Fitness & Wellness

Is Rapid Weight Loss Safe?

Is Rapid Weight Loss Safe?

The average person losing weight takes off between a pound and two pounds a week. It might seem slow and you may want to opt for more rapid weight loss, but is that wise? It took a long time to put on the weight and the excess weight often occurs because of the decisions you make throughout the day. You might be eating the wrong foods, living a sedentary lifestyle or even lacking adequate sleep. If you focus on losing weight fast, you’re apt to go on a extremely calorie restricted diet that can’t be maintained for long. To keep weight off, you need to make lifestyle changes and that takes time.

Building muscle and losing fat takes time.

In order to lose one pound, you need to burn 3,500 more calories than you consume. That can occur by eating fewer calories and burning more via exercise. If the average person eats approximately 2,000 to 2,500 calories with moderate exercise to maintain weight, cutting 500 calories a day will help you lose a pound a week. In order to lose more than two pounds a week, your diet would have to be between 500 and 1,000 calories a day, which is extremely low and can cause you to lose less fat and more lean tissue and water weight.

Rapid weight loss can be helpful for short term goals.

If you’re trying to take off that last five pounds before a reunion two weeks away or if you have a doctor’s monitored quick-start diet, rapid weight loss can help. It can get you started on the road to success. The quick-start diets aren’t meant to be used more than a week or two and use safe principles to make healthy lifestyle changes. After the first two weeks when you lose approximately eight to ten pounds, you start a normal diet regimen.

You lose water weight when you opt for rapid weight loss.

Your body is primarily composed of water, containing approximately 65%. When you lose weight rapidly, most of the time, you’re losing water weight. It can lead to mild or serious dehydration that can affect your health. Losing weight rapidly also causes loss of muscle mass. The more muscle mass you have, the higher your metabolism is. Losing it slows the metabolism, which is counterproductive.

  • There are some situations where health issues require rapid weight loss, but it’s done under the supervision of a physician and monitored closely.
  • If you try to lose weight too fast, you could develop gallstones. When you aren’t eating much food, the digestive juices don’t release and the substances in the juices form stones, since it sits for a while.
  • Rapid weight loss often results in yo-yo dieting. You may lose the weight but it keeps returning. By changing your diet and exercising regularly, you can consistently lose weight and keep it off permanently.
  • Rapid weight loss can result in nutritional deficiencies. Those can cause immune system problems, dry skin, hair loss, brittle bones and more. Eating a diet rich in whole foods, which are lower in calories, can help prevent it.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness

Can Drinking More Water Help You Lose Weight?

Can Drinking More Water Help You Lose Weight?

At Next Level Fitness in Irvine, CA, we encourage drinking more water. Not only does drinking adequate water improve your health, it can help you lose weight. 55% to 65% water, depending on your sex and age. Your heart and brain are approximately 73% water and your lungs about 83% water. You can see how important it is. Dehydration, even mild dehydration, can cause physical symptoms that range from brain fog and body aches to exhaustion. Mild dehydration can make your workout more ineffective and you’ll burn fewer calories.

Your metabolism will be slower if you’re dehydrated.

Even mild dehydration can cause your metabolism to slow. If you want to give it a boost, drink a glass of water. It boosts your metabolism by 30% for anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half, especially if it’s cold. Studies on the effect of water on metabolism show that drinking two liters of water a day—approximately 8 ½ cups—increased the metabolism of the average person who drank less water, enough to cause them to burn an additional 96 calories. In 36 days, you’d lose an extra pound with no extra effort.

Calm those cravings with water.

Our body is amazing and tells us what we need, as long as we know how to listen. Sometimes, people misread those messages. Have you been hungry for something, particularly something juicy, but even after eating tons of calories failed to satisfy that desire? Sometimes, you interpret the message the body is sending and you’re really thirsty, not hungry. Try drinking a glass of water before you grab a sandwich or other food. You might find that it was all you needed to be satisfied.

Drinking water before a meal can actually help fill you up and help you lose weight.

One study compared two groups. One drank two glasses of water before a meal and the other didn’t. Aside from that, both groups continued their normal habits, including normal eating habits. Throughout the study, the group that drank the water at less than the group that didn’t and lost 44% more weight. It was a simple solution that made a significant difference.

