrated. Your body doesn’t have enough fluid to flush out bacteria.
  • If you want to look your best, drink more water. It keeps your skin looking smoother and young. While you can’t expect to look 20 years younger, it does prevent premature lines and wrinkles.
  • There is so much helpful information, our trainers can provide. For instance, did you know that studies show diet colas actually add inches to your middle? Come in find out everything we have to offer from healthy eating plans and exercise routines to massages and chiropractic help.

Contact us today for more information:

Keeping The Pounds Off

Keeping The Pounds Off

It’s hard enough to lose weight, but nearly impossible to prevent pounds from returning. Keeping pounds off is especially difficult if you dieted. Dieting doesn’t work because it always ends. At that point people go back to the eating habits that put on the weight in the first place. Rather than dieting to lose weight, people need to make lifestyle changes to not only take off pounds but keep them off permanently.

What are the lifestyle changes you need to make?

Healthy eating and regular exercise are two of the changes, but they are the two with the top priority for weight loss and weight loss maintenance. Eating healthy doesn’t mean you can never indulge in a gooey, sugary dessert. It means you can do it occasionally, but also using portion control. Eating healthy means eating more whole foods and fewer processed foods. Once you start, you’ll find that after a while, those gooey desserts don’t taste nearly as good as they once did.

A healthy lifestyle includes a program of regular exercise.

It doesn’t have to be a formal program. It can mean going to the gym or just walking more and becoming more active. It means taking a break from sitting every fifty minutes and spending five minutes moving around by walking or even doing a few jumping jacks. Even though it doesn’t mean you have to have a formal program, it must become part of your life. That means it must become a habit. Exercise helps boost the immune system and keeps you younger at a cellular level.

Eating the right foods not only tastes good and keeps weight off, it boosts your energy.

When you have the right types of food filled with nutrients, it keeps your blood sugar level. That means you’ll be less likely to snack. Cutting out sugar is a huge boost to maintaining level blood sugar and overall good health. Cutting out processed foods helps prevent additives like high fructose corn syrup—HFCS. Studies show that HFCS not only affects your blood sugar levels, it messes with your satiety and hunger hormones, reducing those that make you feel full and boosting the hunger hormones. Make it a habit to read labels and avoid foods containing it.

  • Drink more water. Even though diet and exercise are habits that help you both lose and maintain weight, so does increasing your water intake. Often people eat, when they’re actually hungry, plus when taken with a meal makes you feel full sooner.
  • Watching what you eat helps you lose and maintain weight loss. There are calories in those soft drinks and even diet drinks take their toll on your body by increasing visceral fat—belly fat.
  • Exercise helps you build muscles and muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue does. The more you have, the higher your metabolism will be to help you keep weight off permanently.
  • Your exercise program should be well balanced with exercises to boost endurance, balance, strength and flexibility. You need fitness in all these areas. Strength building will also help you lose weight faster.

Eat, Drink And Be Healthy

Eat, Drink And Be Healthy

If you want to be healthy, you must eat healthy food and that includes what you drink. While there are so many factors that can determine whether you’ll be healthy or not, exercising and eating/drinking healthy are two of the most important. That’s especially important since these are factors that you can control. Today, obesity has reached the level that it’s number one on the list of factors in preventable diseases. Changing your eating habits doesn’t have to be hard. It all starts with one small change.

Changing what you drink is as important as changing what you eat.

If you drink carbonated drinks, coffee with cream and sugar, fruit juice or even alcoholic beverages with any regularity, you’re adding both extra calories and often health risks. Not only are some soft drinks nothing more than sugar, carbonated water and flavoring, they all contain a high amount of sodium—-even diet drinks. Although diet drinks don’t contain sugar, they do contain artificial sweeteners that can be just as bad for your health. Considering one can of cola is about 140 calories, if you drank two cans of cola a day, by switching to water you could lose a pound in less than two weeks without any other changes to your diet. That’s pretty amazing and one quick and healthier because you’re also cutting down on sugar, too.

Add more fruits and vegetables to your diet.

Adding more green will keep you lean. While you should add more fruit and vegetables, there are also two extra rules to follow. Add more vegetables than fruit. You should have between two and two and a half cups of vegetables and just one and a half to two cups of fruit per day. Don’t forget, you need a good source of protein and healthy fat, too. Both fill you up and keep you feeling fuller longer.

Set yourself up for successful healthy eating.

