Fitness & Wellness

What You Need To Bring On A Hike?

What You Need To Bring On A Hike?

With all the noise and nerve racking urgency of living in the big city, it’s nice to get back to nature and go on a hike. Hikes can vary from a short day in a nearby wooded area to traveling to a remote location that takes several days to reach. What you bring on a hike will vary by location, the amount of time you spend and the weather in that location. You also need to know how remote the location is and whether there is any type of access to cell networks or supplies along the way.

There are some essentials you need for every hike, even for day trips.

Even if you aren’t planning on staying out after dark, have a headlamp with extra batteries, just in case. If the area is sunny, have sunscreen, sunglasses and clothing to protect you from the sun. A change of clothing and first aid kit are also important. Take a GPS device and personal locator beacon, a map and compass.

The deeper into the woods you go, the longer the hike and the worse the weather, the more you take.

If your hike is longer than an afternoon or expecting more radical weather changes or inclement weather, you need more clothing, more food, more water and definitely shelter. Pack at least two days of extra food and water beyond what you expect to use. It can make the difference between surviving if there’s a sudden change in weather or an injury Energy bars, nuts and jerky are good options. They’re lightweight and don’t require cooking.

Having adequate water is important.

Dehydration can be a problem, especially in higher temperatures and on rougher terrain, where your body works harder. However, water is extremely heavy to carry, so you have a conundrum if your trip is relatively long. If you’ve planned ahead and are hiking along a known trail, you already know whether there are fountains to refill bottles on the way. Have a collapsible cup and a way to treat water, either straws or tablets, or by boiling, which requires a stove and container for storage.

  • A lot of things can cause a need for a change of clothes, even for day trips. If the weather suddenly turns cold and wet, you want lightweight layering that’s insulated and waterproof. Extra socks, gloves, and underwear shouldn’t be neglected, either.
  • An emergency shelter doesn’t have to take up a lot of space. It can be an ultralight tarp, space blanket or a large trash bag. Lightweight ivy sacks can cost under $10 and weigh about 4 ounces.
  • Making sure you have a method of starting a fire is important. Take matches or lighters in a waterproof container. There are fire-starting kits available that are lightweight and easy to use.
  • Taking repair supplies, like duct tape, zip ties, safety pins and cordage is also important. A portable cell phone charger can also be an important addition to your gear. As an extra precaution, always give someone an itinerary of your hike.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness

Is Walking Enough Physical Activity?

Is Walking Enough Physical Activity?

Clients come to Next Level Fitness in Irvine, CA, for a number of reasons. Some want to learn the art of discipline, others are looking for an outlet and to have some fun, while still another group come specifically to get fit. Getting fit and staying fit comes from engaging in physical activity, but not everyone does it. Whether it’s dancing, walking or doing Muay Thai, you need to move your body to live a longer, healthier life. There’s no question about that. How much exercise do you need to achieve that goal and while something is better than nothing, is walking enough?

If you’re just starting a program of fitness.

While we create programs for people no matter what their level of fitness, some people simply don’t feel comfortable in a formal program of exercise. They want to get into a better shape before they start. Here’s one way walking can help. It can be a way to ease into fitness, without stressing the body too much at first. It’s a tool to start conditioning the body and also a good supplement for a regular fitness program.

Walking won’t provide all types of fitness training.

Walking is excellent cardio exercise and lower body strength, but it does nothing for upper body strength and flexibility. You need all types of fitness. While it’s a good starting point and can help build endurance, it’s just a starting point and supplement. If you’re older or have health issues and limitations, walking can be an important part of your fitness program but building strength and maintaining muscle mass is still important. Even seniors will benefit from the exercise provided walking and can benefit in many ways.

Use walking as a starting point and supplement to a fitness program.

Walking is cheap, easily available and the perfect way for anyone out of shape to start a fitness program. It’s a good supplement to a more formal program. You can go to the gym a few times a week and supplement your workouts with walking, providing a well-rounded program. You won’t get the flexibility training with just walking, nor have the strength building power to help build muscles and maintain bone strength. You need more.