  • If you feel the bloat and have problems with water weight, don’t quit drinking water, drink more. If you’re dehydrated, your body holds water to make sure there’s enough for vital organs. Drinking extra water provides that and flushes waste, like extra sodium from your system.
  • Opt for water over soft drinks. Not only do soft drinks contain calories and chemicals, they make you thirstier. Many manufacturers bury the flavor of salt with extra sugar and the salt makes you thirstier.
  • If you drink water, make it cold water. Your body burns extra calories to warm the water and every little calorie counts. It’s easy and one little trick that’s satisfying on a hot day.
  • As you get older, staying hydrated becomes harder. It may be one reason older people have slower metabolisms. Dehydration in seniors can often be mistaken for senility and dementia, plus cause UTIs.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness

How To Stay Motivated As A Beginner?

How To Stay Motivated As A Beginner?

It’s summer and we’re just reopening. There’s a lot of things that can create a diversion in Irvine, CA, to prevent you from sticking with your workout schedule. It’s tough to stay motivated as a beginner, but you can make it easier by taking a few steps and making some changes in your life. As a beginner, you face more obstacles than you do the more seasoned you become and you haven’t yet developed the habit of healthy eating and working out. Here are some tips to help you fake it until you make it.

Start slowly if aching muscles are a deterrent.

When people first start a program of exercise, they’re always surprised at how muscles they didn’t know they had now hurt like crazy. Expect that. You probably haven’t used these muscles in years or worked them on a variety of planes. You can reduce the potential for pain by warming up thoroughly. Stay hydrated and take it slowly, especially if you’ve spent years being sedentary. Don’t try to push beyond your capabilities, at least at first. Focus on form, instead. Having the proper form can help prevent injury. Make sure you also get proper sleep at night and rest between strength training workouts.

Keep you focus on the benefits.

Your mindset makes a huge difference in whether you fail or succeed. If you dread going to the gym, you’re more likely to fail. Find an activity you love, such as dancing, hiking or even hula hooping with the kids and use that as your form of exercise on your alternate days. To improve your attitude toward the gym, focus on what makes you feel good, such as reaching a new plateau of excellence by conquering a workout or the feeling of exhilaration when you’ve successfully finished a workout.

It takes a while to see the difference, so find short term ways to identify success.

Rather than just creating goals that involve weight or clothing sizes, add a few that can be seen or felt more quickly. Notice little things, like getting winded after climbing stairs or tired after walking short distances. For most people, you’ll feel the difference long before you see a difference. Most people note that after just two weeks, they feel fitter and less tired when doing simple tasks. Feeling fitter is a confidence builder that tells you that you’re on the right track.

  • Stay motivated with a workout buddy. Whether it’s a good friend or a spouse, having a workout partner will improve your chances of sticking with a program. Just knowing someone is waiting for you is part of the reason and also why personal trainers help so much.
  • Workout at the same time every day. If you’re an early bird, workout in the morning, for night owls, do it after work. Make it an appointment that’s as important as any doctor’s appointment.
  • Post messages to yourself around the house. These can be to remind you why you want to get fit, encouraging you to succeed or just telling you to go to the gym at your appointed time.
  • There’s a bit of competitiveness in everyone, but when you’re starting out, make sure you’re just competing with yourself. Never compare yourself to others. You’re unique. Be the best YOU that you can be.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness

Foods That Make You Feel Full

Foods That Make You Feel Full

How do you lose weight without dieting? Eat healthier. Many healthy foods are not only delicious, they’re lower in calories. That list includes foods that make you feel full. Let’s face it, in order to lose weight you have to eat fewer calories. That doesn’t mean you have to eat less, just eat smarter. Mix a half cup of Greek yogurt with a half cup or more of berries and toss in a few walnuts for a filling, delicious sweet treat that’s healthier and fewer calories than a candy bar, but will help you stay full longer. Now that’s smart eating.

Protein keeps you full longer.

When you eat protein, it takes longer to digest, so you’ll feel fuller longer and be less apt to snack. What type of protein is the best? That depends on what you’re craving. You know Greek yogurt and berries, maybe with a little ripe banana added, too, can make a great sweet parfait that’s filling because of the protein in yogurt. Meat, like beef and poultry can also fill you up and keep you full for hours.

Food that contains healthy fat is filling as well.

