
Healthy Eating Made Simple

Healthy Eating Made Simple

Never use the excuse that you can’t eat healthy because it’s too hard, especially when you have this guide that makes healthy eating made simple. The first, and simplest, rule to remember, but not the easiest to follow, is to cut out added sugar. Cutting out sugar is tough for two reasons. First, it’s in […]

Sugar Consumption And Metabolic Disease

Sugar Consumption And Metabolic Disease

You’ve been told for ages that eating fat will definitely make you sick, but unfortunately, the mega study that supported that was paid for by the sugar industry. The truth is that sugar consumption, rather than fat consumption is more lethal to your health. It can cause metabolic disease and the most common form of […]

How To Do Intermittent Fasting Successfully

How To Do Intermittent Fasting Successfully

If you haven’t heard of intermittent fasting before and think it’s new, be prepared to be surprised. There have been studies that date back a few centuries. One scientific study conducted on rats in the 1940s showed that intermittent fasting could prolong life. It kept the fasting rat looking younger and free of some of […]

Detox Water Recipes For Weight Loss

Detox Water Recipes For Weight Loss

Losing weight takes more than just eating or drinking a magic formula. It takes adjusting your diet so it’s healthier and exercising regularly. However, there’s a new fad in weight loss called detox water. Some of my clients in Irvine, CA even use detox water recipes for weight loss. Does it work? The answer is […]

Set Monthly Goals

Set Monthly Goals

Clients who visit us in Irvine, CA, often have big goals. Some that aren’t achievable in less than a few years. For these people who work to help them break down those goals and set monthly goals. That doesn’t negate that “big goal.” It just provides the steps to help them achieve those goals. Why […]

Follow A Quick Morning Routine

Follow A Quick Morning Routine

You probably notice when you don’t brush your teeth in the morning before you leave for work. In fact, if you forgot, you may even stop at a store to buy a toothbrush and toothpaste to brush when you get there. That’s because it’s become a habit to brush before you leave and if occasionally […]

Carry A Water Bottle Everywhere

Carry A Water Bottle Everywhere

No matter what the weather, I carry a water bottle everywhere. It’s partially because I like water. Somewhat because I get thirsty frequently, but also because water boosts my energy level without the high and low repercussions of a sugary soft drink. Water is good for you too. In fact, the brain is composed mostly […]