
Ever Tried Dance As Exercise?

Ever Tried Dance As Exercise?

Exercising doesn’t have to be boring or even done in the gym. You can get exercise doing things you love. Whether you play basketball, do nature walks, or dance, if you love it and it gets you moving, do it. It can be an option for those days away from the gym or another way […]

Drop The Fries And Move Those Thighs

Drop The Fries And Move Those Thighs

If you want to lose weight, you have to eat healthier and move more. For sleek, toned thighs and the flat belly you want, eating healthy and exercising is the answer. It doesn’t mean you’ll never be able to eat fries again, just don’t do it frequently. Instead, focus on healthy food and healthy ways […]

Eat Right, Live Strong

Eat Right, Live Strong

Our personal trainers in Irvine, CA, focus on making healthy lifestyle changes. Learning to eat right, exercising regularly, and getting adequate sleep are three things that will make a difference in your life and help you live strong. Many of the habits, big or small, decide your future health. If you enjoy walking and take […]

Common Diet Mistakes

Common Diet Mistakes

If weight loss is your goal and it’s going slow or not happening at all, even though you think you’ve done everything right, you may unwittingly be making diet mistakes that can halt or slow your progress. Some things may be old habits you never thought about much, like that spoonful or two of leftovers […]

Best Fitness If You're Idle

Best Fitness If You’re Idle

It’s hard for idle people to get fit. Most don’t do or enjoy anything that promotes fitness. If sweating in a gym seems unsavory and you don’t believe that healthy food tastes good, you’ve got a long road ahead if your goal is to lose weight, build endurance, or increase strength. There are some things […]

Your Goals Can Change Your Future

Your Goals Can Change Your Future

You often find the very thing that you focus on. If you see a bright red vehicle you love and want to buy because you think it’s unique, you’ll often start seeing that same bright red car everywhere. Setting a goal has a similar effect. Zeroing in on that goal can change your future. People […]

Customized Workouts Designed For You

Customized Workouts Designed For You

You are a unique individual. You may look like your parents or even have an identical twin, but your bodies will be different unless you experience everything the same. If identical twins had different exercise habits, one working out regularly and the other barely getting out of the easy chair, their bodies would reflect that […]

What Is Your Fitness Goal?

What Is Your Fitness Goal?

Having goals helps give your life definition. They point you in a direction you want to go and help you avoid pitfalls you might otherwise have. Whether it’s a financial or fitness goal, it defines what you want so you can create directions on how to get there. Keeping a goal in front of you […]

Should You Rethink Dairy In Your Diet?

Should You Rethink Dairy In Your Diet?

Many people in Irvine, CA, removed dairy from their diet. The reasons vary. For some people, the decision was easy. They either have a dairy allergy or are lactose intolerant. Others may notice they produce less phlegm or have clearer skin when they remove dairy. A small group of people are misinformed and believe dairy […]