What foods contain healthy fat? Fatty fish, such as salmon is one example. Fat also boosts your satiety level longer and it’s one reason you should use full fat dairy instead of no fat or 1 to 2% fat dairy. When the manufacturers take out the fat, they replace it with sugar to make it more palatable. Avocados are higher in healthy fat, so make up a batch of guacamole and enjoy. Nuts, nut butter and dark chocolate are also higher in fat. Stretch your enjoyment by grating some chocolate over berries or bananas and sprinkling on some walnuts.

Oatmeal and other high fiber foods fill you up, not out.

There are two types of fiber and both them are good for your diet. Soluble fiber combines with water to form a gel. It feeds the beneficial microbes in your body and creates more diversity. The more diverse your bacteria in your gut, the less prone you’ll be to belly fat. Bacteria also break down soluble fiber to create short-chained fatty acids, which helps regulate fat metabolism. Both types of fiber add bulk, which increases the feeling of fullness. Try a bowl of oatmeal with bananas and nuts or sprinkled with flaxseed. Legumes, such as beans, fruits and vegetables contain a lot of fiber, so they leave you feeling fuller longer.

  • A number of foods have higher fiber, fat and protein content or contain a combination of two of these. Nuts, or example, contain all three, while quinoa, eggs and fish are high in two.
  • If you want to feel fuller longer, eat a steamed or boiled potato with a dollop of Greek yogurt or cottage cheese to provide protein. It has a naturally occurring appetite suppressant and plenty of fiber.
  • Boil eggs, rinse some red kidney beans, chop some celery and onions and you’ve almost completed a truly filling bean salad that’s perfect on lettuce for a filling lunch.
  • Keep whole fresh fruit as a snack. Whether you’re munching on an apple, eating cantaloupe cubes or diving into a half of a grapefruit, you’ll get loads of fiber, plus the sweetness of the fruit for satisfaction and satiety.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness

Are Eggs Bad For You?

Are Eggs Bad For You?

Are eggs bad for you? The easy answer is no. Twenty years ago, people with cholesterol were told to stay away from eggs, today, nutritionists and doctors look at eggs a bit differently. If the other foods in your diet are low in cholesterol, eggs are a good source of protein for most people. Should you eat them with bacon, ham or breakfast steak every day and expect to get a rousing round of applause from your doctor or great blood profiles? Absolutely not. You need some cholesterol in your diet, but you can also get too much of a good thing.

Recent studies show that eating up to 12 eggs a week wasn’t bad for diabetics and prediabetics.

In a recent study on people with prediabetes or type two diabetes, increasing egg consumption to twelve eggs a week did not increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. However, the subjects were also following a healthy diet. A Chinese study found an egg a day lowered the risk of stroke and heart disease. The participants in this study, however, were eating a traditional, not a Western, diet.

Your body makes cholesterol if you don’t eat enough.

If you consume foods with cholesterol, your body doesn’t have to make as much. Yes, you can overdo a good thing, which is why it’s important to look at the other food you eat, besides just the eggs. An egg or two a day won’t bump up cholesterol levels if the rest of your diet is healthy. Cholesterol is important, since it is necessary to make cell membranes, testosterone, estrogen and cortisol.

Eggs may increase cholesterol levels, but new studies show it’s the good cholesterol.

In one study, there were two groups. One group at one to three whole eggs a day and the other ate no eggs or egg substitutes. The group that ate real eggs did increase cholesterol levels, but it was the HDL cholesterol, the good one. The LDL, bad cholesterol, was unchanged. Eggs also provided other benefits to the group that consumed them. It helped improve blood levels of zeaxanthin and lutein. Both are antioxidant carotenoids. Eggs contain omega-3 fatty acids which lowered triglyceride levels that may increase the risk of heart disease.

  • Eggs provide a feeling of satiety and keep you feeling fuller longer. Having a hard-boiled egg for a snack is quick and simple, plus it comes in its own container so it transports easily.
  • As a breakfast, eggs provide far more protein than toast, cereal or pancakes, yet often is far more inexpensive. When you consider the cost of meat substituting eggs for meat products is like getting protein at a discount.
  • Some recent observational studies showed that those who consumed eggs were no more likely to have a heart attack than those who didn’t eat eggs. Some of those same studies also show that eating eggs may actually lower the risk of stroke.
  • If you have high cholesterol or other serious condition, always discuss any change in your diet with your health care professional. Each person is different, so always listen to your health care professional.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness

Get Rid Of The Trans Fat

Get Rid Of The Trans Fat

Some foods we list on healthy meal plans at Next Level Fitness in Irvine, CA, contain trans fat. Don’t let that scare you. There are two types of trans fat, and they react in your body quite differently. One is naturally occurring trans fat created by bacteria in the stomach of ruminants like sheep, cows and goats. It may have heart healthy benefits. The bad type of trans fat was initially created in a lab to extend the shelf life of oil. This hydrogenated fat was a cheaper alternative to fats like butter and it was used in many products. Artificially created trans fats have a negative effect on health and cholesterol profile.

