Why You Might Feel Shaky After A Workout
If you feel shaky after a workout, you might be concerned that something is wrong with you. In most cases, there’s no need for concern. It’s quite normal and can happen for a number of reasons. Even though most of those reasons shouldn’t alarm you needlessly, there’s no reason to ignore ones that indicate a more serious problem. Learning the common causes is important and can help you avoid the shakiness. When you feel shaky, note any other symptoms that occur at the same time.
Holding your muscles in one position too long or muscle fatigue can be the problem.
The body is amazing. It has built in fail safes, like motor units that are activated for powerful movements and provide additional force. Holding muscles in the same position for a long time will activate them and cause shaking, just like muscle fatigue does. Muscle fatigue is often the most common cause of shaking. In the case of fatigue, it’s the slowing of firing motor units—muscle fibers plus a motor neuron. The more you workout, the more that firing slows and that results in muscle fatigue and shaking. It means you’ve worked those muscles to their maximum potential.
If your blood sugar levels drop, it can cause shaking.
A grueling workout can burn tons of glucose, leaving levels depleted. That can cause hypoglycemia—low blood sugar. It can cause all types of problems besides shakiness, such as fatigue, headache, confusion, weakness, rapid heartbeat and even emotional changes. Some people are extremely irritable when they have low blood sugar and even may explode in anger, even though they aren’t sure why.
What you drink or don’t drink makes a difference.
Dehydration plays a role in whether you shake or not. It keeps the electrolyte balance that is necessary for proper use of muscles and nerves. Sweating too much and not rehydrating can be your problem if you’re shaking, especially if it’s accompanied by fatigue, headache, dizziness or dark urine. While a cup of coffee before a workout can boost your performance, you can get too much of a good thing. Excess caffeine can make you shake, cause rapid heartbeat, dizziness, nausea and even high blood pressure.
- Eating a snack that’s a combination of protein and carbs, both a half hour before working out or right after you workout, can help solve this problem of shakiness. You also need to eat healthy meals post workout.
- Make sure you carry a bottle of water with you at all times and sip on it throughout the workout. You only need sports drinks with electrolytes if you’re doing an intense work out for longer than an hour.
- Allow your muscles to rest after a workout. Don’t try to do too much in a short time. When you’re doing strength training, give your muscles a minimum of one to two days of rest.
- If you have problems with shakiness at other times besides working out, check with your health care specialist to ensure you don’t have a physical problem or health condition.
For more information, contact us today at Next Level Fitness