  • Adding other types of exercise to a schedule of walking not only makes your workout more well-rounded, but it also makes exercise more interesting. Learning new skills boosts your brain power and keeps you mentally agile.
  • You can add benefit to your walk by modifying the speed. Vary the speed between high intensity and recovery to create a HIIT workout. Pump your arms vigorously or carry weights, to add to the benefits and burn more calories.
  • Always warm up and cool down when you exercise, even if you’re just walking. Focus on your posture and make sure you hold your head high with your shoulders back. Walk briskly, pace makes a difference.
  • Walking outdoors can provide many benefits, including vitamin D from the sun, but you need to dress appropriately for the weather and take extra safety precautions, including having a friend know your path or track your phone.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness

Fat Loss Benefits Of Plantains

Fat Loss Benefits Of Plantains

Plantains may look like a green or yellow banana on steroids, but they taste quite different from bananas. These 12-inch long banana style fruits taste more like a vegetable than fruit, with a starchy, rather than a sweet taste. While bananas can be eaten raw, plantains need to be cooked no matter what stage of ripeness. Both have a similar nutritional profile, besides looking the same, but plantains are starchy and lower in simple carbs. That’s what makes them good for fat loss, which is one of the benefits of plantains.

You have to eat plantains cooked.

You use plantains much like you’d use potatoes or sweet potatoes and can cook them in a variety of ways. Of course, their weight loss benefits and health benefits will vary, based on how they’re prepared. They contain vitamin C, magnesium, potassium and fiber, which provide health benefits. However, as bananas ripen and go from green to yellow, those complex carbs and resistant starch change. Much of it becomes glucose, which digests quickly. On the other hand, plantains are primarily resistant to starch and other fiber. You’ll feel fuller longer, while feeding the beneficial bacteria in the gut. The microbes in your gut then turn it into short-chain fatty acids.

The resistant starch helps your metabolic health.

Insulin resistance can cause a vicious cycle. If you are overweight, it increases your risk for insulin resistance. However, insulin resistance also makes it harder to lose weight. It’s also the precursor to diabetes. Resistant starch improves insulin sensitivity, keeping your blood sugar levels lower, including after meals. If you eat food with resistant starch in the morning, it will also help prevent a blood sugar spike at lunch.

You’ll lower your risk for diabetes, metabolic syndrome, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and obesity.

When you consume the resistant starch in plantains, it helps you keep your blood sugar low and maintains the feeling of fullness longer. Choosing the unripe–green—plantain, over the yellow—ripe—one is the best choice for weight loss. It offers more dietary fiber and is far lower in sugar. However, you need to eat it boiled, rather than fried. The fried plantain carries with it all the extra calories you’d have with any fried food.

  • Make a healthy stew using plantain. Combine water, sliced unripe plantain, baby spinach, meat, black pepper and other seasoning. Bring to a boil and let cook until meat is thoroughly cooked. It’s excellent for weight loss.
  • Plantains also contain vitamin B6 and vitamin A. Just like bananas, they’re a good source of potassium, so they’re also heart healthy.
  • If you have digestive issues, such as hemorrhoids, diverticulitis or IBS, the fiber in the plantain can help keep your stool softer, preventing constipation. You can use unripe plantains to replace rice.
  • You’ll get a lot of extra antioxidants in your diet if you add plantains to your diet. It is high in vitamin C. Studies show that the lower your vitamin C levels, the more potential there is for cancer and premature aging.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness

Will "Cheat Days" Ruin My Progress?

Will “Cheat Days” Ruin My Progress?

Eating healthy is the key to losing weight. Whole foods are normally lower in calories and higher in nutrition than processed foods, so in most cases, it’s hard to eat too many calories. The caveat is that sometimes you want a sweet treat or a greasy burger. If you go out with friends, it’s hard to resist a New York pizza, burger, wings or cheesecake. Cheat days are meant for those times. While you’re eating more calories, some believe cheat days offer some benefits.

In theory, cheat days help keep your metabolism high.

People who include cheat days as part of their weight loss program justify it as a way to keep their body burning more calories. When you restrict calories and boost calorie burning, your basic metabolism may start to slow to preserve the body. With a planned cheat day, you boost the calorie intake temporarily, so that slowing doesn’t occur. In the long term, that theory hasn’t been proven, but in the short term, cheat days may boost metabolism up to 10% for 24 hours.

Cheat days don’t make you feel deprived and do replace your glycogen stores.

If you’re out for an evening on the town, eating pizza with the gang is almost a must. If you’re dieting and don’t have cheat days, it can spoil the whole evening. In this case, consider cheat meals instead of cheat days. You are given permission mentally and can enjoy the meal but return to your stricter eating plan the next day. That pizza also may have helped your workout by replacing the glycogen stores in your muscles.

Cheat meals can help you stick with a healthier eating plan.