Manmade trans fats occur in many junk food items.

While a little natural trans fat won’t hurt you, and may be healthy, the acceptable amount of manmade trans fat is ZERO! The manmade trans fats were intended to increase shelf life of products, but they don’t increase your life. They’re associated with clogging your arteries and increasing your risk for heart disease. You’ll find these trans fats in pastry, microwave popcorn, non-dairy creamer and fast foods, to mention just a few.

Manmade trans fats may increase your risk of diabetes, in addition to increasing the risk of heart disease.

Besides increasing artery-clogging bad LDL cholesterol, there may be a link to diabetes and manmade trans fats. A study that included 80,000 women showed that those who ate the most trans fats increased their risk of diabetes by 40%. Other studies showed that there may not be a link, but the problem may have occurred due to the types of foods that contained trans fats and their links to insulin resistance and blood sugar levels. In animal research, the potential to harm the glucose function and insulin function did occur. The studies found trans fats may cause insulin resistance, which is a precursor to diabetes.

Chronic inflammation can lead to arthritis, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and heart disease.

There are studies that show that man made trans fats may increase inflammation, particularly in those who are obese or overweight. Several studies show that trans fats linked to inflammatory markers if the fat was manmade. In fact, when using margarine, inflammatory markers increased, but not when using natural butter. They may also damage the endothelium–the interior lining of blood vessels.

  • One study replaced saturated fats with trans fats in a diet for four weeks. That resulted in impairing artery dilation by 29% and lowering the HDL—good cholesterol—levels by 21%.
  • Most studies show that when eaten in moderation, natural trans fats may provide health benefits. Dairy, for instance, contains vaccenic acid and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which can boost the immune system, decrease body fat and slow tumor formation. Grass fed dairy increases the beneficial CLA.
  • Manufacturers are allowed to label their products trans fat free if they contain 0.5 grams of trans fats per serving. Even if the nutritional labeling says no trans fats, it could be deceiving if the serving size is far less than you’d normally eat. Think cookies, chips and microwave popcorn.
  • At Next Level Fitness, we can provide healthy meal plans that will limit your intake of trans fats, particularly those artificially created.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness

Keep An Eye On Portion Size

Keep An Eye On Portion Size

Eating a small bowl or a few spoonfuls of ice cream won’t hurt you. However, eating a gallon a day can really pack on the pounds. That’s a bit of an exaggeration to show how much portion size can affect your weight loss program. With most healthy eating programs, vegetables like celery and fresh fruit portion isn’t a problem. They’re packed with fiber, so it’s difficult to eat many calories, since they fill you up without adding a ton of carbs or calories. Nuts, sweet potatoes avocados and olive oil may be healthy, but here, their high caloric nature means you have to pay closer attention.

Paying attention to portion size is particularly important for snack foods and sweets.

If you’ve ever looked at the nutritional information on a bag of Cheetos, you’ll notice that one serving is about 13 Cheetos. That’s not very much if you’re grabbing handfuls out of the bag. The same is true of candy, donuts, cookies and other sugary treats. Read the labels. Learn to measure foods without labels with your hands. One level handful of nuts is one serving. One serving of pasta is a heaping handful. A serving of peanut butter is about two fingers. Starchy foods, like peas, corn and potatoes use a fist to measure.

If you’re using a traditionally sized plate, you can measure portions via the plate.

While it’s recommended people use a smaller plate when eating, to make it look like they have more food, you can also use that plate as a measure for portions. Your protein portion of the meal, whether it’s meat or a vegetarian option, should be about a fourth of the plate. The same is true of complex carbs. Salads and vegetables should be half the plate and high fat foods should only be 1 ½ teaspoon of the meal.

Don’t supersize it and expect to lose weight.

