
Start Some Healthy Habits

Start Some Healthy Habits

You can improve your life when you give up some of your old habits, such as being a total couch potato, and replace them with some healthy habits. Let’s face it, you go through half of the day in a mindless blur, doing the same old thing. It’s time to change that and add a new dimension in your life. Maybe it’s just as simple as climbing the stairs at work rather than taking the elevator or parking in the first parking spot you see and walking into the building rather than driving around the lot for a half hour trying to find a closer place. That small change can help you become fitter.

Be healthier by being more adventurous at mealtime.

Shun the fast foods and start being creative in the kitchen. You don’t have to work hard to achieve healthier. For instance, you can make delicious spaghetti with a squash. Just cut the spaghetti squash in half, rub a little olive oil on it and season it with garlic, salt and pepper. Bake it cut side down and when you take it, it shreds with a fork into yummy spaghetti style strings you can eat plain or with other ingredients. It’s healthier and a lot of fun to introduce to your family. They’ll love it. Eating healthy is an adventure.

Start making movement a goal.

No matter what you do for a living, adding a little more movement to your day can reap rewards. If you work at a desk, try some isometrics to tighten your stomach or just stretch when you get a chance. There are plenty of ways to add more exercise to your day. It doesn’t have to be formal exercise to benefit you. It makes adding a formal exercise program even easier.

Regular exercise becomes addictive. Part of the reason is the hormones the brain sends when you do it. Endorphins and dopamine are two of the feel good hormones that will make you want to go back and exercise more.

When you start healthier habits, you’ll find them so rewarding you’ll start dropping old unhealthy habits and search for more ways to improve your life.

You can prevent serious conditions or make them more manageable when you adopt a healthier lifestyle. High blood pressure, osteoporosis, diabetes and even depression are more easily controlled when you exercise regularly.

Living healthier can help you burn off hormones created by stress and build your self confidence. You’ll walk taller and have more presence. Others will notice and treat you with more respect.

Find Your Endurance

Find Your Endurance

If you think you’ve lost all your get up and go, you can find your endurance again with a little bit of work. While all types of fitness are important, whether it’s flexibility, strength, balance or endurance, stamina and endurance seems to disappear faster than the others. If you’re huffing and puffing after one flight of stairs, you need to work to get back the energy and stamina of your youth. It’s not magic, it’s a labor of love you can have for your body that will reflect in every area of your life.

Exhaustion is no laughing matter.

You might joke about your backside dragging, but it’s really not funny when you don’t have the energy to do everything you want to experience that makes life worth living. You’ll get more out of life the more you work on building back the stamina and endurance you once had, or never had and wish you did. It takes perseverance but is well worth the effort. You’ll be able to do all those things you’ve dreamed about but didn’t have the energy to tackle.

You’ll build more than just endurance when you workout.

Working out and regular exercise does more for you than build strength, endurance and flexibility. It gives you a new lease on life and improves your self image. You’ll see a dramatic change in the way you think about other challenges and be willing to take the risk to achieve other life goals that may have intimidated you previously. Others will notice the change in your demeanor and you’ll notice they treat you with more respect.

You’ll have energy to do more and cut your doctor bills in the process.

Many of the illnesses in today’s society come from inactivity and obesity. In fact, obesity is the number cause of preventable illnesses and death today, surpassing smoking several years ago. When you workout on a regular basis to increase your endurance, you do even more than that. You lengthen the telomeres that protect the chromosomes, stimulate the brain to increase antioxidant production, shed weight, burn off the excess hormones from stress and stimulate the production of hormones that make you feel good.

You can combine a healthy diet with exercise for endurance to shed pounds faster.

You’ll build your self-esteem just by starting a program, consider how great you’ll feel when you start seeing results.

A personal trainer can show you ways to exercise that get faster results.

Your libido will improve as your endurance improves. That’s a good reason to workout as a couple if you have a significant other in your life.

Are You Ready For Permanent Weight Loss

Are You Ready for Permanent Weight Loss

If your goal is to lose weight, then a diet might be right for you. Unfortunately, all diets end, either in successful weight loss or in a chocolate cheesecake at two in the morning and then the weight you lost returns and brings friends with it. Permanent weight loss doesn’t involve dieting, since dieting doesn’t work because they’re restrictive and when they end, you return to your previous pattern of eating that put weight on in the first place. Permanent weight loss comes from making lifestyle changes rather than dieting. The lifestyle changes you make include regularly scheduled exercise, healthier eating habits, plenty of hydration and even adequate sleep. Not only will you lose weight, you’ll be healthier.

Changing eating habits isn’t dieting.