Cheat meals or cheat days can help you stick with a healthier eating program. You aren’t “breaking” your diet, since it’s planned, so you don’t experience that “clean out the refrigerator regret eating” that can sometimes occur. It also helps you plan ahead and stay social. You won’t be poking at a salad while the gang eats a loaded pizza and can join in the fun. Remember, cheat meals should be used sparingly and the longer you stick with the healthy eating plan, the less you’ll probably use them.

  • Don’t overdo on your cheat days or cheat meals. Eat more slowly and savor the flavor of each bite. It gives your stomach a chance to message the brain that it’s full, so you’ll probably eat less.
  • You can’t starve yourself into a better body. Losing weight is all about making smarter decisions when it comes to food. One meal won’t make a huge difference. It’s consistent behavior that changes things.
  • Cheat meals can provide psychological relief for some people. It makes them feel more like they’re changing habits and not giving up everything they love. It can be the key to a healthier lifestyle.
  • If an addiction to sugary treats is your weakness, a cheat meal or cheat day can set you back. It can trigger cravings for a few days after the cheat meal, since sugar tends to be addictive.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness

Major Benefits Of Magnesium

Major Benefits Of Magnesium

One of the top benefits of magnesium is its involvement in all the biochemical reactions in the body. Your body is literally a laboratory where hundreds of chemical reactions are occurring every minute. When you consider every cell in the body contains magnesium, you understand how important it is. Most of the magnesium in the body is in the bone, approximately 60%, with the rest in soft tissue, fluid, such as blood, and muscle tissue. It aids in reactions like creating protein, converting food to energy, repairing RNA and DNA, and regulating the nervous system.

If your blood sugar levels are low in magnesium, it may raise your risk for diabetes.

There’s a correlation between low blood levels of magnesium and the ability to regulate blood sugar levels. One study followed people with type 2 diabetes and found that 48% of them had low blood levels of magnesium. Other studies showed that people who ate foods higher in magnesium lowered their risk of type 2 diabetes significantly. Other studies showed that magnesium supplements also improved insulin sensitivity. Insulin resistance is the precursor of diabetes.

Heart health and anti-inflammatory benefits come from magnesium.

Inflammation can cause a lot of problems throughout the body, including high blood pressure and heart disease. Studies show that taking magnesium supplements can decrease the markers of inflammation. Other studies show a lack of adequate magnesium leads to oxidative stress, another factor that indicates inflammation. Magnesium supplements also help lower blood pressure, which improves heart health and reduces the risk of stroke. The supplements also improved blood cholesterol levels. It can prevent arterial plaque build-up and prevent hardening of the arteries.

Thinning bones and muscle cramps can occur with low magnesium.

Magnesium is important for bone health. A deficiency is associated with an increased risk for osteoporosis and increased bone fractures. Approximately 55% of the body’s magnesium is found in the bone. Signs of magnesium deficiency are muscle cramps, twitches and tremors, since magnesium is involved with cell communication and nerve signals. Remember, your heart is also a muscle and requires a balance of magnesium and calcium to contract and relax to avoid cramping.

  • Magnesium deficiency can affect your mood. It can lead to anxiety, depression, apathy and severe signs including delirium and coma. Magnesium shortage can cause nerve damage, which also may increase mental illness potential.
  • Migraines can occur for a multitude of reasons; one theory is magnesium deficiency. One study found that people with migraines are more likely to also have a magnesium deficiency.
  • Chronic exhaustion and fatigue may occur if you have low magnesium levels. Studies also show it can increase exercise performance and increase power and muscle mass.
  • Improving your magnesium level should include eating food with more magnesium, such as pumpkin seeds, peanuts, almonds, popcorn, dark chocolate and dark leafy greens like spinach.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness

Can Fruit Juice Be Worse Than A Soda?

Can Fruit Juice Be Worse Than A Soda?

Eating healthy is important for clients in Irvine, CA. Eating healthy also includes what you drink. Too often people opt for diet soda, thinking they’re saving calories, or fruit juice that isn’t fresh squeezed. The problem is that choosing those two drinks too often isn’t healthy. You might think you’re doing yourself a big favor if you choose a bottle of apple juice or give your child a fruit juice pouch, but it’s not necessarily true. It may be just fruit flavored, and similar to soft drinks without the fizzle. Even if it’s labeled 100% pure there are often artificial flavor packs added during the processing.

Even if it’s fresh squeezed, fruit juice is missing something that fruit still has.