Restaurants are notorious for larger portion size. The concept of super-sizing at the drive-through may have added to the growing weight of Americans. There is often one exception to the rule and that’s very expensive restaurants, but with traditional mom-and-pop restaurants, they want to give you your money’s worth serving anywhere from double the portion size to as much as ten times it. Keep your portion size in control by asking for a small size or child’s portion, sharing with a friend or using sides or appetizers as your main meal. Shrimp cocktail, a side vegetable and a side salad can be quite filling.

  • Use your thumb to measure when it comes to fat. One thumb of fat for women and two thumbs for men is the right portion. I guess that’s really the meaning of “rule of thumb.”
  • A fist is about a cup of food. The thick part of your thumb is about the measure of an ounce. A teaspoon is about the size of the tip of your index finger and the palm of your hand is about the size of a 3 oz. serving of meat, fish or poultry.
  • Other ways to check portion size is using everyday items. Your photo ID or driver’s license is the size of a serving of sour dough bread. Make two stacks with two SmartPhones each and that’s the minimum portion of vegetables.
  • Let portion control guide the type of food you choose. You only get ¼ cup of fruit juice, compared to a ½ cup of cut up fruit or a whole medium fruit. The whole fruit will fill you up faster than the fruit juice.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness

Can I Put Collagen In My Coffee?

Can I Put Collagen In My Coffee?

Every day, there’s something new that is supposed to be a healthy option. One of the latest is to add collagen to coffee. Why? The answer is simple. Collagen is healthy and important for every part of the body. As you get older, you produce less collagen. While collagen is important for connective tissues, joints and ligaments, will extra collagen reduce wrinkling, joint pain and the signs of aging? Those are just a few of the reasons for the latest fad of adding collagen to coffee.

Your body makes collagen.

Collagen is found everywhere. It’s in the muscles, skin, tendons and bones. In fact, it’s a third of the weight of all the protein in the body. Most of the collagen in the body, about 85%, is type I, II, or III.That’s the collagen in skin, ligaments, dentin, interstitial tissue between cells, in the eye, skin, muscles, cartilage and blood vessels. Your body produces collagen, but that slows as you age. That causes wrinkles, joint pain and ligament issues.

Collagen supplements are primarily type 1 collagen that affects skin, tendons, bone, ligaments, dentin and more.

You can increase your collagen a number of ways. Collagen can come from natural sources. A bone broth made from organic produce is one way, but you also can take supplements. Most supplements are type 1 collagen that’s good for the skin, cartilage, bone and more, type II is important for cartilage. The more cartilage you have on the end of your bones and the less joint pain. Bone broth contains type II collagen. Most supplements are already broken down and can be flavored or unflavored. The type added to coffee and other beverages is unflavored.

Adding collagen to your diet may provide some other benefits.

You might improve your complexion if you take collagen supplements. Lack of collagen affects skin elasticity and hydration. Increasing it with supplements may help. The topical type isn’t as effective as when it’s taken orally and taking it can also provide other benefits, such as reduction of joint pain from arthritis and prevention of bone loss. Taking vitamin D, phosphorus, calcium and collagen may help prevent bone loss.

  • Some believe that taking collagen supplements can help you lose weight and is the reason for collagen in the coffee. That occurs because the extra protein makes you feel fuller, but for collagen, it lasts hours longer than most protein.
  • Do you have muscle tears and problems working out due to injury? Some studies show that collagen can reduce damage to muscle tissue and boost recovery.
  • Adding collagen may aid in digestive issues like leaky gut and Crohn’s. It can even help ulcerative colitis and acid reflux. It can help reduce the pain of rheumatoid arthritis and help improve sleep.
  • You may benefit from adding collagen to your coffee, but you’ll also benefit from bone broth, a good source of collagen. Take it with fruits, berries and vegetables to boost the activity of the collagen.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness

The "Sweat" Life

The “Sweat” Life

Maybe you love your job that involves hours of research on the computer, but you need even more. You need to sweat! Sweating can occur if you have a fever that’s breaking, with the sweat flushing out bacteria as it cools the body. It can happen when you’re simply too warm. However, the best type of sweat occurs when you workout. Clients at Next Level Fitness in Irvine, CA understand that and love the benefits they receive from breaking a sweat in the gym. It’s actually not about sweating, but upping the intensity, which makes you sweat that provides the benefits.