Dieting is restrictive. You have to eat specific foods, such as cabbage soup or starve until even the cat starts looking like a tasty morsel. Eating healthier means making small changing in your eating habits to add up to huge calorie savings and more nutrients. You might even be eating more food more frequently when you eat a healthier diet, so you’ll never feel hungry or deprived. Sometimes the changes are small, like using Greek yogurt to top that baked potato instead of sour cream, sometimes they involve the way you cook—-steamed not fried, please. Eating healthier adds more nutrients to your diet so you’ll be healthier, but cuts back on calories so you’ll be thinner.

Start exercising and make weight loss easier.

Exercise does so many great things for your body. It actually lengthens the ends of the DNA, the telomeres to protect chromosomes and prevent cell death, the cause of disease and signs of aging. It also increases circulation to improve the flow of blood to all parts of the body, including the skin, giving you a healthy glow. It has many more health benefits, but for those trying to lose weight, the main benefit is that it burns calories, while also increasing muscle tissue. Muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue does, so in effect, once you develop it, you’ll be boosting your metabolism.

Combine diet and exercise and you have an arsenal against fat.

Losing weight isn’t a challenging concept, even though actually losing it may be a challenge. You simply burn more calories than you consume. Healthy eating lowers your caloric intake, while exercise burns more calories. You’ll be attacking weight loss on all fronts when you combine these two lifestyle changes.

Not only does healthy eating help you lower your caloric intake, it also helps stabilize blood sugar levels, just as regular exercise does. That means you won’t suffer from sugar peaks and valleys that can cause you to consume anything sweet, from a bowl of ice cream to an entire cake.

Getting adequate sleep is also important when you want to lose weight permanently. Adequate sleep means you won’t be grabbing a candy bar to help keep you awake through the next boring business meeting or keep you going just until the kids get in bed.

Regular exercise can lift your spirits. Often people overeat when they’re depressed and exercise can help lift that depression by stimulating the body to create hormones that make you feel good.

You’ll look slimmer even if you never lose a pound when you exercise properly. Exercising tightens and tones the body, which is why a person who exercises may fit into a size 5/6, while someone weighing the same, but who isn’t in shape may have to buy a 9/10.

Project Muscle Mass

Project Muscle Mass

Not everyone wants to lose weight. In fact, some people have problems gaining it. They constantly look like the before picture with the muscle man being the after one. You don’t have to be intimidated and skinny any longer when you start your own Project Muscle Mass! Building mass isn’t easy, particularly if you have problems just gaining weight. However, a personal trainer can help you with dietary changes and exercise routines that will have you the one being envied by those less fit.

Personal trainers design programs specifically for your needs.

Personal trainers don’t use a cookie cutter approach because fitness problems aren’t all the same. If they were, everyone would either need to lose weight, tighten their backsides or have some other specific problem area. That’s particularly important for those who need to gain weight and muscle mass. You often won’t get much sympathy from overweight or even average sized people who count their calories. When you say you have a problem gaining weight, they give you a glare or sneer, but it is a real problem. A trainer will design a program of diet and exercise specifically to add inches to your biceps and chest with extra pounds of pure muscle in the process.

You’ll learn the right foods to help you gain weight.

You may think those extra candy bars are helping you gain weight, but they may actually be boosting your metabolism. Not everyone’s system works the same and that’s why a personal trainer talks to you first, to see not only how much you eat, but what types of food you eat. Of course, the exercise program also stimulates the appetite and when you feed your body foods that help create muscle tissue, you’ll be building mass and adding healthy weight.

Not all personal trainers guarantee results, but some do.

Don’t be discouraged by the past. Trainers know the body and the best way to achieve the results you want. If you need more convincing, consider using a personal trainer that guarantees results. Not only will that give you peace of mind, it will make you work harder to make sure that if you don’t achieve your goal, it’s not for lack of trying on your part. You’ll have to change your diet, too and the way you exercise, using short intense sessions rather than longer ones with less intensity.

Personal trainers will show you the right times to train. Training two to three times a week allows the muscles to recover and grow bigger.

The types of exercises you do makes a huge difference in your success. Trainers know the right types of exercises that add bulk, while also toning muscle tissue.

Trainers show you the right way to do each exercise to help you avoid injury that can set back your progress for months. Doing any exercise correctly also maximizes the benefits.

Timing your eating and the types of food you eat makes a huge difference in promoting muscle growth.

Stay In Amazing Shape Forever

Stay in Amazing Shape Forever

Everyone has to get older, but not necessarily look older. Making lifestyle changes can keep you looking younger than you really are. Regular exercise and a healthy diet can help you stay in amazing shape forever. You’ll have more bounce in your step and even your skin will look younger than your years say it should. It’s never too late to start either. Changing life habits can’t reverse the past, but it can help your body to do just that. You’ll be amazed at the difference a healthier lifestyle makes.