You may wonder why the fruit is healthy, but the fruit juice isn’t. It’s all about what’s missing, not what’s there. That sweet flavor is fructose, a form of sugar, and it can spike your blood sugar just like the sugar in soda. Fruit has fiber and fiber slows the absorption of the fructose. The sugar in the fruit juice spikes your blood sugar, increases insulin levels and even offsets the promised benefits of the vitamins and minerals it contains. While eating the fruit helps metabolism, just drinking the juice can destroy it.

Read the label.

The label may say the sweetness you taste comes from naturally occurring sugar, but that doesn’t mean it comes from the sugar in the fruit itself. If the juice is cold pressed or squeezed fresh, it’s not as bad as the other types of juice, but still has the potential to spike your blood sugar. One popular fruit drink is cranberry juice. If you’ve ever eaten raw cranberries or cooked cranberries without additional sugar, you’ll understand that the cranberry juice has had a lot added to make it palatable.

Drink healthier. Stick with water, infused water, unsweetened tea or black coffee.

The danger of fruit juices is that you let your guard down. You think you’re doing something healthy for your body, but you’re not if you’re drinking it too often. You’re spiking sugar levels, which spikes insulin levels and can lead to prediabetes. It’s also far easier to consume more orange juice than it is to eat whole oranges. It takes 1 ½ oranges to make a ½ cup of orange juice, and they have the same calories. Most people don’t stop at drinking a half cup. The average large drinking glass people use at home is about 1 ¾ cups. It takes about oranges to make that juice. Would you eat that many oranges?

  • When comparing a coke to orange juice, coke has 8.97 grams of sugar and the same amount of orange juice has 8.4 grams. That’s pretty close. The difference is that orange juice has more nutrients.
  • Both soft drink and fruit juice consumption are linked to type 2 diabetes. Both are closely associated with childhood obesity. Eating fresh fruit isn’t.
  • If you’re looking for a healthier drink, consider infused water, green tea or even coffee. Infused water allows slices of fruit to remain in the water then the fruit is removed. It offers more flavor with few if any calories.
  • The fructose in fruit juice is about half that of soft drinks, but still high. It’s associated with heart, liver and kidney disease, obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes. The average American diet contains 135 grams, compared to 100 years ago when it was just 15 grams.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness

The Connection Between Arthritis And Inflammation

The Connection Between Arthritis And Inflammation

If you have arthritis, inflammation may be the direct cause. The labeling of arthritis is often a description of inflammation of the joints, even though inflammation may not be the reason you have it. Rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and gouty arthritis are examples of arthritis directly caused by inflammation, while the most common form of arthritis, osteoarthritis, doesn’t come from inflammation but obesity, aging and previous injury or damage to the joint.

What type of inflammation causes inflammatory arthritis?

If you have rheumatoid arthritis, your immune system is attacking the lining of your joints, while psoriatic arthritis the immune system attacks both the skin and healthy joints. Arthritis from lupus comes from the lupus affecting the musculoskeletal system, especially the joints. Axial spondylarthritis affects mostly the spine, primarily the joints that connect the spine to the hipbone. Gout comes from uric acid crystals in the joints that trigger inflammation. Juvenile idiopathic arthritis occurs when the immune system attacks healthy joints by mistake.

For inflammatory arthritis, reduce inflammation.

One thing is certain, the food you eat makes a difference. If you have inflammatory arthritis, you may need to change your diet to include less inflammation causing food, such as red or processed meat, such as bacon or luncheon meat. If you still want red meat, opt for grass-fed, pastured options. A study found that a diet that was gluten free and vegetarian also reduced the number of flare-ups. Cutting out sugar can also help reduce inflammation and by doing so, reduce the flare-ups of arthritis. Choose instead food higher in omega-3 fatty acids, which includes grass-fed beef, but also walnuts, salmon and flaxseed. These changes can improve the ratio of omega-6 fatty acid to omega-3, which may reverse the symptoms of arthritis.

Exercise boosts strong anti-inflammatory properties.

While it may seem counterintuitive, exercise can actually reduce inflammation and help reduce the pain from inflammatory arthritis. It helps boost circulation, causes weight loss that can aggravate arthritis and increases the lubrication of the joints. You need to ensure you do low impact exercises, however. Studies have shown that regular exercise increases interleukin-15 in the muscles, which regulates the accumulation of belly fat, which can cause inflammation.