Stand up more often and work out regularly.

It’s all about keeping your body moving. If you sit longer than an hour, many of your benefits of working out will diminish and if you don’t work out, it dramatically affects your health. A sedentary lifestyle increases your risk for stroke and heart disease. Just watching TV or videos four hours a day or longer can increase your potential for cardiovascular disease and death by 80%. The more active you are, the more potential you have to lower your blood pressure, increase circulation, improve your cholesterol levels, prevent osteoporosis and maintain a healthy weight.

Exercise can improve your thinking and mood.

Exercise promotes circulation and that can mean more oxygen and nutrient laden blood going to the brain, plus more waste being removed. Studies show it helps improve cognitive abilities and is useful for Alzheimer’s and dementia patients. It’s also a great mood lifter and can help relieve both anxiety and depression. If you’ve ever been really angry, you know how much better you feel walking, running or exercising off the anger. It’s good for your mental health, relieving stress and boosting happy hormones.

You’ll live longer and more independently when you workout.

As you age, your body loses muscle mass. It’s starts slowly around the age of 30, earlier for some, later for others. If you workout, it slows the loss of muscle tissue. By the time people reach their 50s or 60s, muscle loss accelerates. Unless you exercise to slow or reverse the trend, it can affect your balance and interfere with your ability to live independently. Loss of muscle tissue can lead to loss of bone density.

  • You’ll fall asleep faster when you workout regularly. Sleep is profoundly important for heart health, but also for weight management. When you get too little sleep, your body produces fewer satiety hormone and more hunger hormones.
  • You’ll have better posture when you workout regularly. Improved posture makes you look confident and can help prevent back problems and other painful posture related conditions.
  • If you’re trying to give up bad habits, substitute a workout. Quitting smoking is one example where you can substitute some type of exercise for a cigarette. Studies show exercise helps conquer drug addiction, too.
  • Not only will you improve your health, you’ll improve your productivity. Exercise boosts your energy level. It also improves your self-confidence, improving your potential to try new things.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness

Keep Your Core Strong

Keep Your Core Strong

No matter what activity you’re doing, your core muscles are involved in some way. Even sitting involves core muscles. They’re the muscles of your torso that start right below the pecs and continue right beneath the abs, which includes the muscles in your back. Strong core muscles affect how all the other muscles function, which includes how you walk. When they’re strong, core muscles provide stability and improves balance. The stronger your core muscles are, the stronger and more powerful you’ll be.

Why are core muscles important for weight loss?

The more muscle tissue you have, the easier it is to lose weight. The stronger your core muscles, the easier it will be for you to workout and keep going to build other muscle groups. Working your core muscles help you look thinner by improving your posture. Improved posture can change your appearance in seconds. Stand in front of the mirror and slouch as you would with bad posture. Look closely. Next stand up straight, shoulders back and head held high. You’ll see a huge difference. You’ll not only look thinner, you’ll look more confident, too.

You’ll be able to perform tasks more easily.

Strong core muscles can help prevent injuries that can occur whether exercising or doing every day types of tasks, like picking up a bag of groceries or bending down to tie your shoes. When you have weak core muscles, even those simple activities can cause injury. If your work involves twisting or standing very long, strong core muscles are imperative. Even sitting at your desk can involve the use of core muscles and can cause backaches if you have poor posture from weak muscles.

When your core muscles are weak, you’ll have poor balance and won’t look your best.

Those flat abs are just strong core muscles. That improved posture shows them off to others. Having a strong back and abdomen can help you look slimmer, plus benefit you if you’re playing any type of sport. It makes your arms and legs work better with the power coming from the core. Even sexual activity is better, since it requires strength from the core and core flexibility.

  • If back pain is bothering you, it may be because you need stronger core muscles. It requires both strong back muscles and abs to provide balance. Core exercises can often help relieve back pain and prevent it from returning.
  • Strong core muscles can help you zip through physical tasks, particularly if they involve lifting, bending, twisting or reaching overhead. If you’ve ever found your back hurts after vacuuming or mopping, you need to work on your core muscles.
  • Your core muscles protect your organs, like your stomach, intestines, heart and liver. It acts as a shield to prevent injury from blows.
  • All exercises, no matter what body part they’re working, require strong core muscles. Core muscles do more than help you stay upright, they help you move through every exercise in the gym.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness