
Keeping The Pounds Off

Keeping The Pounds Off

It’s hard enough to lose weight, but nearly impossible to prevent pounds from returning. Keeping pounds off is especially difficult if you dieted. Dieting doesn’t work because it always ends. At that point people go back to the eating habits that put on the weight in the first place. Rather than dieting to lose weight, […]

Eat, Drink And Be Healthy

Eat, Drink And Be Healthy

If you want to be healthy, you must eat healthy food and that includes what you drink. While there are so many factors that can determine whether you’ll be healthy or not, exercising and eating/drinking healthy are two of the most important. That’s especially important since these are factors that you can control. Today, obesity […]

Choose Veggies

Choose Veggies

People in Irvine, CA, who are the most successful at weight loss choose veggies to dominate their menu. One reason for that is their fiber to calorie ratio. They’re high in filling fiber compared to their relatively low calorie count. They also have more water compared to lower sugar. That means they fill you up […]

How To Reduce Belly Fat

How To Reduce Belly Fat

One of the biggest problems faced by many women who come into the gym is the accumulation of fat around the middle, especially on the belly. You can reduce belly fat and get those flat abs everyone wants, but it takes more than just exercise to do it. Belly fat is viscous fat, which is […]

Lean Muscle Workouts

Lean Muscle Workouts

No matter where you live, if you’re working out, you probably want to burn fat and build muscle tissue. Clients in Irvine, CA, who want to lose weight, often use a personal trainer to learn lean muscle workouts that help them do both. While doing any type of workout will help you lose weight, not […]

Get Rid Of Inner Thigh Fat

Get Rid Of Inner Thigh Fat

There’s no way to do a spot exercise and expect fat to come off just that spot. It’s true whether you’re talking about belly fat, inner thigh fat or fat on your booty. When you lose weight, it comes off your entire body, no matter how many spot exercises you do. However, exercise can tone […]

Smart Ways To Food Prep

Smart Ways To Food Prep

If you’re trying to lose weight or just get out of the junk food habit, menu planning and food prep should be top priority. Too often plans for healthy eating go down the drain the first time you have to stop at the store on the way home from work or can’t figure out what […]

How To Find The Right Diet

How To Find The Right Diet

Most of our clients in Irvine, CA, use their trainer and our expertise to find the right diet, if you’re working on your own, it’s not nearly as easy. Before you begin, you need to know what a healthy diet consists of and what your personal goals are. We consider food sensitivities, so should you. […]