Exercise stimulates the production of longer telomeres.

You may not have ever heard of telomeres and you’ll probably never see them, but they play an important role in protecting the cells. Just like aglets—the plastic tips on shoelaces—they add protection to help prevent DNA from being damaged, which prevents cell death and damage, the cause of aging and illness. That alone is enough to keep you looking younger, but exercise helps in even more ways.

Exercise stimulates circulation and sends life giving nutrients and oxygen to all cells in the body.

As you exercise, your heart beats faster, speeding blood circulating throughout the body. The blood brings life-giving oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body. That keeps your cells healthier and you looking great. Exercise also builds muscle tissue and burns calories to keep your body weight perfect. You’ll both build and tone muscle tissue, which makes you look marvelous.

A healthy diet provides all the nutrients to keep you in shape.

You don’t have to worry about overeating when you consume a healthy diet. Most people who opt for this lifestyle change find they always feel full and never feel deprived. Not only does a healthy diet provide valuable nutrients to help you stay in shape and younger looking and feeling, it also helps you lose weight without the pain and suffering that can come from dieting. When you combine a healthy diet with regular exercise fat doesn’t have a chance.

As you age, you lose muscle tissue faster. Regular exercise can help prevent that loss and keep you in shape longer.

Part of looking great is feeling great. Exercise stimulates the production of endorphins and burns off hormones created by stress, this can lift your spirits.

You’ll help prevent serious conditions with lifestyle changes, such as diet and a program of regular exercise. Studies show that both of these changes can help prevent heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, high blood pressure and even Alzheimer’s disease.

Not only will you look fantastic, you’ll feel sexier too. A program of regular exercise can boost your sex drive, while also giving you an irresistible appearance.

Consider A Lifestyle Coach

Losing weight or getting back into shape and healthy again can be extremely difficult, whether you’re recuperating from a serious condition or years of inactivity and poor habits. If you’re struggling but going nowhere to solve your problems with health, consider a lifestyle coach and turn around your life, changing years or months of failure into success. A lifestyle or wellness coach doesn’t just show you how to exercise, but looks at your overall health and the decisions you make that affect it. Lifestyle coaches keep in regular contact with you even when you don’t have a scheduled workout. Sometimes personal trainers are also lifestyle coaches.

Teaching you how to make wiser decisions in your dietary intake is part of a wellness lifestyle coaches job.

A wellness or lifestyle coach won’t give you a diet. Following a strict diet doesn’t provide any skills you can use in the future, unless you plan on sticking with it for the rest of your life. Instead, the wellness coach shows you how to choose foods that provide more nutrition, yet fewer calories or how to make the foods you love lower in calories by making substitutions or modifying them, such as open face sandwiches that only use one slice of bread rather than two. Enhancing the nutritional value of foods may come from adding herbs and spices. You’ll learn a new way of eating that is far more filling and satisfying, yet still lower in calories and higher in nutritional value.

Coaches can help you with an exercise program.

Regular exercise is an important part of staying fit, losing weight, staying healthier and feeling younger and more vital. Lifestyle coaches can create workouts that will help you get into shape. They’ll show you exercises of all types, which include those for balance, endurance, strength and flexibility. You’ll learn how to do many different exercises correctly, so you’ll always be armed with an arsenal of routines.

Lifestyle coaches can help you overcome the problem of stress.

Stress triggers hormones that were necessary for the fight or flight reaction when man was still wearing woolly mammoth suits, but that’s not always true today, when running from a sabertooth tiger just isn’t part of anyone’s day. Unfortunately, stress from traffic jams, crying babies and angry bosses still trigger those hormones that can cause damage to the body if they aren’t burned off by physical activity. A lifestyle coach can help you with coping mechanisms, including yoga and meditation, which can calm you before the level of stress escalates.

Lifestyle coaches can be beneficial in helping you quit bad habits, such as smoking, without developing new bad habits to replace them, such as overeating.

You’ll get more from a wellness or lifestyle coach than you could ever receive from other weight loss program.

A lifestyle coach can help you discover triggers that make you overeat or identify habits of eating you do without thinking.

You’ll start to see alternative ways to stay more active throughout the day, such as taking the stairs rather than the elevator or parking at a more distant spot when going shopping, rather than circling the lot for hours to find a closer one.

Safe, Comfortable And Effective Chiropractic Care

Safe, Comfortable and Effective Chiropractic Care

Safe, comfortable and effective chiropractic care can help you improve your workout by relieving pain. Even if you don’t workout, chiropractic care can help you relieve pain that you may have had for years. In fact, since many people find they no longer require pain relief after just a few treatment, you may find you can put your pain pills on the shelf, which is far healthier for you. Both upper and lower back pain are frequently relieved by the use of chiropractic care, but other types of pain can also be helped.