Okay, if you’re ravenous about nine o’clock at night, it’s not really a good time to eat, but if you must, make sure you have healthy snacks available. Throw out or simply don’t buy unhealthy options. Have healthy ones ready instead. Cut up fresh fruit and vegetables and have them ready for snacks. Have some yogurt based vegetable dip to add some protein. If you have a cantaloupe cut up in bite size squares, people tend to eat it. Have nuts ready to eat in individual portion bags. A sliced apple with a teaspoon of nut butter is a healthy option, too.

  • Cutting out added sugar can be difficult, but well worth it for good health. While you’re doing it, keeping a supply of fresh grapes, cherries or other sweet fruit can help.
  • Make sure your meals and snacks have a source of protein. While carbs from vegetables give you an energy boost immediately, the protein will keep you full longer.
  • Remember, you don’t have to give up your favorite food forever, even if it isn’t the healthiest. Just eat it far less frequently and remember portion control.
  • Learn to make substitutions to lower calories and improve nutrition. Something as simple as using Greek yogurt on your baked potato can be easy, yet effective.

Choose Veggies

Choose Veggies

People in Irvine, CA, who are the most successful at weight loss choose veggies to dominate their menu. One reason for that is their fiber to calorie ratio. They’re high in filling fiber compared to their relatively low calorie count. They also have more water compared to lower sugar. That means they fill you up before you’ve consumed enough calories to gain weight.

Some vegetables qualify more as a starch than a vegetable.

There are also some vegetables that are better for weight loss. Vegetables like legumes—chickpeas, lentils, peas, kidney, pinto, navy and black beans—potatoes and corn should be considered starchy food, rather than vegetables. Unlike foods considered vegetables, you can’t consume them as freely as you can the rest of the vegetable family. While all vegetables contain fiber, including starchy vegetables, and all vegetables contain nutrients, starchy vegetables are higher in calories, so you may limit the amount you eat if you want to lose weight.

Both fruit and vegetables should be part of your diet.

Vegetables and fruits should play a prominent role in your diet. Because of the higher sugar content in fruit, rather than eating 2 to 2 ½ cups as you would vegetables, you should limit your fruit intake to 1 ½ to 2 cups a day. Both fruits and vegetables are high in fiber, which can lower blood cholesterol. Consuming fruits and vegetables can lower your risk of some types of cancer and heart disease, reduce the potential for type 2 diabetes and both fruits and vegetables provide phytonutrients and chemicals that help keep you younger and delay illness.

Fill up on veggies, but don’t forget fats and protein foods.

Choosing to put more veggies on your plate and eating those first will certainly help you live healthier and be healthier, but you also need protein and fat. Whether you’re a vegetarian or an omni Varian, you still need the building blocks to create a healthy body. Lean chicken, beans, eggs, cottage cheese and seafood are a few sources of protein. Healthy fat comes from avocados, cheese, fatty fish and nuts, just to name a few sources. Some of the protein sources and fat sources overlap other categories, including vegetables.

  • Eating more vegetables means getting more fiber. Fiber not only helps keep you regular, it also helps you eat less, live longer, keep blood sugar regulated and lower cholesterol.
  • Women of childbearing ages should definitely eat more fruits and vegetables to benefit from the folic acid they contain. Folate helps prevent birth defects.
  • Eating whole veggies and fruit, as opposed to taking a pill or consuming processed foods, provide a spectrum of nutrients that act in synergy to boost good health at the cellular level.
  • Creating a colorful plate of fruits and vegetables can provide most of the nutrients the body needs, since each color represents different vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients.

How To Reduce Belly Fat

How To Reduce Belly Fat

One of the biggest problems faced by many women who come into the gym is the accumulation of fat around the middle, especially on the belly. You can reduce belly fat and get those flat abs everyone wants, but it takes more than just exercise to do it. Belly fat is viscous fat, which is the unhealthiest type of fat that’s also the toughest to eliminate. Getting rid of it means making several lifestyle changes.

Start with a program of healthy eating.

Healthy eating isn’t dieting, but you’ll achieve your proper weight when you do it. It means eating more whole foods and eliminating processed foods that contain harmful substances, like preservatives and other additives, but very little fiber or nutrition. Healthy food, such as fresh vegetables and fruit, is high in fiber, which can help improve your digestive system and eliminate some of the bloating. Cutting out food high in sugar is also important. Don’t forget that what you drink makes a huge difference. Even diet soft drinks have been proven to add inches around the middle and accumulate belly fat.

