
Fun Ways To Improve Your Fitness

Fun Ways To Improve Your Fitness

Fitness is a serious endeavor. That doesn’t mean it can’t be fun. You can improve your fitness and love every minute. It won’t feel like exercise when you’re having fun and focusing on the moment. There are many fun activities in Irvine, CA, which are fun to do. They improve your endurance, strength, and flexibility […]

How To Workout In Your Garden

How To Workout In Your Garden

Whether you workout in the gym, walk regularly, or expend energy gardening, you’re staying active and getting exercise. When you garden, you get a full-body workout. You can also grow beautiful flowers, delicious fruits and vegetables, or fragrant herbs. All of these things add to your mental and physical well-being. You can make your workout […]

Why Diet Is Just As Important As Fitness

Why Diet Is Just As Important As Fitness

People are frequently surprised that Next Level Fitness in Irvine, CA, offers nutritional meal planning besides personalized workouts. They shouldn’t be. Diet is as important as fitness to be your best self. If weight loss or muscle building are your goals, getting adequate nutrition and eating healthy, low-calorie foods is 80% of the challenge. You […]

How Sugar Increases Anxiety

How Sugar Increases Anxiety

Your diet plays a big role in your mental health. Too much omega-6 compared to your intake of omega-3 can lead to more aggressive behavior. Too much sugar leads to hyperactivity, but it also can cause depression and anxiety. With sugar, it becomes a vicious cycle. You get a sugar high from eating it, which […]

Ever Tried Dance As Exercise?

Ever Tried Dance As Exercise?

Exercising doesn’t have to be boring or even done in the gym. You can get exercise doing things you love. Whether you play basketball, do nature walks, or dance, if you love it and it gets you moving, do it. It can be an option for those days away from the gym or another way […]

Drop The Fries And Move Those Thighs

Drop The Fries And Move Those Thighs

If you want to lose weight, you have to eat healthier and move more. For sleek, toned thighs and the flat belly you want, eating healthy and exercising is the answer. It doesn’t mean you’ll never be able to eat fries again, just don’t do it frequently. Instead, focus on healthy food and healthy ways […]

Eat Right, Live Strong

Eat Right, Live Strong

Our personal trainers in Irvine, CA, focus on making healthy lifestyle changes. Learning to eat right, exercising regularly, and getting adequate sleep are three things that will make a difference in your life and help you live strong. Many of the habits, big or small, decide your future health. If you enjoy walking and take […]

Common Diet Mistakes

Common Diet Mistakes

If weight loss is your goal and it’s going slow or not happening at all, even though you think you’ve done everything right, you may unwittingly be making diet mistakes that can halt or slow your progress. Some things may be old habits you never thought about much, like that spoonful or two of leftovers […]