
Love The Burn

After a few weeks of exercise, you’ll learn to love the burn. The burn means you’ve worked your muscles hard, so hard that it creates an acidic condition that creates a stinging or burning experience. It’s a gauge to judge how much energy you’ve burned and lets you know that you’ve achieved the intensity of […]

Be Happy-It’s Good For You

As the song says, “Don’t worry, be happy.” Did you know that happiness is good for you and it’s not about what life hands you, but what you think about life in general. If you go through life feeling cheated instead of blessed or look on the negative side, you’re sure to be unhappy. When […]

Enjoy A Healthy Valentine’s Day

The most loving gift you can give yourself or a loved one is to enjoy a healthy Valentine’s Day. You can do that by providing a path to fitness. Whether you use a personal trainer or join a group run by a personal trainer, an exercise program is a must if you want to be […]

New Year Goals

At the stroke of midnight, everyone makes New Year goals, but few people carry them out. It’s time for you to be part of the few that do change their life for the better. It’s time to make some lifestyle changes that will keep you fit and healthy for the rest of your life. Lifestyle […]

Be More Adventurous

In order to get the most out of your life you need to be more adventurous. Having a sense of adventure doesn’t necessarily mean you go into jungles in search of the Holy grail or take risks with your health. Quite the contrary. It means you look at alternatives to solve problems, whether it’s fitness […]

You Are What You Eat

Knowing the right foods to choose for a healthier life and maximum weight loss may not seem that difficult, but you’ll be amazed at just how bad some seemingly innocent popular foods are for you and how they can prevent you from shedding those extra pounds. What you eat does make a difference in not […]

Fight The Holiday Blues

If you have to fight the holiday blues, you’re not only missing much of the enjoyment, you also probably dread the coming of the season. The holiday blues can occur for a number of reasons. With days getting shorter and chillier, getting out for a day in the sun is often not an option. That […]