Workout regularly.

While there’s no way to do spot exercises that just makes the fat disappear around the belly, exercising does take the weight off your entire body and tones your muscles to give you a slimmer appearance. Focus on complex exercises that get more muscles involved. Strength training is another way to burn huge amounts of calories, just as HIIT—high intensity interval training—is. While doing abdominal exercises will help tone your muscles, so will doing HIIT resistance workouts or using kettlebells. The key is losing weight. No matter how great your abs are, if they’re covered with a layer of fat, nobody will see them.

Cut out the stress.

One benefit of exercise that people often fail to acknowledge is that it burns off the hormones of stress. Stress can actually cause the accumulation of belly fat. That’s right! Cortisol, one of the hormones produced by stress has been associated with the accumulation of fat on the abdomen. Not only should you workout regularly to burn off stress, consider ways to deal with stress before it affects you, such as deep breathing or meditation.

  • Eat more lean protein. Studies show that people who eat more lean protein tend to have less belly fat than those that don’t. Protein increases your metabolism and makes you feel full longer.
  • Get plenty of sleep. Lack of sleep messes with the hormones that make you feel hungry or full. It increases the hunger hormones and reduces the ones that give a feeling of satiety.
  • Drink plenty of water. Not only will extra water help flush your system, it can also satisfy hunger pangs. Often people mistake feeling thirsty for being hungry, which can cause an increase in caloric intake. Drinking cold water actually burns calories without adding any.
  • Studies show that adding apple cider vinegar to your daily diet may actually reduce belly fat. In one study, men who drank a tablespoon in a glass of water daily reduced their waistline by a half inch in a twelve week period without any other changes.

Lean Muscle Workouts

Lean Muscle Workouts

No matter where you live, if you’re working out, you probably want to burn fat and build muscle tissue. Clients in Irvine, CA, who want to lose weight, often use a personal trainer to learn lean muscle workouts that help them do both. While doing any type of workout will help you lose weight, not all workouts will help you build muscles at the same time. Building muscle tissue is important. The more muscle tissue you have, the easier it is to keep weight from returning in the future. Muscle tissue requires more calories for maintenance than muscle tissue does.

It all starts with a good strength building program.

Cardio workouts do burn calories, but those calories come from both fat and muscle tissue. It actually can reduce the amount of muscle tissue you have and lower your metabolism. Strength building exercises, like lifting weights also burns calories, but it builds muscle tissue at the same time. The effects of workout increase your metabolism for hours after the workout, too. What are the best lean muscle tissue building exercises? The best ones are the ones you do consistently. Do weight training two to three times a week. Don’t do strength training every day. Give yourself a day or two rest in between strength training sessions.

Strength training can include pumping iron, resistance bands, HIIT workouts, bodyweight exercises or even power yoga.

While pumping iron is often what people initially identify as strength training, lifting weights is just one way to build lean muscle mass. HIIT workouts can give you an aerobic workout, while you’re building muscle tissue, too. You can even vary it to include flexibility training. Bodyweight exercises are excellent for muscle building, particularly for those who can’t make it to the gym. Resistance bands are also an inexpensive, easy to store addition to anyone’s at home workout. They’re great if you travel frequently.

Strength training should include both isometric and isotonic exercises.

Isometric exercises include the plank or a glute bridge. Isotonic workouts are squats, crunches and pushups. In isotonic exercises the muscles change length, while in isometric exercises, they don’t change length as they work against a force, think plank where you hold the position. Alternate your workout based on how you feel. If your joints are feeling stiff and sore, choose the isometric workouts where you get into position and hold.

  • Don’t worry about increasing weights, increasing reps works just as well. You can get results from either increasing weight and doing the same number of reps or increasing reps. Both methods provide the same results.
  • When you do compound workouts, you’re burning more calories, while building lean muscle tissue for several muscle groups. Think squats, pushups and deadlift.
  • If you can’t do the exercise yet, modify it until you’re stronger. If you haven’t worked out in a long time, some of the best workouts for lean muscle mass might be too difficult. Work your way up to them. Do modified, bent-knee pushups until you can do regular ones or step ups before box jumps.
  • Improve your diet. Eating a healthy diet is important to build lean muscle mass. You need extra protein, but also all the nutrients necessary for building muscle tissue. That means plenty of vegetables and fruits.