If an accident left you with recurring headaches, shoulder pain, sciatica or pain in your joints, you may benefit from chiropractic care.

Even though many patients who use chiropractic care have had auto or work accidents or sports injuries, the pain can be coming from years of poor posture too. Chiropractors first identify the cause of the pain with x-rays, then start on the best treatment plan that may use specialized machine or physical manipulation to provide relief.

Pain killers don’t address the issue, they simply mask the pain.

No matter how many pain killers you’ve taken, the pain always returns. The problem with most pain killers is that while they relieve pain enough to help you function, they can also can cause damage to other parts of your body when taken for long periods. Aspirin or ibuprofen may seem harmless enough, after all they’re over the counter drugs, but over long periods can eat away at your gut and create ulcerations. Depending on the medication,they even can cause changes to the small intestine that have deleterious effects on nutrient absorption, as well as kidney damage, heart disease and liver damage. Stronger medications for serious pain problems can dull your senses and leave you unable to function. A better solution is to find the cause of the problem and address it.

Many athletes use chiropractic treatments to help them overcome injuries quicker.

Athletes earn their money by being the best they can be on a physical level, so it makes sense, they use treatment that helps them feel better faster and doesn’t do damage to their body, which could affect their income. Many athletes use chiropractic care because it’s safe and yet addresses many of the problems they face quickly.

If you’ve suffered with pain for long periods, with doctors only prescribing pain medication and not doing anything about the problem, investigating chiropractic care might provide a solution.

Chiropractic care is recognized and covered by most insurance companies, as well as workman’s compensation plans.

Chiropractors are often licensed to do other types of treatments, such as Active Release Therapy—ART and Frenzian Treatments, which provide alternative treatment for long standing pain or sudden acute pain.

If you’re looking for a chiropractor for a sports injury, find one that specializes in sports medicine and therapeutic rehab.

How to Properly do Bodyweight Squats

The next video in our new education series called NLF TV!

We have trainer Darren Irving again demonstrating how to properly do a bodyweight squat.

Darren shows the different mistakes commonly seen by his clients when first learning how to do the squat. It’s important to have a good foundation with the squat or else poor form could lead to future injuries when doing this exercise with weight.

Check out the video to learn the important aspects of the bodyweight squat, what a great form squat looks like, and the potential mistakes to avoid.

How to Do Your First Pushup

The first video in our new education series called NLF TV!

In the first episode of NLF TV, our personal trainer, Darren Irving, will be demonstrating two exercises to master in order to be able to do your first pushup.

Darren uses these two pushup progressions to help his clients do his first pushups. Once you can do the two progression exercises, you will be able to do your first pushup no problem (okay maybe with a little sweat).

This foundation should provide you with the ability to do multiple repetitions of pushups and then move on to more difficult pushup exercises.

New Service: Body Sleek Boutique

Body Sleek Boutique is the newest addition to the Next Level Fitness building. Angela Page, owner of Body Sleek Boutique has teamed up with Next Level Fitness and Wellness Center to open its doors behind the bootcamp area.

Endermologie, Body Sleek Boutique’s primary service, is an FDA approved and scientifically researched therapy that helps with the reduction in appearance of cellulite for both women and men. This treatment is highly effective, feels great, and is only 35 minutes long per session. Most people who try endermologie agree that they feel relaxed and fantastic afterwards, and it has the same therapeutic effects as massage therapy, with the added benefit of skin tightening. Anglea was an endermologie client herself for almost 2 years before she learned endermologie. After seeing its success on herself, she was inspired to help others with endermologie therapy, too.

Here is what Body Sleek Boutique offers:


  • FDA approved & scientifically researched
  • Reduces the appearance Cellulite
  • Smooths, Tones, and Tightens skin
  • Detoxifies & Reduces water retention
  • Eases Muscular Aches & Pain
  • Eases Joint Pain
  • Increases Circulation & Lymph Flow (helps with fat loss)
  • Good for Athletes-Shortens recovery time to enhance performance, flexibility, and endurance.

Clients of Next Level Fitness and Wellness Center receive special pricing depending on the package. Please see Angela at Body Sleek Boutique for more details.

Spa Contour Body Wrap with Infrared Heat (Coming Soon)

  • Helps removes toxins
  • Stimulates circulation
  • Improves skin texture

Retail Boutique (Coming Soon)

  • Organic, Vegan skin care line, Mineral Make-up
  • Skin Tightening Serums