  • Foods that were often blamed for aggravating arthritis included tomato, eggplant, dairy, red meat, salt, sugar, caffeine, eggs, wheat corn and potatoes, among others.
  • New ways of treating inflammatory arthritis include exercise. Physical activity is anti-inflammatory and can boost metabolism.
  • You can include spices to reduce inflammation that are also good for arthritis. Turmeric, ginger and boswellia are examples. Drinking ginger tea or sprinkling turmeric on dishes can help relieve pain.
  • Always check with your health care professionals before you change your diet or start an exercise program to ensure it’s the best route to take. In most cases, your doctor may already have made those suggestions.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness

Eat, Hydrate, Sleep, Repeat

Eat, Hydrate, Sleep, Repeat

No, “eat, hydrate, sleep, repeat” isn’t another movie to rival “Eat Pray Love” that starred Julia Roberts. It should be a mantra for everyone that wants to be healthier. Fitness is more than just going through the motions of exercise. It means you live healthier. Living a healthier lifestyle includes getting adequate sleep, eating a healthier choice of food and hydrating frequently. While most people realize good nutrition is important, adequate sleep and hydration is often an afterthought.

Yes, a healthy diet is where every fitness regimen should start.

You can’t out-exercise a bad diet. When you consider that it would take hours to exercise away the extra calories in a Big Mac Supersized meal, you start to realize that maintaining weight control starts with what you eat. A healthy diet isn’t just about carbs and calories. It’s about good nutrition. Your body needs nutrients to function properly and many of the foods people eat are devoid of that nutrition, just delivering calories. That not only affects your weight, but your hormonal balances, how healthy you are and how well you function.

You might think it’s a badge of honor to burn the candle at both ends, but it’s not.

Your body heals when you sleep, which is important for building muscles. When you workout, it creates microtears in the muscle, which is replaced with stronger tissue, making it bigger and stronger. Another thing occurs when you sleep. It’s the regulation of hormones. If you get too little sleep, it can cause an imbalance. Two hormones that are especially affected are ghrelin—the hunger hormone—and leptin—the hormone that makes you feel full. Lack of sleep causes an increase in ghrelin and a decrease in leptin, so you’ll feel hungrier.

Hydration is key to weight loss and good health.

If you aren’t adequately hydrated, you’ll feel sleepy, have achy joints, poor digestion and even difficulty functioning mentally. Instead of grabbing a cup of coffee to wake you up, try a bottle or glass of water. It can work extremely well. Water not only improves blood volume and circulation, but it can also improve oral hygiene and make you feel fuller if consumed before a meal. Since the body is between 50 to 75% water, it’s easy to understand how important it is.

  • If you don’t like water, try making infused water. Simply add pieces of fruit, herbs or vegetables to water and let it sit in the refrigerator for a few hours. Then remove the fruit, herb or vegetable, leaving just the flavor.
  • Older people are often misdiagnosed with dementia, when in reality, they simply are dehydrated. Headaches and muscle pains are also a sign of mild dehydration. Try drinking a glass of water to see if it helps.
  • Keeping your bedroom cooler, around 60 to 68 degrees, and completely dark, is important for a good night’s sleep. If it’s too warm, it can disturb the REM sleep, which is the first of the various stages of sleep.
  • Eating healthy should be a top priority. In fact, it also helps with getting adequately hydrated, since you get approximately 20% of the fluid you need from the food you eat. If you’re eating fresh fruits and vegetables, it helps hydration.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness

No Scale Lifestyle

No Scale Lifestyle

One of the problems faced by clients in Irvine, CA, and around the world for that matter, is the obsession with weighing themselves when they start a fitness regimen. While weight plays a role in your fitness goals, it’s not all about how much you weigh. If you’re muscular and weigh 120 pounds, you’ll look much thinner than someone with very little muscle mass. That’s because muscle tissue weighs more per cubic inch than fat tissue does, so a pound of muscle tissue can fit in a smaller container—body. Once you understand that weight is just one way to measure progress, you’re on your way to a no scale lifestyle.

Don’t let the scales trick you into getting discouraged or boosting your confidence.

If you’re one of those people that weigh yourself once a day or more or weigh yourself at different times, you won’t get an adequate picture of your progress. You weigh more or less at different times throughout the day, based on a lot of things, including water weight. Your body weight fluctuates for a number of reasons. It can come from hormonal changes throughout the month or even what you ate and the amount of sodium it contained. Those things can make you either feel like you’re not making progress and discourage you or give you false encouragement, even if you didn’t stick with your diet and exercise program.

