Staying Healthy
It’s far better to focus on staying healthy than it is to spend thousands of dollars fighting disease. When you look at the term disease, you notice two things. Dis means not and ease means absence of difficulty. Put them together and it’s something that is not right which makes it more difficult for your […]
Make Health A Lifestyle Change
When you make health a lifestyle change, you’re doing more than just exercising and eating healthier. You’re focusing on all the things that help keep you healthy and fit. Whether you want to lose weight, build your strength and endurance or just tone your body, exercise is just the beginning on your road to fitness. […]
What Is Your Resolution
Everyone starts the new year with a resolution. It may be to save more money, but in many cases, resolutions have to do with fitness. What is your resolution? Do you want to be thinner, fitter or just feel better? Resolutions are nothing more than wishes unless you change them into goals. That means you […]
Planning Helps Your Heart And Your Budget
If you plan meals ahead of time, create a shopping list and make sure you’re taking advantage of all coupons and specials, you’ll not only have more money in your pocket, you could be making wiser choices when it comes to eating. You can save both your health and your money by taking a little […]
Best Nuts For The Holiday And Your Diet
Losing weight over the holidays is quite a challenge. There are delicious desserts, holiday cookies and an array of delectable dishes that are sure to send your calories counter into overdrive. There are also bowls of nuts in shells to tempt you. But wait, sometimes nuts can be your best ally in the fight against […]
What Kind Of Exercise is Right For You?
Any kind of exercise will help you be healthier, unless it’s just lifting a spoon to your mouth. Getting your body moving is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. If you can’t start a formal exercise program right now, make an attempt to increase your activity by parking further away […]
One Step at a Time
Getting fit is a matter of taking one step after another toward a fitter healthier life. You don’t have to change your life all at once to become the healthiest person you can be. One reason people fail to start a fitness program is they think they have to sign up at a gym, throw […]
Start Some Healthy Habits
You can improve your life when you give up some of your old habits, such as being a total couch potato, and replace them with some healthy habits. Let’s face it, you go through half of the day in a mindless blur, doing the same old thing. It’s time to change that and add a […]
Find Your Endurance
If you think you’ve lost all your get up and go, you can find your endurance again with a little bit of work. While all types of fitness are important, whether it’s flexibility, strength, balance or endurance, stamina and endurance seems to disappear faster than the others. If you’re huffing and puffing after one flight […]
Are You Ready For Permanent Weight Loss
If your goal is to lose weight, then a diet might be right for you. Unfortunately, all diets end, either in successful weight loss or in a chocolate cheesecake at two in the morning and then the weight you lost returns and brings friends with it. Permanent weight loss doesn’t involve dieting, since dieting doesn’t […]