Measure your body once a week instead.

Taking measurements will give you a better idea of how well you’re doing. If you’re building more muscle, the scales may not show you’re losing weight, but your measurement will show you have less fat. One of the best measurements to show your progress is your circumference around your midsection. That’s where visceral fat collects. It’s deep fat that’s the most dangerous type, since it crowds the organs. When that measurement is smaller, you’re boosting your health and making a great deal of progress toward your fitness goals.

Take a picture, it lasts longer.

Nothing can help you see your progress better than the before, during and after pictures. Getting into shape doesn’t happen overnight. It comes in very small increments. You forget how you looked unless you have a reminder. Take a picture once a month, ensuring you are the same distance from the camera, in the same clothing and it’s taken at the same angle. After the first month, you’ll have a collection to see how much progress you’ve made. It’s useful for those days when you need a boost.

  • Your clothing won’t fit the same way after you’ve made progress, so use that information. Find a pair of jeans that fit uncomfortably tight and use them as your guide. When they fit comfortably or even loose, you’ve accomplished a lot.
  • You shouldn’t ignore your scales completely, but just remember they aren’t that important and use other ways to measure your progress.
  • One simple way to measure progress is to use a tape measure. You can measure your body at key points, like the upper thigh, belly, hips and arms. Depending on your goals, those measurements can be increasing (biceps) or decreasing (hips) to show your progress.
  • Use your vitals to measure your progress. Is your resting heart rate lower? Is your blood pressure lower? What about your fasting glucose rate? Getting fit is more than just looking better, it’s being healthier.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness

The Benefits Of Enzymes

The Benefits Of Enzymes

Most people understand the benefits of enzymes on some level. The most obvious one is that they act as catalysts to encourage a reaction to digesting food. However, there are many different types of enzymes, not all of which are used in digestion and many of which are used in processing food. For the body, its enzymes help break down, oxidize, hydrate and synthesize in the body. In fact, enzymes play a role in 12 systems of the body. While digestion is one of those functions, metabolism, blood pressure control, excretion via the kidneys, blood clotting, controlling the nervous system , wound healing and repair, reproduction, immunity and secretions are some others.

Digestive enzymes are the best known.

Most people understand that people who are lactose intolerant don’t produce the enzyme to digest the sugar in milk, lactase, or produce too little. That enzyme is important for digestion, just like protease is important for digesting peptides and amino acids, amylase breaks down carbs to glucose and lipase is important for digesting fatty acids and glycerol. People who lack digestive enzymes or produce smaller amounts than necessary, like those with lactose intolerance, have difficulty digesting certain foods, causing malabsorption and a great deal of gas.

Digestive enzymes also help break down nucleic acid to improve absorption.

Nucleic acid plays a role in producing a stronger immune system, improved digestion, quicker muscle recovery, reduced oxidative stress and improved metabolism. Metabolism has two parts, anabolism and catabolism. The first, anabolism changes smaller molecules into larger ones, while catabolism breaks down larger molecules to smaller forms. Anabolism is used for growth, survival and storing nutrients for later. Catabolism is necessary for removing toxins and waste from the body by breaking these substances down, so they can be removed in urine or feces. Excess glucose in the blood is also converted to glycogen by an enzyme and stored in the liver. Metabolic enzymes affect storage of energy and its release.

Enzymes play a role in your blood pressure.

Blood pressure is controlled by a hormone called angiotensin. If it’s too low, cells release renin. When that happens a chain reaction occurs, ultimately releasing an enzyme angiotensin-II that constricts vessels and raises blood pressure. If that enzyme is inhibited, people with high blood pressure will see their blood pressure drop.

  • If you’re injured and bleeding, an enzyme called thrombin comes to the rescue. It causes the fibrinogen in the blood to convert to fibrin, which forms clotting strands. Other enzymes aid in absorbing dead tissue and creating new tissue.
  • The nervous system controls all the functions of the body, in part, using neurotransmitters. Once their job is finished, enzymes help break them down so the continuation doesn’t create other problems in the body.
  • Enzymes help in boosting the immune system, even when it’s in your mouth. Not only does the saliva contain enzymes that help digest food, but it also helps kill microbes in the food.
  • Enzymes have become an important part of the food processing industry in the last 35 years. Could these enzymes be affecting our own body’s enzymes and proper functioning? Until that answer is known, eating whole foods is important.

For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness